Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trifecta 2 Sistema De Comercio

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puedes ayudar - por favor, considera inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navegas por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Lo que realmente importa

¿No todos? Por último, usted puede tener el futuro que desea sin la preocupación de lo que mañana va a celebrar para usted financieramente. Golden Trifecta Trading se dedica a ayudarte a lograr todas tus esperanzas y sueños futuros.


2015 Mi nombre es Chad y soy de Austin, Texas. He negociado Spot Forex desde 2005 y E-mini Futures duran tres años. Estaba negociando E-min con una precisión del 60-80%. Era muy difícil ver el comercio ligero por debajo del 80%. Me inscribí con un Golden Trifecta Trading con la esperanza de mejorar a la tasa de 80% más. Puedo hacer fácilmente esos porcentajes ahora usando los indicadores sobre cualquier sistema de comercio anterior anterior que he usado y con el Trifecta de oro que negocia el sistema. Ahora puedo ajustar mis entradas a segundos y mantenerse fuera de un comercio malo cuando los marcos de tiempo inferior no muestran esa dirección. Estoy siempre emocionado de hablar con Golden Trifecta Trading propietario Douglas como él me ha apoyado al 100% a través de mi formación. Además, estoy muy sorprendido de verlo llamar a la dirección del mercado y luego ver como es lo que sucede exactamente. Puedo decir que ha cambiado mi comercio finalmente después de 100 de indicadores, etc. Me siento confiado en mi comercio ahora y en el futuro.

"He estado comerciando 11 años y he visto muchos" gurús "de comercio. Marcos Douglas es un comerciante en una clase de todos los suyos. Una vez Douglas me pidió que defina mi sistema de comercio perfecto. Le dije que la metodología debe mantener las pérdidas y las pequeñas tiradas, Mientras que el rendimiento de los beneficios, además, el porcentaje de ganadores debe ser alto, alrededor del 80%.Además, los indicadores utilizados deben ser capaces de analizar todos los mercados en todos los marcos de tiempo. Douglas dijo que sus indicadores logrado todos estos objetivos así que me inscribí para su Durante varios días, Douglas ofreció lo prometido, me enseñó cómo el cuero cabelludo, el comercio de día, el comercio de swing y el comercio de posición de los futuros Dow, las existencias, las monedas y otros mercados. Hizo esto mediante el análisis de la misma Indicadores en los mismos ajustes para cada mercado, y enfocándome en los marcos de tiempo variables. Nunca he visto algo similar ".

"Ha sido el sistema más desafiante y más gratificante que he mirado, y he mirado muchos sistemas a través de los años. Si usted está dispuesto a poner en el tiempo y el esfuerzo que será recompensado. Con este sistema nunca voy a Tengo que mirar a otro sistema de nuevo. He aprendido a leer el mercado, una habilidad que he estado deseando desarrollar durante años. Doug voluntariamente le da su tiempo y repeticiones sin fin para asegurarse de que usted tiene it. It para siempre agradecido .

Su entusiasmo y pasión por los mercados ha desencadenado lo mismo en mí. Estoy muy agradecido por todo el compartir que nos han dado a todos. Su nivel de habilidad es asombroso y usted nos ha demostrado claramente esto. Eres maravilloso en lo que haces y quiero ser tan bueno como un día. Gracias, gracias, gracias es todo lo que puedo decir. "

"Durante los últimos ocho años de comercio a tiempo completo he asistido a muchos seminarios y he leído más de cien libros sobre el arte de la negociación. He negociado tanto locales e internacionales de acciones, opciones, futuros y Forex. Mis sistemas han incluido mecánica y Los métodos discrecionales y han variado de un plazo más largo a muy corto plazo en la naturaleza. Mis cuentas se han extendido a millones, y se desplomó a los miles. Cada vuelta y vuelta en los mercados cambiantes tuvo una nueva lección y un nuevo comienzo. Algunos Hace dos años, decidí que necesitaba encontrar, o idear, un sistema discrecional simple basado principalmente en la acción de precios, y que siempre había funcionado, y siempre funcionaría, en todos los marcos de tiempo, en todos los mercados. El universo lo tendría, en mi punto más bajo de comercio un muy querido amigo mío tropezó y compartió, lo que era un método relativamente oscuro por un comerciante solitario, que, sin saberlo, contestó a nuestra llamada distante. Lo mejor de todo lo que había aprendido sobre la forma en que se mueven los mercados, y luego le agregó una nueva dimensión, que cambió completamente la forma en que ahora veo los mercados.

La metodología es brillantemente simple, y sorprendentemente precisa, aunque es cierto que requiere disciplina y un poco de tiempo para dominar. Funciona en cualquier marco de tiempo siempre ha, y siempre lo hará. Basta con decir, con muchas gracias y mucho aprecio, que mi búsqueda de mi sistema perfecto por lo menos está ahora completa. "

"Doug entró en mi vida debido a su visión contraria acerca de los mercados que se expresó en un foro público. El desafió años de creencias que nadie podía predecir los mercados. Aceptamos como hecho que nadie sabe lo que sucederá en los mercados, porque Estamos condicionados, pero ¿qué pasa si pudiéramos? El aire de confianza mostrado en su escritura me hizo decir "pero ¿y si dice que va a pasar en el mercado realmente era cierto, no sería simplemente increíble?" Siempre he admirado a aquellos Poco después de conocernos en línea, Doug dijo que el GBP / USD iba a 1.7696 el 11 de octubre de 2005. Hasta el día de hoy he guardado una copia del precio del sitio donde La libra cerró al final de la negociación el 14 de octubre de 2005 en la plataforma de FXCM 1.7696 No hace falta decir que tenía mi atención total ya que el precio estaba a unos 250 pips por debajo de ese precio en el momento en que hizo esa llamada. Visto Doug predecir con antelación con exactitud puntual lo que sucedería en el mercado. Incluso bromeaba que él tenía su propio volante personal en el mercado mientras leía el mercado como si estuviera leyendo un directorio de la calle. (Sería negligente de mí dejar de señalar que Doug ni siquiera comerciar con el mercado de divisas, pero lo leyó a diario para mí, ya que sabía que era mi mercado.)

He estado en los mercados durante varios años y puedo decir con toda honestidad que nunca he conocido a nadie que pueda leer un mercado como Doug.

Cuando conocí por primera vez a Doug, él era un comerciante profesional que trabajaba desde su oficina en una pequeña ciudad de Estados Unidos. No tenía demasiados socios comerciales, sólo comerciaba cuando quería como hacen muchos profesionales. Su pasión por cómo comerciaba era contagiosa. Él me mostró con orgullo los indicadores que había creado como si me estuviera mostrando un recién nacido. La mayoría de las personas que comercian con Elliott Wave le dirán que les encantaría tener un indicador que identifique el final de una Ola 2, para que puedan montar la ola más grande de todas, la Ola 3. Uno de los indicadores creados por Doug Sólo eso, identifica el final de una Ola 2.

Tomo un cierto placer en saber que ayudé coaxial a este comerciante profesional de su oficina para enseñar su método de la onda de Elliott a otras. Doug es un soplo de aire fresco en lo diferente que es como maestro a lo que había experimentado en el pasado ".

"Sin duda este es el mejor sistema que he visto en mis 6 años de comercio. Alrededor de 12 meses atrás asistí a algunos cursos impartidos por Doug. Es la primera vez que alguien ha explicado efectivamente cómo interactúan las fuerzas del mercado y se pueden negociar con El aumento natural y la caída de los precios (Elliott Wave), con la ayuda de algunos indicadores muy inteligentemente diseñados. El sistema de Doug es bueno y el concepto es bastante sencillo, pero esto no significa necesariamente que es fácil. Me tomó mucho tiempo y persistencia En el análisis y el aprendizaje de mis errores para alcanzar el nivel que estoy en el día de hoy. Ningún sistema de comercio es perfecto - pero mediante la aplicación de los indicadores de Doug adecuadamente y pegando a las reglas por lo menos trae las probabilidades a mi favor cuando entro en un comercio. La formación fue una de las mejores decisiones comerciales que he hecho hasta la fecha ".

"Soy el comerciante típico que ha tomado decenas de cursos, leer innumerables libros y frustrantemente gastado más de $ 50.000 en los métodos de aprendizaje de comercio. Aunque de alguna manera todavía no sabía cómo el comercio con una verdadera confianza, hasta que tomé su Golden Trifecta Trading curso Su método es, sin duda, la única manera que he encontrado para leer eficazmente los mercados y establecer los oficios de alta probabilidad. También, su sistema funciona en cualquier mercado y en cualquier momento! Todos hemos escuchado que la demanda antes, pero su sistema Realmente funciona. Gracias a usted, ahora he desarrollado la confianza en la lectura de los gráficos y la espera de buenas operaciones establecidas. No estoy diciendo que su sistema es el santo grial o un broche de presión para aprender. Sin embargo, estoy convencido de que cualquier comerciante serio Dispuesto a pasar el tiempo para aprender su sistema tendrá la capacidad de ser un comerciante rentable para toda la vida. "

Acerca del diseñador

Douglas Hall

Douglas ha viajado por todo el mundo enseñando a unos pocos, muy afortunados, a los individuos la acción de precios en lo que se refiere a The Golden Ratio y Elliott Wave. Él cree que la Onda Elliott no es una teoría, sino el ritmo natural cuando se combina con The Golden Ratio = Phi para reunir toda la imagen del orden natural de la emoción humana a medida que los mercados se negocian.

A través de su tiempo frente a las pantallas de datos descubrió que hay un factor de tiempo cuando los mercados están en tendencia. Combinando "distancia en precio" y "distancia en tiempo", descubrió un concepto muy interesante para manejar sus oficios. Como resultado, cree que ha "Cracked the Code" de los mercados dándole confianza en saber cómo van a desplegarse.

Tener cerca de 30.000 horas de tiempo de pantalla también ha permitido a Douglas desarrollar conceptos que son únicos y no tradicionales en las arenas comerciales. Φ

Preguntas sobre Douglas

¿Qué mercados comercializa Douglas con más frecuencia?

Por lo general el comercio de la DOW mini, pero han comerciado la mayoría de los mercados, incluyendo las monedas, los granos, los metales, los bonos y otros productos básicos también.

¿Cómo las noticias & amp; Fundamentos afectan a su comercio?

En general, voy a mirar los anuncios sólo para mantenerse alejado de cualquier oscilación violenta que puede ocurrir durante un anuncio, pero con la proporción dorada universal los mercados tienden a alinearse con el método Trifecta de Oro.

¿Cuáles son los errores más comunes que ven los comerciantes?

La mayoría de los comerciantes que he visto no son lo suficientemente pacientes. Tienden a over-trade y cuando over-trade tienden para perder. Saber cuándo el comercio o, al igual que importante, cuando no el comercio es un factor enorme, y el uso del método Trifecta de oro ayudará a eliminar esos tipos de problemas.

¿Qué intereses tiene usted fuera de la negociación? ¿Las habilidades o los requisitos mentales se superponen con lo que usted necesita ser un buen comerciante?

Soy un atleta competitivo y mientras no me gusta perder hago lo que sea necesario para ganar. Me siento en el comercio hay una competencia entre mí y los mercados. Posteriormente nombré algunos de mis indicadores y condiciones después de un poco de jerga deportiva.

¿Qué te atrajo al comercio en primer lugar?

La independencia que me dio como padre me ha permitido entrenar a mis hijos en el baloncesto y en el béisbol. También disfruto el tiempo cuando los consigo listos para la escuela y cuando llegan a casa de escuela. Sé que sienten una sensación de seguridad que viene junto con mí siendo un papá en casa.

¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado negociando a tiempo completo?

Mi hermano de vuelta en los años noventa había tomado algunos cursos de comercio. Cuando regresó a su casa estaba entusiasmado con lo que había aprendido y quería introducir el comercio del S & amp; P 500 para mí. A medida que me interesaba más, me convertí en un gran tío que había estado negociando con éxito durante más de 45 años. Él me entrenó y me puso en el camino correcto en la comprensión de la forma en que el mercado se mueve. Le debo una gran gratitud, porque eso me permitió no quedar atrapado en otros métodos tradicionales. Mantuvo mi mente clara e incorrupta, permitiéndome ver el orden natural a diferencia de los métodos anticuados tradicionales.

¿Cuánto tiempo has estado negociando de la manera que eres ahora?

Pues bien, como he dicho antes, al ser entrenado desde el principio por mi pariente, nunca tuve otra forma de leer los mercados. Fue transmitido a mí de dos generaciones de la familia y he tomado sus enseñanzas a nuevos niveles que realzan lo que me enseñaron en el principio de mi carrera comercial donde estoy hoy. El concepto es el mismo, pero más refinado y preciso. Φ

Episodio 59: La Martingala Trifecta & # 8211; También conocido como Steel-Nad Trading

En el episodio provocativo de hoy, Rob Booker entrevista a Ryan Caldwell, un comerciante privado que se queda en casa, que ha estado negociando durante cinco años y tiene una perspectiva polémica sobre teorías de administración del dinero, cubriendo sus operaciones cuando van en contra de él y eligiendo una dirección En el mercado como si él pudiera realmente saber qué manera el mercado va a ir a continuación.

Como Rob y Ryan mirar el sistema de gestión de dinero Martingale, no tenemos ninguna duda de que esta discusión entusiasta despertará las emociones y opiniones de los oyentes The Traders Podcast, así que por favor - por todos los medios - dejar sus pensamientos en la sección de comentarios de este episodio! Únase a la refriega!

Nota: Una metodología comercial Martingala aumentará el tamaño de las operaciones en medio de una racha de pérdidas. Una verdadera metodología de gestión de dinero de Martingala duplicará el tamaño de las operaciones cada vez que haya una pérdida.

Rob recomienda leer más:

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Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.

&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puedes ayudar - por favor, considera inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navegas por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Derby Trifecta 2012: $ 3065.60 Derby Trifecta 2011: $ 3952.40

Este sistema fue diseñado para permitir que el apostador de caballo para golpear la trifecta mediante un simple proceso que implica nada más que una calculadora y una forma de carreras.

No hay prácticamente ningún impedimento que se produce en el Super Sistema. Los principales utilizados para seleccionar los caballos utilizados en la apuesta trifecta se basan en la probabilidad matemática y datos estadísticos que abarcan miles de carreras.

El súper sistema es una guía sencilla que te llevará jugando trifectas ganadoras en ningún momento.

Usted aprenderá las tres claves para trifecta éxito de apuestas:


Solo debes apostar trifectas en ciertas razas. Apostar el tipo equivocado de la raza es igual que escoger el caballo más lento en el campo. No se puede ganar dinero apostando trifectas en carreras donde no se tiene la oportunidad de ganar, o donde los pagos serán demasiado bajos para valer el riesgo. Aprende a apostar las razas correctas y ganar grandes trifectas.


El Trifecta Super System se basa en apostar un caballo clave en una rueda trifecta. Aprenderá cómo seleccionar rápida y fácilmente el caballo de la llave usando un simple cálculo que un alumno de tercer grado podría dominar. Utilizando el método de caballos clave le permitirá construir boletos rentables trifecta.


Después de que usted tenga su caballo de la llave, le demostrarán los pasos fáciles a encontrar los caballos a utilizar en construir su apuesta de la rueda del trifecta. Otro proceso fácil para darle la munición que necesita para golpear consistentemente trifectas utilizando los contendientes más lógicos en cada carrera con la promesa de grandes pagos.


Utilizando el Derby de Kentucky 2011 como guía, verá un proceso paso a paso que muestra cómo se selecciona la trifecta ganadora del Derby.

Por menos que el costo de una forma de carreras, un perro caliente, y un par de cervezas que usted puede aprender el sistema de apuestas trifecta que le convertirá en un ganador trifecta bettor.

Muchos de los sistemas de carreras de caballos que usamos en este sitio, tanto en nuestros sistemas de carreras de caballos GRATIS como en nuestro paquete de lujo, mostraron grandes dividendos y devoluciones cuando se usaron en TRIFECTA y PRIMEROS 4 APUESTAS. TRIFECTA Y LOS PRIMEROS 4 son sólo 2 de los muchos tipos de apuesta a los que a menudo se hace referencia como EXÓTICOS. Los sistemas mostrados en esta página han realizado un BENEFICIO a nivel de participaciones desde el 1 de octubre de 2007 hasta el 30 de marzo de 2013. Recomendamos utilizar la selección principal en cada carrera como una selección destacada en TRIFECTAS y luego usar las primeras 4 líneas de apuestas Como los caballos a la caja en las piernas 2 y 3.

Uno de los principales obstáculos en TRIFECTA y PRIMERO 4 apuestas es el costo que implica realmente ponerlos. Cuantos más caballos necesite en cada carrera, más caros serán los TRIFECTA o PRIMEROS 4. Dado que todos nuestros sistemas están probados para incluir las primeras 4 líneas en el orden de mercado que siempre tendrá por lo menos 3 caballos a la caja en las piernas 2 y 3, pero en la mayoría de las carreras tendrá más de 3 otros caballos en las primeras 4 líneas de apuestas . A veces hasta 6 o 7 caballos no incluyendo nuestra propia selección. El precio de un trifecta con nuestro caballo como un destacado con 3 otros caballos para ejecutar 2 y los mismos 3 caballos para correr tercero costaría $ 6 sólo por 1 unidad. El mismo trifecta boxeo 4 caballos para las piernas 2 y 3 le costará $ 12. 5 caballos y usted busca $ 20 por carrera. 6 caballos en $ 30 dólares una carrera e incluso 7 caballos a veces si es una carrera abierta verdadera en $ 42 una raza. Las apuestas de TRIFECTA pronto pueden ser muy costosas. Especialmente cuando se considera que va a ser mucho más tiempo entre recoge. Si sus sistemas están ganando el 25% del tiempo que apenas apoya al ganador usted tendrá a menudo rastros perdidosos de 8 - 10 razas y por supuesto a menudo algunos más entre los ganadores. Ese mismo sistema sólo podría obtener el TRIFECTA 10 o 12% del tiempo. Recogiendo sólo una vez cada 8 o 10 carreras en lugar de cada 4ª carrera en promedio. Con una tasa de huelga tan baja las posibilidades de que ahora va 15. 20 incluso 30 carreras entre ganar se vuelven más comunes. Las apuestas de TRIFECTA pueden ser un EJERCICIO MUY CARO especialmente cuando empiezas a empezar a menos que tengas mucho nervio y una cuenta de apuestas muy grande.

Para la mayoría de los apostadores el costo de TRIFECTA y PRIMEROS 4 APUESTAS puede probar fácilmente a costoso golpearon una raya perdidosa temprano y su banco que apuesta pronto se extinguirá hacia fuera. Hoy en día hay una manera fácil alrededor del alto costo implicado en TRIFECTA o PRIMEROS 4 APUESTAS. Hoy en día casi todas las agencias de apuestas le permitirá colocar FLEXI TRIFECTAS O FLEXI FIRST 4's. Un trifecta flexi o PRIMERO 4 es igual que un TRIFECTA normal o PRIMERO 4 pero usted lo toma para un porcentaje en vez de la cantidad completa.

Si usted quiere más ingresos, más a menudo, y con menos riesgo, entonces el trifecta del dividendo podría ser su respuesta.

Porque, podría darle:

43% más seguro que las inversiones tradicionales

Los rendimientos actuales promedian 6,8% y

Ganancias superiores al 127%.

El Dividendo Trifecta es un enfoque de tres partes de los dividendos que multiplica la eficacia de cada dólar que invierte.

El plan está diseñado específicamente para personas que quieren jubilarse antes. O, para aquellos que quieren obtener un flujo constante de ingresos extra ahora.

Y, puedo decirle después de gestionar un fondo fiduciario de $ 5 millones para un sin fines de lucro, he sido lanzado cada "sistema de inversión" disponible.

Muchos de los llamados sistemas son complicados y sólo deben ser utilizados por los inversionistas profesionales dispuestos a sentarse delante de sus pantallas de computadora durante horas y horas cada día.

Pero, creo que el Dividendo Trifecta funciona para la gran mayoría de la gente dispuesta a ponerlo en acción.

Andy y Rose P. de Livingston, TX nos dijeron que gracias a este descubrimiento ahora consiguen "sustancialmente más que acciones y opciones comerciales". Y nos dicen que les permite disfrutar de su jubilación como "RVs de tiempo completo". "

Y Judith M. de McHenry, IL compartió con nosotros que durante un período de 3 meses recibió "$ 859.13, $ 494.54 y $ 708.71" gracias a este Discovery

Rob Jenkins obtiene cerca de $ 1,050 por mes gracias al sistema.

Y Cindy Scwhall bolsos alrededor de $ 23.000 cada año.

¿Cómo son estas personas ordinarias generando este tipo de ingresos mes tras mes y año tras año?

En resumen, es gracias a un nuevo enfoque de la inversión.

Es un descubrimiento al que llamo Trifecta del Dividendo.

Una trifecta es una hazaña asombrosa. En las carreras de caballos, sería la selección de los tres mejores caballos. en orden. Antes de que empiece la carrera.

Durante los últimos tres años, en silencio he creado un "dividendo trifecta". Un sistema patentado compuesto de tres tipos diferentes de acciones que pagan dividendos que creo que superarán cualquier otra estrategia de dividendos en el planeta.

Pero no dejes que la palabra dividendos te engañe. Esto va mucho más allá de su plan de dividendos típico o simplemente reinvertir dividendos.

Usted podría haber cobrado 55.688 dólares de valor de los cheques en tan sólo 47 meses

Si hubiera sido parte del grupo original de los participantes de Dividend Trifecta en diciembre de 2009, entonces ya habría recibido más de 1.260 cheques. Eso es 1.260 cheques de pago adicionales que hacer con lo que quiera.

En total, estos pagos ascendieron a más de $ 55,688. Su pago podría ser más o menos como voy a explicar en unos minutos.

Lo que he descubierto a través de este sistema único me ha puesto en una misión para ayudar a otros inversionistas ordinarios realizar el éxito que siempre han soñado en la jubilación.

Éxito que ahora equivale a más de $ 1,339 por mes en ingresos sin esfuerzo basado en nuestra cartera actual. No puede ser una fortuna, pero cuando se tiene en cuenta В sólo se tarda unos 10 minutos al mes В para gestionar la corriente de ingresos, que es bastante bueno.

En resumen, he descubierto una técnica de inversión que no requiere ninguna opción de opciones arriesgadas. Sin venta en corto. Sin sudar la próxima temporada de ganancias trimestrales y. Sin preocuparse por el próximo movimiento de la Fed. Sin embargo, casi garantiza que nunca se quedará sin dinero en la jubilación.

Incluso tenía un inversionista muy bien informado y exitoso dueño de una pequeña empresa me dice: "Ojalá hubiera hecho esto hace 20 años."

Y en un momento, compartiré con usted exactamente cómo funciona The Dividend Trifecta y cómo obtener acceso a un informe especial gratuito que he escrito que explica cómo empezar.

Pero primero, déjame hacerte una pregunta.

¿Es el 0,5% en su dinero realmente justo?

¿Cómo es que usted deposita dinero en su sucursal bancaria local o cooperativa de crédito y sólo recibe el 0,5% de su dinero?

Después de todo, los bancos están prestando ese dinero al pequeño Jimmy en la calle por su primer coche en 2,99% - que es un spread del 600% para el banco.

Y esa joven pareja que se mudó a la vuelta de la esquina, están pagando el 4% en su hipoteca - otro 800% de propagación en su dinero.

Luego está el chico que va a la universidad. Si ella es como la mayoría de los graduados de la universidad, ella estará sentada en una deuda de préstamos estudiantiles de más de $ 25.500 financiados por su banco en 6.8% - un spread de alrededor de 1.300%.

Y entonces, cuando todas estas personas se meten por encima de sus cabezas, el banco les da una tarjeta de crédito en el 14,52% - un spread de 2,900%

Ninguno de los cuales son posibles sin su dinero por cierto.

Pero aquí está el problema: usted no consigue una opinión en quién consigue su dinero o qué lo utilizan para.

Nunca verá su puntaje de crédito y nunca los conocerá y los mirará a los ojos mientras toman su dinero y lo usan para. bien. lo que sea.

Todo lo que se obtiene es lo que equivale a una bofetada en la cara por su "banquero barrio amistoso" que le da un enorme 0,5% - si tienes suerte - para su dinero mientras él bolsillos la diferencia.

Añadir en el aumento del costo de los impuestos, seguros, medicamentos recetados y los gastos de la vida cotidiana como el gas y la tienda de comestibles y tendrá suerte si puede evitar ir hacia atrás.

John Buckingham, director de inversiones de la firma de gestión de fondos AFAM, lo resume muy bien:

"Los fondos del mercado monetario son los equivalentes modernos de los colchones, pagando un promedio de 0.02% en promedio. A esa tasa, su dinero se duplicará cada 3.466 años".

En otras palabras, con el aumento de los costos y la disminución de los rendimientos, В su dinero "seguro" puede no ser tan seguro después de todo.

De hecho, Sarah Bloom Raskin, que sirve como miembro de la Junta de Gobernadores de la Reserva Federal, dice.

"El bajo nivel de las tasas de interés representa una tensión en los hogares que dependen de los ingresos de los activos que devengan intereses, de hecho, el flujo de ingresos por intereses que los hogares ganan en sus ahorros ha disminuido alrededor de un cuarto desde que comenzó la recesión".

- Sarah Bloom Raskin, Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Reserva Federal 1 de marzo de 2012

No son sólo los bancos.

Los bancos no son los únicos que reducen los pagos a ahorristas y jubilados. El propio tío Sam está recortando lo que está dispuesto a dar a los jubilados.

Desde 1983, los aumentos del costo de vida de la Seguridad Social han promediado apenas 3.27% por año. Y en 2010 y 2011, no hubo incrementos. En 2012, obtendrás un ajuste de 3,6% en el costo de vida.

Extraño, ya que el costo real de vida está aumentando en alrededor del 6,2% por año.

¿Qué es un jubilado que hacer?

En este tipo de entorno de bajo rendimiento, millones de inversionistas están recurriendo a inversiones generadoras de ingresos como bonos para complementar sus ingresos.

Pero eso también podría ser un error.

Echa un vistazo a esta tabla:

Los ingresos por bonos han estado en una importante tendencia a la baja durante años. Es una tendencia lo suficientemente larga y fuerte como para ser muy cauteloso al poner todos mis huevos en esa canasta.

En su lugar, necesita un enfoque equilibrado que le da los ingresos y ganancias que desea, pero sin el riesgo de que podría hacer en durante la caída del mercado siguiente.

Y eso nos lleva de nuevo a mi descubrimiento del Trifecta del Dividendo.

Por qué finalmente estoy "haciendo público" con el Trifecta del Dividendo.

Hola, mi nombre es Amy Calistri.

Durante más de 15 años, trabajé en IBM, comenzando como ingeniero de producto en Nueva York antes de trabajar mi camino hasta un analista senior en Texas. Cuando dejé la empresa, fui responsable de un presupuesto anual de $ 129 millones. Eso es mucha presión y muchos números grandes. Me encantó el desafío.

"Ver CNBC puede ser entretenido, pero a menos que te apetezca algún tipo de comerciante de día, no le ayudará a averiguar qué hacer con sus ahorros de la vida. - Carl Richards

También he servido en la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la Sociedad de Mujeres Ingenieras, donde fui responsable de administrar un fondo de inversión de $ 5 millones.

Y de nuevo, me encantaron estas posiciones. Pero me di cuenta, quería ayudar a más personas a descubrir lo que descubrí sobre la inversión.

Fue entonces cuando decidí unirme al equipo de StreetAuthority.

StreetAuthority es una firma de investigación financiera que proporciona orientación y asesoramiento a inversores individuales. En total, más de 2 millones de personas se conectan y leen la investigación gratuita de StreetAuthority cada mes.

Pero lo que es aún más revelador, es que más de 79,000 lectores encuentran su investigación tan valiosa, que de buen grado pagan hasta $ 4,000 para tener acceso a los servicios de investigación premium de StreetAuthority.

Sin embargo, usted probablemente debe saber que no vienen de un pedigrí de inversión clásica. Tengo una licenciatura en Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Columbia y una maestría en Asuntos Públicos de la Universidad de Texas.

Y no he trabajado un día en Wall Street. (Si algo, pienso que no trabajando en Wall Street - que está lleno de conflictos de intereses y avaricia - en realidad puede ayudarle a ser un mejor inversor.)

Aunque soy un ingeniero de comercio, siempre he tenido una habilidad para los mercados. Incluso usé una de mis primeras ganancias de inversión para un pago inicial en mi primera casa cuando tenía sólo 24 años de edad.

Tal vez fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de los mercados - y ayudar a la gente a entenderlos siempre sería una parte de mi vida.

Es por eso que en la década de 1990 perfeccioné mis habilidades de investigación como Consultor Económico Senior con Applied Economics Consulting Group. Allí presté servicios económicos, financieros y de gestión de riesgos en apoyo de litigios comerciales que llevaron al otorgamiento de más de $ 500 millones a un titular de patente de telecomunicaciones.

Eso es importante para usted porque sé cuando una empresa está tratando de cubrir algo - y cómo averiguar la historia real. Eso es algo que la mayoría de los inversores simplemente no tienen el tiempo o la paciencia para descubrir.

Y otra cosa.

Antes de unirme a StreetAuthority, tuve el placer de crear y enseñar cursos de inversión en línea usados ​​por Bloomberg. com y National City Corporation. Algunos de mis artículos de inversión incluso han aparecido en Nasdaq. com y en Google Finance.

El punto de toda esta charla sobre mí no es impresionarte, sino impresionar sobre ti lo apasionado que soy acerca de lo que hago.

Pero no sólo soy yo, sino toda la familia StreetAuthority.

Es por eso que StreetAuthority gasta millones de dólares en investigación cada año y emplea un equipo de expertos en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Como resultado, somos capaces de descubrir oportunidades de inversión raras, rentables y atractivas que no es probable encontrar en ningún otro lugar.

Y los inversores no tienen que preocuparse por una agenda oculta detrás de nuestra investigación. No tenemos ninguna relación de negocios o "acuerdos paralelos" con las compañías que escribimos. A diferencia de algunas empresas financieras, StreetAuthority no recibe ninguna compensación o honorarios promocionales de ninguna de las compañías que cubrimos.

Todo está bien y bien, pero en vez de hablar de mí, ¿por qué no volvemos a la historia?

Así, hace unos años, co-fundador de StreetAuthority Paul Tracy vino a mí con una idea que sonaba casi loco.

Un reto y un cheque de $ 200,000

Usted ve, Pablo descubrió por primera vez el poder de los dividendos casi por accidente. Intentó sistemas comerciales, sistemas informáticos, boletines informativos. Usted lo nombra, lo intentó.

Pero luego una noche en su oficina en Austin, TX se dio cuenta de que estaba generando múltiples "cheques" de muchas de sus inversiones. Y que estas acciones generadoras de efectivo eran las mismas acciones a las que casi nunca prestó atención.

Aquí había estado luchando para gestionar activamente su cartera y el dinero real y las ganancias provenían de lo que era la parte "sin manos" de su cuenta. De hecho, Paul ahora recibe cheques mensuales por un total de $ 4,000 de este enfoque "manos libres".

Así que, hace tres años, Paul me entregó un cheque por $ 200,000. Yo debía usarlo para abrir una cuenta de corretaje y para probar - más allá de la sombra de duda - que un inversionista, como usted, podría comprar e invertir estratégicamente en acciones que pagan dividendos para crear un ingreso de retiro más fuerte.

Pero, él no quería que yo sólo encontrar acciones de dividendos - que es fácil. Quería que creara un sistema.

Paul me desafió a reconstruir la cartera desde cero. Quería ver si podía afinar este descubrimiento.

"Y", agregó, "tiene que estar a salvo, la gente es prudente, como deberían ser, no quieren perder lo que les queda".

Por lo tanto, en los últimos tres años, he estado investigando activamente, investigando, probando y perfeccionando mi estrategia - ahora llamada The Trifecta del Dividendo.

Esta estrategia puede ayudarte a ganar cientos. Incluso miles de dólares cada mes para el resto de su vida - si eres de 28 o 88. si eres un millonario o simplemente empezar. Y si usted tiene un MBA o no se graduó de la escuela secundaria.

¿Cómo puedo saber? Como te dije, he estado estudiando y perfeccionando mi estrategia durante años. Y no sólo en teoría - he estado probándolo con efectivo real. Tengo una cuenta real de corretaje dedicada exclusivamente a esta prueba. Verás un extracto de cuenta reciente en un momento.

Usted ve, todo el mundo aquí en las oficinas StreetAuthority de acuerdo en que es la mejor manera de mostrar que este sistema realmente funciona.

Reverse Engineering El Trifecta de dividendos

Trifecta В (trai'fekta) - n 1. cualquier logro que involucre tres resultados exitosos (fuente: Dictionary. com)

Como mencioné anteriormente, estamos hablando de dividendos. Pero no sólo los dividendos.

Porque simplemente bajar un poco de dinero a los grandes pagadores de dividendos como Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) o Johnson y Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) no es la mejor manera de sacar dinero consistente del mundo del dividendo.

No me malinterpreten, creo que probablemente haría bien en tomar una parte de su dinero "seguro" y ponerlo en algunos de los pagadores de dividendos habituales hablados en los medios de comunicación principales.

Después de todo, los dividendos superan incluso a los índices más amplios tanto en los mercados alcistas como en los bajistas, como se ve en este gráfico:

Ahora que lo pienso, probablemente sea por eso que Jeremy Siegel, también conocido como el Mago de Wharton, dice:

"Los dividendos son el factor crítico que da el borde a la mayoría de las acciones ganadoras en el largo plazo".

Si desea experimentar seguridad real en sus años de jubilación. if you want to practically guarantee you never run out of money in retirement no matter what happens in the economy or in the markets. thenВ there is an even better way .

So, let me show you the three parts of The Dividend Trifecta.

Dividend Trifecta - Part One: Double Digit Yields in a Low Yield World?

The first part of the "Dividend Trifecta" В is focused on theВ highest-yield opportunities В I can find. The yields here start at about 8% and go up from there. Many of these stocks and funds yield 10% or more.

But don't worry, I work hard to avoid unnecessary risk usually associated with high-yield securities.

Perhaps a real example from the current portfolio would be best.

The В Gabelli Multimedia Trust (NYSE: GGT) В has been around since 1994.

The closed-end fund invests in traditional global telecommunications, media and entertainment industries -- along with newer interactive media products and services.

The current quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share provides a hefty annual yield of about 7.7%. Meanwhile, at the time of this writing, the trust was trading at a slight discount to its value.

Overall, the trust holds a nice mix of companies with solid growth potential coupled with some very dependable cash cows.

So there's a pick you could buy tomorrow to start increasing your income. But it's not the only one.

That's why, in just a minute, I'll show you how you can get even more details on this play along with others just like them.

But before I do, let's look at.

Dividend Trifecta - Part Two: Growing Income in a Stalled World

The second part of the trifecta В includes myВ "Fast Dividend Growers." В These stocks areВ increasing dividend payments up to 15% a year В -- making them perfect for you if you want a rising stream of income. and who doesn't with the rising cost of everything in sight.

In 2011, the S&P was up and down. finishing the year flat. But dozens of "Fast Dividend Growers" soundly beat the market for the year. And they did that largely without the same ups and downs that most investors experienced.

The secret to success behind these rare stocks is simple. "Fast Dividend Growers" are dominant companies with stable businesses and strong cash flows that can be depended on to pay -- and increase -- their dividends year after year.

These stocks are pretty rare. Estándar & amp; Poor's has a Dividend Aristocrats Index that's made up of stocks that have increased dividends for 25 years or more. Only 54 stocks made it into the index at last count.

¿Las buenas noticias? There are a number of companies that have consistently raised their dividends for years, but simply haven't made it the full 25 years. В yet.

By my estimates, there are about 100 stocks I'd say fill the bill as a way to grow your income.

And if you buy their shares and let these stocks pay you over the long term, you can earn some enormous dividend yields.

Take a look atВ Magellan Midstream Partners (MMP). .

When I bought Magellan Midstream Partners for myВ Daily PaycheckВ portfolio in February 2010, the master limited partnership paid an annual dividend of $1.42 per share. Trading at a split-adjusted price of roughly $21 per share, any investor could have picked up the stock and locked in a solid 6.7% yield.

However, Magellan Midstream Partners increased its dividend 12 times since then. Today it is paying $2.23 per share. That's a 57.0% dividend increase in just over three years. That gives anyone who bought the company back when I recommended it a 10.6% yield on their original investment.

This company could grow its dividend for years to come. If it sustains its 11% annual dividend growth rate, in 2015 (just over two years from now) the company could pay $2.75 per share in annual dividends. В That's a 13.1% yield on your original 2010 investment .

Meanwhile, from the time I recommended Magellan Midstream Partners until today, the shares have appreciated 202.4% -- including dividends, my subscribers have enjoyed a total return of 262.7%.

Not too bad in a world full of stalled growth. As you'll see once you take a look inside Th e Daily Paycheck'sВ complete portfolio, this is just one of several "Fast Dividend Growers" I'd like to share with you.

But first, before I go any further, let me make sure we're on the same page.

Not Some Pie-In-the-Sky, Get-Rich-Quick System

I want to make one thing clear. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

If you are hoping to use this strategy and in a few days start buying sports cars and going on exotic vacations, then I suggest you look elsewhere.

This is about steadily growing your money in a systematic way without taking on tons of risk.

And the Dividend Trifecta can generate a substantial stream of income each month that can help you secure your financial future.

Let's face it. I'm a baby-boomer. My friends are baby-boomers. And I'm betting many people reading this presentation are as well.

The past decade has seemingly made us fight for retirement with one arm tied behind our backs. Wild swings in the stock market have wiped out trillions in wealth -- I even know many people who refuse to invest anymore!

I can't say that I blame them for being gun-shy. But it's those people who I think are going to benefitВ most В from my Dividend Trifecta strategy.

According to government sources, the average monthly benefit most retirees see is $1,230 .

Using the Dividend Trifecta, I've averaged $1,339 per month during the past year. В That's like getting an extra checkВ fromthat government retirement program.

But unlike the government check that barely keeps up with inflation, your income stream from the Dividend Trifecta strategy can grow larger and larger each month.

If you think this is something that could help your financial position. then keep reading. I'll show you how you can get started with the Dividend Trifecta strategy.

But first, let's finish up with.

Dividend Trifecta - Part Three: Stable Growth in an Unstable World

The final В part of the Dividend Trifecta includes myВ most stable investments . If you're a conservative investor, then these picks could deliver consistent dividends no matter what happens in the market.

TheВ Reaves Utility Income Fund (NYSE: UTG) В is a perfect example of the type of security I love to invest in. This fund owns stakes in dozens of utility stocks throughout the world.

It owns a telecom in New Zealand, energy companies in the United States, and utilities in Brazil.

I can only think of one, maybe two, other places where you can invest in a stable group of monopolistic holdings this broad from all over the planet.

I first bought UTG back in December 2009. At the time, I bought just 190 shares. And back then the stock paid a monthly dividend of $0.115 per share. With my 190 shares, I could expect the position to generate income of $262 per year.

But I've reinvestedВ every cent В I've received into more shares. Today, I own about 329 shares -- about 73% more shares than when I started. At the same time, the fund has raised its dividend nearly 14%.

So while originally I was earning $262 per year in dividends from UTG alone, today I am earning $520 --В a 98% increase in income in just a few short years .

Try getting a 98% raise from your boss or from a government program. It's probably not going to happen.

But with investments like UTG, as well as some of the other stocks I'll tell you about in a moment, increases like this are common.

Add two, three, four or ten of these types of plays together and suddenly, you're beginning to see how these little "paychecks" can add up.

And the real beauty of compounding is that it speeds up as time passes. I love being paid nearly 85% more from an investment, but what's most exciting is that I now own more shares. which means more dividends. which buy me even more shares next month. and the month after. and the month after.

And when you build an entire portfolio of monthly and quarterly dividend payers like UTG, you can see some pretty dramatic results.

Putting It All Together.

So how does all this pan out for you once you start receiving payouts like the ones we've been talking about today?

Consider your typical income portfolio.

It holds a position in a few dividend payers and maybe a fund or two. You get paid occasional dividends, that's for sure. But because you only hold a few positions that pay quarterly dividends, the income you receive is lumpy. It will look something like this.

Yes, some months you'll get lots of income. but with only a few positions paying quarterly dividends, there are months where you won't get much of anything.

Not exactly the best system for those of us that have real expenses every month.

That's where the Dividend Trifecta comes in to play. The goal is to build a high and steady stream of income using three different types of dividend payers.

¿El resultado? A portfolio that pays you in any market multiple times per year.

Even more importantly, these three different types of dividend payers spread out market risk and increase the margin of safety.

This ensures that you earn substantial income month-in and month-out, no matter what's going on in the market.

The chart below shows the monthly income generated over the past year.

The Dividend Trifecta is just one part of a service we callВ The Daily Paycheck .

Imagine if after implementing this strategy you were able to write letters like these:

Annie S. from Zephyr Cove, Nevada told us that she's earning "$2,194 a month" from this method. She says that along with her government benefit of $1,291, she is totaling $3,485 a month, which "covers [her] bottom line monthly expenses."

Vernie R. from Hart, Michigan told us about how she and her husband have now retired from farming. They told us "all together [it] is about $40,000 a year." What's more, "we bought a new car last year and could pay for it."

Gordon P. who lives in Patterson, California, simply told us "I average $1,100 per month."

And Curtis S. of Vancouver, Washington told us "I get about $4,200 per month." After padding his investment account, he told us he is "spending the rest on home improvements, physical precious metals, and helping [his] children through tough times."

These people aren't part of the richest 1%.

They are regular folks just like you who have figured out that anyone can use the strategy to earn a substantial income stream to help pay their monthly bills, fund retirement, or simply grow their wealth month after month and year after year.

I love hearing their stories. Their experience adds to the overwhelming evidence that what I'm about to show you actually works. They also put a much more human face to the numbers. We get to see that these numbers aren't just random figures on a page. They reflect actual cash that people are generating. cash that's truly making their lives better.

$55,688 in Dividends. And Counting

There's only one place on the planet you can get the Dividend Trifecta strategy.

It's only available as part of my investment research service calledВ The Daily Paycheck .

Since I started testing my "Daily Paycheck" strategy, the results have been staggering.

I've collected about 1,260 dividend checks for a total ofВ $55,688 . And in the past year I've earned $16,074. That's an average of $1,339 per month. В

How did I build this portfolio. and how can you do the same thing?

It all starts with the investments you make. As you likely guessed by now, the key is putting your money EXCLUSIVELY in investments that pay you regular dividends.

If a stock or fund doesn't pay me a steady yield, then I don't even give it a second look.

But if this strategy were just about buying a few dividend payers and riding off into the sunset, then it wouldn't be worth talking about. This strategy involvesВ so much more .

That's because if you want to earn the largest monthly income stream possible. then you need to be paid as often as possible.

My goal with my $200,000 portfolio is to invest inВ a basket of stocks В that pay me dividends for every day of the year.

In the past year, I've earned 398 dividend checks -- more than one per day. That's an average ofВ $45.04 in dividends per day.

That might not sound like a lot, butВ I don't think anyone would complain if they were handed a fifty-dollar bill every day of the year .

For example let's take a look at 2012.

Starting in January I receivedВ 28 dividend payments В totalingВ $1,505.76 .

In February I received anotherВ 33 paychecks В forВ $1211.60.

Then in March, В 32 checks В forВ $1,293.74 В arrived.

In April I receivedВ 30В checks В for $ 1,224.81 .

Then in May, В 34 checks В arrived forВ $1,356.65 .

In June, В 33 checks В came in forВ $1,275.05 .

July sawВ 33 checks В come in forВ $1,411.00 .

Then in August, В 34 checks В forВ $1,211.80 В arrived.

In September I receivedВ 31 checks В forВ $1,118.10 .

Keep in mind everything that has happened during this time.

Greece's debt problems dominated the news, sending the world's markets lower.

Gas prices soared.

Rates on CDs and savings accounts have essentially been stuck at zero.

Budget crises here in the United States have caused more turmoil.

The Eurozone continues it's collapse

Asia goes from investment darling to investment wasteland.

But here's the thing.

I have NOT had to watch the market every minute of the day. I do NOT trade in and out of stocks on a daily basis. And I do NOT lose sleep wondering what the stock market or economy is going to do next.

I simply let my portfolio pay me day after day, and earn a steadily rising income stream .

If that sounds good to you, then maybe you're wondering.

How To Create Your Own Dividend Trifecta Portfolio. Starting Today

Of all the features of the Dividend Trifecta method, what I like best is thatВ the results are fully scalable.

In other words, you can start with what you have.

I built my portfolio using $200,000 in actual cash. But what if you don't have that much to invest? Or, what if you're fortunate enough to have much more?

The good news is that I'm convinced this strategy can work for anyone.

For instance, say you have $20,000 to invest. In that case, you can still earn the same income stream on your money as I am, but your payments will simply be a little smaller.

Given that $20,000 is about 10% of the size of my portfolio, you would simply expect about one-tenth the income. That still comes out to about $150 extra income for you each month.

And if you had $400,000 to invest -- double the size of my portfolio -- you can simply multiply the income I'm receiving by two.

To make things easy, I've put together the chart below. It shows how much you could potentially earn given an average yield on your portfolio of as little as 7.2%.

Once you're receiving your steady monthly income stream, you can do what you want with it -- pay bills, go out to eat, buy a new pair of shoes. That's the beauty of earning regular monthly income -- it's there when you need it. And when you don't, reinvest it until you do.

It's Time for YOU to Start Building Your Own Income Stream

As I said earlier, for a couple of years now, I've been testing and tweaking the portfolio with $291,000 of actual cash. Today, that portfolio has grown to more than $267,000, and I'm now earning MORE monthly income than the typical government retirement benefit -- $1,339 per month, to be exact.

Meanwhile, I've done all of this in full view ofВ thousands В of select investors just like you.

You see, I report all of my progress to readers of my monthly research serviceВ The Daily PaycheckВ so they can follow right along with me.

This newsletter is my way of recording my progress as I build a portfolio that pays me for every single day of the year. Each month I provide the latest research on my favorite income ideas, important updates on my real-money portfolio, and news on my holdings.

If you want to follow right along with me, then there's no reason your own income portfolio can't look just like mine. I tell my readers everything I do BEFORE I make any investment.

In fact, you won't just mimic my performance. you might beat it. That's because I give all of my readers a chance to beat me to the punch.

To avoid even the hint of any conflict of interest, after I recommend an investment to my readers, StreetAuthority -- my publisher -- requires me to wait 48 hours before I buy it for my real-money portfolio. And if I buy an investment for my personal account, then I have to waitВ two whole weeks В before I make a move.

So far, the readers following myВ Daily Paycheck В advisory seem to have enjoyed it.

"I have invested right along with Amy from the beginning of the portfolio. After the financial collapse, I vowed to take charge of my own financial future, kicked the financial planner to the curb and couldn't be happier. Amy helped me secure a great income producing investment. I just get so excited to see those payments compounding on their own. I only wish I would have invested more, but since I am just learning, I don't think Amy would be disappointed, she is conservative herself. Thank Amy for holding my hand."

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Mid-Month UpdatesВ -- The stock market never takes a break. That's why between my regular monthly issues, I also send subscribers an update with any new buy or sell recommendations. This way, you're sure to never let an opportunity pass you by.

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The Dividend Trifecta Primer В -- An explanation of our proprietary Dividend Trifecta strategy. It's a unique strategy utilizing three different types of dividend payers. The first В is focused on theВ highest-yield opportunities В I can find. As of this writing, the yields here start at 7.8% and go up to 24.2%. You'll get the complete list the moment you subscribe.

The second В includes myВ fast dividend-growers . These stocks are increasing dividend payments up to 11% a year В -- making them perfect for investors who want a rising stream of income.

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Before you decide to go ahead and give the service a try, I want to tell you about a bonus set of research that comes with your subscription.

Up To Five FREE Bonus Reports To Jump Start Your Portfolio

However, as a way to sweeten the pot even more, I'd like to offer you a shameless bribe for simply tryingВ The Daily Paycheck В service for the next 60 days.

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Take a look at what you'll be getting.

Bonus Report #1: Dividend Blacklist: High Yields You Should Avoid Right Now

Just because a stock sports a high yield doesn't mean you should rush out and buy it. Here, I've identified several income investments -- including one of the highest-yielding dividend payers on the S&P 500 -- I think you should steer clear of.

In this report you'll discover.

Warning flags . how to know if a dividend cut is on the way. Pro secrets to know when to rush and buy, or sell and count your money. Hint: great gains have nothing to do with risk.

This company pays an 8% dividend, but could cost you your shirt. Find out why in section 1.

This company may seem like a great deal. At about $4.70 per share, it is relatively cheap to buy. BUT it is likely to lose a substantial part of its market, and risks losing value and reducing dividend payments.

The sneaky trick companies use to hide the fact that the wolf is at the door. This is the inside track to knowing whether a company's dividend will hold up.

Does the highest yielding stock on the S&P 500 sound like a buy? Why a look under the hood shows this to be a big loser. Could it come back? Yes, but probably not until after it falls.

How your mortgage can tell you which REITs are losers, and how to make sure the loser isn't you!

Avoid this type of REIT no matter how big the dividend. (They're about to fall off the cliff, but you'll never see that in their prospectus. The writing is on the walls, but they're in denial.)

A dividend stock is too good to be true if it uses this unusual source of cash to pay its dividends

When "dividend capture" can work against you. Buying dividends just in time to collect the dividend payment doesn't always work. Find out the case that could cost you.

If any one of these black list stocks are in your portfolio, this report alone could save you thousands of dollars in losses and missed opportunity. It's yours FREE for the asking.

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In this report I'll reveal.

Easiest way to take advantage of the billions spent on advertising each year.

The one fund where return of capital is a good thing. one fund has figured a way to give away its capital, and make enough money from mergers and acquisitions to replace it.

Like to profit from mergers and acquisitions, but hate the risk? This unique fund has found a way to avoid the risk, pulling down paydays, time after time, getting the upside of deals that are all but done, and avoiding the downside of investing in deals based on hope. Now you get double-digit yields without the sky-high risks.

Mexico is set to grow 3.5% this year, and predicted to do the same in 2013. Finally, a safe way to play this rising market.

How Europe's problems have camouflaged the best prospects for growth. and how you can be one of the first to move into this growth-oriented sector. Plus, of course, double-digit dividends.

I'll show you a way to invest in fast-growing emerging markets. AND grab a 10%+ yield.

Bonus Report #3: Amy's Favorite Monthly Dividend Payers

These stocks pay dividends that hit your account every 30 days. instead of every 3 months. My picks in this report include a little-known security that trades fewer than 200,000 shares a day but that boasts a yield of 8%.

In this report you'll finally have the key to unlocking secrets like.

A unique way to buy high-yielding BB debt. but without the risk.

Don't just depend on regular dividends. Demand an extra special distribution. This company routinely says "yes."

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The one pay-day sector no portfolio should be without, and why.

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The relative stability of bonds with the chance to participate in the upside of the stock market? That's whatВ this В fund is designed to provide.

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Access toВ The Daily Paycheck В service is just $99 for a full year (12 issues). A ridiculous bargain when you consider the number of checks you could soon be receiving.

And, if you decide to go ahead and join us for two years (24 issues), we'll throw in two extra В reports.

Bonus Report #4: Lifetime Income Generators: 3 Stocks for a Lifetime of Dividends

I believe you can rely on these three investments for the long-term. They include a company that has raised its dividend 47 times since 1997. another company that pays more than $10 billion a year in dividends. and a fund that's paid monthly distributions for more than 240 consecutive months without missing a payment. (That's more than 20 years!)

In this report, I'll hand you retirement-changing income growers on a silver platter.

Plus as a 2-year subscriber, you'll also get.

Bonus Report #5: The 3 Best Stocks to Start Your Own Daily Paycheck Portfolio

If I were to start my Daily Paycheck portfolio from scratch, then I would buy these three stocks first. These investments pay yields of up to 8%, giving you a head start on earning a solid monthly income stream. If you want to collect a check 365 days a year. This is the report you'll want to read first.

Here's the bottom line.

In a matter of minutes, you could have the ticker symbols to your very own "paycheck" machine.

All you have to do is click the "Join Me Now" button below. Once you do, you'll be taken to a subscriber's enrollment page where you'll choose between a one-year or two-year option -- both backed by our 60-day money back guarantee.

And with either subscription, you get to keep the Bonus reports as our way of saying thanks for trying the service out.

If you don't like it, I won't get my feelings hurt. Simply call our dedicated customer service team before your 60 days is up and we'll send you a full refund. You'll be able to keep all of the in-depth research reports and newsletters you've already received, free of charge.

Always Searching for Your Next Paycheck.

Amy Calistri Chief Investment Strategist, The Daily Paycheck

PD -- Remember, when you sign up for my onlineВ Daily Paycheck В advisory, you have immediate access. You'll receive my latest issue, your in-depth reports, and online access to my entire portfolio of high-yielding ideas right away.

DISCLAIMER: StreetAuthority, LLC is a publisher of financial news and opinions and NOT a securities broker/dealer or an investment advisor. Tu eres responsable de tus propias decisiones de inversión. All information contained in our newsletters or on our web site(s) should be independently verified with the companies mentioned, and readers should always conduct their own research and due diligence and consider obtaining professional advice before making any investment decision. As a condition to accessing StreetAuthority materials and websites, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Use. including without limitation all disclaimers of warranties and limitations on liability contained therein. Owners, employees and writers may hold positions in the securities that are discussed in our newsletters or on our website.

The Trifecta of Trading

If you want to be a winner trading in the long run there are THREE things that you must do. If you do these three things you can not lose in the long term, if you are missing one you will likely not last very long as an active trader. These three simple things work together to keep you profitable in the markets.

#1 You must trade a WINNING method: Your trading system must be valid and profitable through past markets. The best way to win in the markets is to have a method that identifies trends and gives you entries and exits that put the probabilities on your side for winning trades. Many times these systems will have huge winners that pay for all the small losses and make you profitable.

#2 You must manage RISK: Even with a winning system betting too big on one single trade can ruin you when it goes wrong. Betting even 10% or more of your capital on any one trade can ruin your account with 5 straight losses. To really succeed you have to lower your risk to 1% of total capital, this does not mean to trade with 1% of your capital it means to set stop losses and position size carefully so that if you are wrong you will only lose 1% of your account. Even if a real disaster happens you may still only lose 2%. This is how traders survive for the long term through losing periods. A $50,000 account=$500 maximum loss per trade.

#3 You have to have the right MIND SET. To win in trading you must have faith in yourself, your system, and your method. If you are a trend follower you must believe that trend following is the most profitable way to trade, you must believe that your system is a winner because of the back testing you have done on price history or charts based on your rules. You must have faith in yourself to do the right things and remain disciplined. If you lose money you must understand that it is just part of the game and that you will make in back.

If you have these three things, nothing can stop you, if you are missing any of these three things nothing can help you.

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Featured Book


Descripción del producto

Now YOU can experience the power and thrills of WINNING BIG dividends with this exciting new concept in trifecta betting…

TRIFECTA PLUS is not a computer system. You need no special skills nor any knowledge of racing. There’s no handicapping! No form analysis! No ratings! No mathematics! In fact there are just two simple selection rules based on proven ability and this leaves no doubt as to what horses you include in your trifecta combinations. Selections take just a few minutes and all you need is a good formguide. It’s that simple. You can even place your bets in advance. TRIFECTA PLUS takes the chance out of trifecta betting and replaces it with a cool business outlook and BIG dividends.

TRIFECTA PLUS often selects six or seven winning trifectas from the one program and many dead heats. Past results include two dividends in the same race each paying over $3,000. Dividends in excess of a thousand dollars occur almost weekly and payouts of hundreds of dollars are common place. Last year there were 56 dividends over $1,000 paying a total of $104,692.40 and the previous year a similar number returned $96,035.20! The strike rate for winning dividends is over 50%.

TRIFECTA PLUS is not really a system but a systematic businesslike approach that delivers BIG dividends! That’s GUARANTEED! As you can expect with trifecta betting you’ll need capital to start but nothing like what you would need to buy a traditional business. And of course profits have to be offset by outlays, just like in any business. And there will be days when results are disappointing. With perseverance, discipline and a little luck this can offset the losses and progressively build a healthy bank.

But be warned! This is not a racing system in the normal sense. But it’s more than just a selection method. It’s a cleverly devised method of making number combinations work for you. A comprehensive hands on approach encompassing the philosophy and psychology of successful betting. Simple and flexible enough to adapt to your own betting style and with potential to put you up there with the big boys. There’s no secret to it but there is a subtle connection between trifecta betting and the home business.

But don’t expect to make “pocket” money each week. TRIFECTA PLUS is a long term proposition which needs patience and discipline on your part. We can’t guarantee your profits but we can guarantee BIG dividends. You’ll have the basis for a home business PLUS and all the action and excitement you want.

TRIFECTA PLUS is presented in a A4 softcover manual explaining all about trifecta betting and detailing the selection method in full. It includes trifecta statistics, combination tables, a quick reference guide to trifecta combinations, your trifecta action plan, a recommended plan of operation, a staking system that shows you how your bank can snowball in to a small fortune and literally rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years … and our money back guarantee *.

Here’s a brief run-down of what’s involved … each week identify the qualifying races from the formguide and make your selections. Remember, there are only two concise rules so it only takes a few minutes for each meeting. Then place your bets. As the selections are known in advance you have the choice of how and when you bet. Use your telephone account, the Internet or whatever. Telephone betting and the Internet now make it easier and you can do it all in the comfort of your own home. That’s it! Next morning go through the results and see what dividends you collect. Balance them against the stakes outlaid and check your profit or loss for the day. It’s that simple. Over time you can progressively build your bank and get in front!

The big dividends are exciting and they’re guaranteed! But you have to be prepared to take the bad with the good. That means sizeable stakes, low dividends and sometimes watching your bank dwindle until you hit the big ones that could put you well in front. We suggest a minimum operating bank of $2,000. That’s not unreasonable and we make no apologies. It’s simply the nature of trifecta betting. But compare that outlay to buying and setting up a traditional business?

The good news is that it is now much easier for punters to share in those big payouts. With the introduction of Flexi Betting in New South Wales you can now nominate a percentage of a dollar unit as your bet. And if nobody selects a trifecta correctly the dividend pool jackpots. Just imagine the size of that pool!

This makes exotic betting, such as using box trifecta combinations, more accessible to the smaller punter and a very attractive proposition. The TRIFECTA PLUS concept is designed to take advantage of this exciting new betting format and you can start with a much smaller bank than the recommended $2,000. Almost any amount will do, even as little as $20!

The 90s was an exciting era in racing. An age of promise, prosperity and big trifecta dividends. A trend that will continue beyond 2000. Trifecta betting is now the most popular form of betting outside of to win betting and forms about 25% of all TAB sales. The TAB trifecta pools hold billions of dollars each year and most of this is returned to punters as winnings! The promise of huge dividends in return for a small investment is a very attractive proposition for any punter. It’s not surprising then, that trifecta betting has become so popular.

Until recently professional punters have traditionally bet straight out with on-course bookmakers. But the value now offered by trifecta betting is reversing that trend. Just look at this! $28,622.00! $30,536.30! $12,735.10! $19,174.60! These are huge returns for a tiny one dollar investment. Just some of the big trifecta dividends declared in recent times. And there’s more. A dead heat for 3rd in the 1999 Melbourne Cup resulted in two trifecta payouts of $16,906.20 and $11,756.30 in the same race! More recently at Eagle Farm a trifecta produced a massive dividend of $35,356.50! Imagine the power and excitement of these payouts! It’s no wonder many professionals and betting syndicates are turning to trifecta betting. Trifecta betting offers real opportunities to make money from racing. Opportunities just waiting to be exploited by the shrewd punter, an income from racing is now a real option!

Unfortunately, we can’t lay claim to any of those dividends. But here’s some we can credit to TRIFECTA PLUS – $14,043.10, $5,025.40, $5,785.10, $6,726.00, $3,750.20, $4,666.70, $3,170.80, $2,957.60, $4,165.10…and heaps more! In fact, about fifty like that each year! GUARANTEED!1 What a solid foundation for any business? Imagine what you could do those with dividends like that.

These days with the threat of recession, corporate downsizing and high unemployment, many people are abandoning traditional career paths and seeking alternative ways to create income. Racing is one of the few industries where individuals using their own initiative and just a little capital can create independent income. And trifecta betting is the path many choose.

And what a lifestyle! Just what many people dream of. There are few overheads, no customers, no staff, no complaints, just fun and excitement set in a colourful, well regulated industry. You decide your own terms and work when and where you want. From your own home, your mobile phone or in the comfort and luxury of the track…and everything is tax free. What a way to work! It’s the perfect lifestyle … it is attainable … and TRIFECTA PLUS can help get you there!

Obviously, we cannot guarantee your financial success. nobody can do that in any investment or any business venture. And we cannot gurantee that you will make a profit with with TRIFECTA PLUS because we don’t know you or how well you manage money. But we have said the BIG dividends are what count in trifecta betting, we offer this bold guarantee:

“If you do not receive at least 50 dividends over $1,000 in your first year operating as recommended we will refund your money in FULL.” Regardless of how much you have won or lost with other dividends. And you will receive this guarantee* in writing on purchase

That’s fair enough. Some conditions apply and they’re fully explained in the manual but there’s nothing hidden in the small print and rest assured it will be honoured. We simply need to sight documented evidence to support your claim. But remember, because of the uncertainties associated with any investment we cannot accept responsibility for any financial loss.

*The guarantee of fifty dividends a year over $1,000 is applicable only where Trifecta Plus is operated in actual practice as recommend in the manual.

Conditions of purchase: TRIFECTA PLUS is for personal and private use only and purchase is conditional upon the buyer not being at liberty to divulge or make public the principles and concepts contained therein to any person or in any manner whatsoever. Reference to past results in promotional material demonstrates the effectiveness and potential of TRIFECTA PLUS but does not guarantee future results.

Trifecta Trading Llc

Environmental Interest Types:

Hazardous Waste Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators generate: * 100 kilograms or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulate 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or * One kilogram or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulate at any time: * 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or * 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or * 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulate at any time: (1) 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or (2) 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste.

A state registry system that maintains basic identification information for a facility site, including the state master identifier, geographic address, affiliated organizations and contacts, industrial classifications, and linkages to environmental permits and programs.

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. Certain substances are generally excluded from TSCA, including, among others, food, drugs, cosmetics and pesticides. TSCA addresses the production, importation, use, and disposal of specific chemicals including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS), asbestos, radon and lead-based paint.


Trifecta Betting

Trifecta Betting by Kenneth Strong of Predictem. com

Trifecta betting offers even modest bettors a chance at a big score for a minimum outlay of cash. Also known at some tracks as the triactor . the trifecta requires you to pick the first three finishers in a race in exact order. The major attraction of trifecta betting is the possibility of huge payoffs. During the course of a week across North America there are always a few five-figure trifecta payoffs and on racing’s biggest days these payoffs can reach six figures.

A relatively new type of wager when compared to exactas . trifectas, and trifecta betting in particular, are not yet well understood by the betting public. The fact that probable trifecta payoffs are not displayed on the tote board prior to the running of a race leaves the majority of bettors guessing and over-betting combinations that have little chance of actually winning. This combined with lazy handicapping and poor trifecta wagering strategies results in inefficiencies in the trifecta wagering pools that can be much greater than the weaknesses found in the exacta pools.

The inefficiencies in trifecta betting pools are exploited on a daily basis by sharp handicappers who know how to properly structure their trifecta wagers based on probability and profit.

There are four different methods of betting the trifecta – straight trifecta betting, trifecta wheels, trifecta key part wheels and trifecta boxes. The latter trifecta wagering strategy, trifecta boxes, is the most inefficient yet most popular method of betting the trifecta, and the main reason for large inefficiencies in the trifecta wagering pools.


Inefficient Trifecta Wagering Strategies

Trifecta Box Betting

The simplest and most overused method of trifecta betting, trifecta boxes allow you to play multiple trifecta combinations on a single ticket. Offered at most racetracks in denominations as low as $1, a $1 trifecta box of horses 4-5-6 would include six $1 combinations at a cost of $6 and would payoff if the order of finish were 4-5-6, 4-6-5, 5-4-6, 5-6-4, 6-5-4 or 6-4-5.

Trifecta boxes can include as many horses as are in a race. You can box the whole field and play every possible trifecta combination in a race if you like, although this would be an extremely inefficient method of trifecta betting and would almost guarantee a loss over time. Based on the cost of $1 boxes listed below, the payoffs would never allow you to recoup your investment.

To calculate the cost of a trifecta box, multiply the number of horses you would like to box by that number minus one and by that number minus two, and then multiply it by your bet amount.

For example, the cost of a four horse $1 trifecta box would be calculated as follows:

(4 * 3 *2) * $1 = $24 (24 $1 combinations.)

The cost of a five horse $1 trifecta box would be calculated as follows:

(5 * 4 *3) * $1 = $60 (60 $1 combinations.)

Below follow the calculated costs of $1 trifecta boxes:

· $1 trifecta box of 3 horses = 6 possible combinations = $6.

· $1 trifecta box of 4 horses = 24 possible combinations = $24.

· $1 trifecta box of 5 horses = 60 possible combinations = $60.

· $1 trifecta box of 6 horses = 120 possible combinations = $120.

· $1 trifecta box of 7 horses = 210 possible combinations = $210.

· $1 trifecta box of 8 horses = 336 possible combinations = $336.

· $1 trifecta box of 9 horses = 504 possible combinations = $504.

· $1 trifecta box of 10 horses = 720 possible combinations = $720.

Preferred by most bettors due to their simplicity, trifecta boxes are actually the most inefficient method of betting trifectas. They do however require very little mental work while also offering a chance at cashing a ticket for a good payoff. The problem is that all combinations in any given trifecta box do not have an equal chance of winning. This leaves a ton of wasted money in the trifecta betting pools that is there to be had by smart handicappers who structure their bets properly based on probabilities.

For example, in the above scenario, let’s assume you have determined that horse 4 has about a 2-1 chance of winning while horse 5 has a 10-1 chance of winning and horse 6 has a 30-1 chance of winning. Based on your handicapping, the probability of the order of finish being 4-5-6 (2-1, 10-1, 30-1) is greater than probability of the order of finish being 6-5-4 (30-1, 10-1, 2-1). But in a $1 trifecta box you are playing each of these combinations in equal amounts. Would it not be more efficient to bet more on the trifecta combinations that have a higher probability of winning and less on the combinations that have a lower probability of winning?

Of course it would.

Trifecta Wheel Betting Using One Horse as a Key

Slightly more efficient than trifecta box betting, trifecta wheel betting does have its place and can be lucrative on occasions when you believe one or more of the favorites can finish out of the money. It can also be a reasonable option when you have a strong opinion about who will win the race (especially if it is not the favorite), but can’t separate the remaining contenders for second and third. A trifecta wheel allows you to play a horse in one position in combination with all the other horses in the field to finish in the remaining two positions.

For example, in an 8-horse field, a $1 trifecta wheel of 3-All-All (horse three to finish first with the other 7 horses to finish second or third), would result in 42 possible $1 combinations at a cost of $42 and would payoff if horse 3 won the race and any of horses 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 finished second or third. You could also play additional trifecta wheels with the 3 horse wheeled in second or third (All-3-All or All-All-3) for the same cost of $42 each.

To calculate the cost of wheeling one horse in one position (first, second or third) with the remainder of the field to finish in the other two positions, multiply the number of horses in the field minus 1 by the number of horses in the field minus two, and multiply that number by the denomination of your bet. Por ejemplo:

To calculate what it would cost to wheel a horse in one position with ALL in the other two positions in a 6-horse field, you would multiply (5 * 4) * $1 = $20 (20 possible combinations.)

In a 7-horse field, you would multiply (6 * 5) * $1 = $30 (30 possible combinations.)

Below follows the cost of wheeling one horse in one position with ALL remaining horses in the other two positions, based on field size:

· 4 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (3 * 2) * $1 = $6 (6 possible combinations.)

· 5 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (4 * 3) * $1 = $12 (12 possible combinations.)

· 6 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (5 * 4) * $1 = $20 (20 possible combinations.)

· 7 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (6 * 5) * $1 = $30 (30 possible combinations.)

· 8 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (7 * 6) * $1 = $42 (42 possible combinations.)

· 9 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (8 * 7) * $1 = $56 (56 possible combinations.)

· 10 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (9 * 8) * $1 = $72 (72 possible combinations.)

· 11 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (10 * 9) * $1 = $90 (90 possible combinations.)

· 12 horse field $1 trifecta wheel = (11 * 10) * $1 = $110 (110 possible combinations.)

The inherent weakness in wheeling one horse to the field is the fact that if the favorite finishes in the money it will often depress the trifecta payoff to the point where you don’t make a profit. This is especially true with large trifecta wheels.

Additionally, all horses in the race certainly don’t have an equal chance of finishing in the money, but the full wheel bets the same $1 amount on every combination – again resulting in inefficiencies in the trifecta betting pools that smart players can take advantage of.

It is best to play full wheels only when you like a horse who is not the favorite to win, while also having a strong opinion that the first and second favorites will finish out of the money. But there is an even better way to use wheeling to gain a tremendous advantage over the crowd.

Exploiting Weaknesses in the Trifecta Betting Pools for Maximum Profit

Intelligent trifecta bets should be structured to reflect, in your opinion, the most probable outcome of the race, while also covering as many combinations as possible for the smallest outlay of cash. If your opinion of the race is correct, your goal should be to cash much more than just a $1 trifecta ticket - which is what most winning trifecta bettors cash using inefficient and/or expensive boxes and wheels.

For example, in a 10 horse field there are 720 possible combinations, most of which have a very low probability of winning – yet a $1 box of all 10 horses at a cost of $720 basically assumes the probability of all combinations is equal and leaves the bettor with only one winning $1 trifecta ticket regardless of whether longshots or favorites come in. If one or more of the favorites do finish in the money the bettor is almost certain to lose money.

Playing a $1 trifecta wheel of one horse with ALL with ALL in a 10 horse field is more efficient, providing the bettor with 72 of the 720 possible winning combinations, again, each worth only $1 no matter who arrives at the wire. This type of trifecta wheel again assumes that the probabilities of any of the remaining horses finishing in the other two positions are equal – which they are not – and also results in money being wasted on low probability combinations.

One of the major mental blocks to get over when betting the trifecta is thinking that you have to cash a winning trifecta ticket no matter what. Playing large wheels and boxes that cover impossible combinations and result in huge losses just doesn’t make any sense. Do you really care if you miss cashing a trifecta ticket if it pays $42 (and only $21 for your $1 ticket)? Not likely – and certainly not if you’ve just spent $720 or even $72 to collect $21.

The money lost by other bettors on inefficient box and wheel tickets that assume all horses have an equal chance of finishing in the top three positions is the money you want to take out of the betting pools. The most effective way to do this is to structure your trifecta wagers using a combination of key part wheels to ensure maximum coverage of the most probable winning combinations for as little money as possible.

Trifecta Key Part Wheels and Trifecta Straight Bets

Let’s say you think five horses in a 10-horse race have a chance of finishing in the money. You could play a five-horse trifecta box for $60 that would include 60 $1 trifecta combinations, but as we already discussed, that would be inefficient. So consider the following scenarios.

Trifecta Key Part Wheel Scenario 1 – You like one horse to finish first or second

You like five horses, (1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) but you really think horse 2 has an exceptional chance of finishing first or second. Rather than box five horses at a cost of $60 you could play the following.

· $1 trifecta part wheel 2 WITH 1,4,5,6 WITH 1,4,5,6 = 12 $1 combinations = $12.

· $1 trifecta part wheel 1,4,5,6 WITH 2 WITH 1,4,5,6 = 12 $1 combinations = $12.

Total Cash Outlay = $24.

Although the above tickets would not win if horse 2 finished worse than second, you have reduced your total cash outlay by $36 ($24 rather than the $60 it would have cost you for the box) and you still have a great chance of cashing a winning ticket. And if you really have a solid opinion regarding horse 2 as the winner, you could play extra $1 wheels with horse 2 on top, allowing you to cash multiple $1 trifecta tickets, still at a cost of less than the trifecta box.

Trifecta Key Part Wheel Scenario 2 – You like two horses to finish in the top 3 positions

You like five horses, (1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) but you really think horses 2 and 4 have an exceptional chance of finishing in the top three positions. Rather than box five horses at a cost of $60 you could play the following.

& Middot; $1 trifecta part wheel 2,4 WITH 2,4 WITH 1,5,6 = 6 $1 combinations = $6.

& Middot; $1 trifecta part wheel 2,4 WITH 1,5,6 WITH 2,4 = 6 $1 combinations = $6.

& Middot; $1 trifecta part wheel 1,5,6 WITH 2,4 WITH 2,4 = 6 $1 combinations = $6.

Total Cash Outlay = $18.

The above tickets would not win if horse 2 or 4 finished out of the money, but you have already determined based on sound handicapping that horse 2 and 4 have a very high probability of finishing in the top 3 positions. Rather than waste money betting the low probability combinations a five-horse trifecta box would offer for $60, you could use the money you have saved (in this case $60 - $18 = $48) to play additional repeat tickets with your top choices in positions one and two and cash multiple $1 tickets if your are right about the race – while still betting less than the cost of a box.

Trifecta Key Part Wheel Scenario 3 – You like two solid favorites and three longshots

You can’t possibly see any horses getting by the top two favorites, horses 2 and 4 for the first two positions in the trifecta. Your choices for third position, in order of preference, are horses 1, 5, 6.

Rather than box five horses at a cost of $60 you could play the following.

· $10 trifecta part wheel 2,4 WITH 2,4 WITH 1 = 2 $10 combinations = $20.

· $5 trifecta part wheel 2,4 WITH 2,4 WITH 5 = 2 $5 combinations = $10.

· $2 trifecta part wheel 2,4 WITH 2,4 WITH 6 = 2 $2 combinations = $4.

Total Cash Outlay = $34.

The above tickets would not win if horse 2 or 4 finished worse than second, but you have already determined based on sound handicapping that horses 2 and 4 have a very high probability of finishing in the top 2 positions. You have also saved yourself $26 ($60-34) while at the same time creating the possibility of cashing a $10, $5 or $2 trifecta.

In this case you could use the $26 you saved to play repeats of your high probability trifecta tickets or an exacta box of your top two choices.

Trifecta Straight Betting - Scenario 4 – You like three horses in exact order

This strategy is simple and only to be used when you are extremely confident in the order of finish. You like three horses, 1, 2, and 4 to finish in the exact order 2-4-1. Rather than bet a $1 three horse box for $6, you could play a straight $6 trifecta 2-4-1 and cash once again, multiple $1 trifecta tickets – something very few bettors do. If you’re really super confident – you could play a $60 straight trifecta and plan to go out for dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town after you won.

Trifecta Wagering Summary

The only time to waste money on a trifecta box or large trifecta wheel is when you think the two favorites have a very good chance of finishing out of the money. Otherwise, you will lose considerable amounts of money over time with these strategies. If you are completely confused by a race and can’t separate the contenders from the non-contenders, you are better off passing the race – not playing trifecta boxes just so you can cash a ticket at a loss.

If you have a strong opinion about a race, structuring your bets using trifecta key part wheels that are based on probabilities turned up by your handicapping allows you to bet more on your highest probability combinations while also saving you money. Depending on your handicapping, you will likely cash less tickets using trifecta key part wheels – but your profits will be much higher in the long run.

And there’s no better feeling than holding a winning $10 trifecta ticket paying $500, while everyone else in the grandstand has a $1 ticket paying $50 - especially when you got yours for less.

Trifecta betting bragging rights baby!

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The High Tech Trifecta (My Favorite Wired Article of All Time)

Markets are rocking and rolling today, and my planned piece is taking a little more elbow grease than expected… so in lieu of that, I offer you my favorite Wired article of all time .

The High Tech Trifecta is all about the world of high stakes horse racing. As the piece leads off,

They’ve got multimillion-dollar bankrolls, lightning-fast networks, and a probability-crunching system that leaves the odds in the dust. Meet the pari-mutuel fund managers who are redefining horse racing.

The opening lead-in:

Crisscrossing telephone wires snake along the carpeting of Rod Dufficy’s cluttered home office near Hong Kong’s Happy Valley racetrack. Dressed down in baggy black velour sweatpants and a matching gym shirt, Dufficy, 32, sits at a large L-shaped desk, rocking back in his chair and eyeing three computer screens crowded with numbers. He is cramming for a race that begins in 22 minutes, calling up information from an online database and sifting it through a betting-analysis program built into his system. The Australian is one of Hong Kong’s elite breed of super-successful professional gamblers, computer-assisted horse bettors who work in teams and net millions at the races each year. Tonight, however, is not one of Dufficy’s big-money sessions; he is down US$300,000 heading into this race. “I’m going to have a lot of outlay on this next one,” él dice. “Maybe $550,000.”

The piece hints at the obvious trading parallels too:

“Racing is becoming more and more like a stock market model,” says one insider. Horses should be thought of as Dell or Microsoft – their past performances are the equivalent of economic charts.

In future we’ll have much more to say on the deep similarities between global markets and parimutuel betting systems.

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Posted on 11 November 2012

Betting on the Exotics i. e (Quinella, Exacta, Trifectas and First Fours) can be very expensive, it can also be very rewarding when you get a win. The best way to play Exactas, Trifectas and First Fours is definately to box all your selections, that way they can finish up in any order as long as they are in the top 2, 3 or 4 depending on the exotic you have taken.

Flexi Betting is a way of keeping the prices down on exotics. This method is sometimes referred to as percentage betting and is where you bet a smaller amount for the exotic bet and then you get a percentage of the win divident. Aquí hay un ejemplo:

You decide to have a bet in the Cox Plate or the Melbourne Cup (these being larger pool races the exotics in these races generally pay a lot more, for example the 2012 Melbourne Cup Trifecta paid over $50,000 in NSW TAB and the first 4 paid over 1.4+ million on the NSW TOTE.

So here is how we work it out:

You have worked out your best 10 horses to take out the trifecta in the Melbourne Cup. Those 10 horses if you were to box them all equals a total of 720 combinations and for a single $1 this would cost you $720 in total. However the trifecta in 2012 paid $50,000+ but lets say you don’t have a spare $720 ito just bet on a race, maybe you have a spare $72. So you back all of your 10 horses in the Melbourne Cup Trifecta and select the Flexi Betting option. You then put in your total bet amount of $72, you now will receive 10 % of the winning dividend in this case if you would of had Green Moon, Fiorente and Jakkalberry as part of your 10 horses you would receive a little over $5,100 for your initial $72 outlay.

As far as boxing exactas I have never really seen the sense in doing this as it is quite rare to see the exacta pay more than twice what the quinella is paying. I would rather just add an extra unit to the quinella, generally you will come out a considerable amount ahead of boxing the exacta.

Kate McEvoy – First Four Betting System Ebook shows you how to back trifectas and first fours and win using roving bankers and flexi betting. Kate also shows you how Horse Racing Odds are far greater at receiving a dividend than if you were to play the lotto and believe me some of the prices first fours pay you can win just as much as if you were to have been playing the Lotto.

Download your First Four Betting System Ebook here now. A torrent of cash for the winners.

See our Discount on Clickbank on other betting systems.

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Trifecta Betting

By Paul Segar

The trifecta is one of the most popular betting types available on the TAB and can pay some really impressive dividends. This article discusses some common trifecta techniques that can help snare that elusive result or two.



Trifecta betting has been around for a long time now and is one of the most popular betting types available on the TAB. This bet type allows you to capitalize on your skill to not only select first, but second and third in the one bet.

The trifecta in its early days paid very handsomely. Now long gone are the days of the massive overs result and huge dividends in ordinary races. Too many punters in modern racing are using computer programs to stake trifectas and as a result much of the 'fat' has been squeezed from the dividends. Dividends can still pay large four figure payouts, especially when a roughie rolls into the Quinella. The average punter should always have those potential collects on their radar.

This little article covers the popular approaches to trifecta betting along with tips and strategies to snare some nice results.

Los basicos

Trifecta betting is available on any racing event with three or more runners - for horses, harness or greyhounds. Just pick the first three placegetters in the correct order and sit back and collect - sadly not so easy but that is it in a nutshell. There is little more to the basics of the trifecta, but as they say, the devil is in the details.

The simplest trifecta is a single trifecta, e. g. 1 / 2 / 3 taken on one 'ticket'. The term 'ticket' is used in this article but in modern online betting there are no flashing lights or coins dropping when either betting or winning with often little more than a receipt number to show for the wager - your winnings benignly returned to your account some minutes after the event. Still who needs flashing lights after a big collect?

For success in the 1/2/3 trifecta, number one has to win, number two must place second and the number 3 must finish third. Any other combination (viz. 1/3/2, 2/1/3, 2/3/1, 3/1/2, 3/2/1) will leave you, as they say, holding the ticket. Single trifectas are mainly taken in small fields or when staking a series of bets.

Multiple Trifectas

A more usual wager is a multiple trifecta and as the name suggests, is more than one trifecta taken on a single 'ticket'. Some multiple trifectas might be:

1 / 2, 4 / 2, 3, 4 (1 must win then either 2 or 4 can run second with 2,3 or 4 to finish third)

1, 2, 4 / 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 / 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13 (1, 2, or 4 must win and given that, one of the remaining runners must run second and another finish third)

Any combination of runners can be taken for any amount in trifecta betting. There is no need to take any runners in any particular placing and is completely dependent on your skill as a punter to select the runners in the correct order. Generally the best approach for multiple trifectas is to take some runners for first along with further runners for second and third (including the first selections for the other two placing's). Some races do have competitors with that minimal winning chance and so why take them to win? Sure enough one of those meager place chances wins the race and you miss the trifecta - that's racing and you need to be smart to avoid selecting the correct placegetters but still missing the trifecta.

Standout Trifecta

The next obvious wager in this series of trifecta bets is the Standout Trifecta. A standout trifecta puts one runner in as the potential winner combined with a series of other runners for second and third and can be taken as a single wager on the TAB.

Recent changes at the TAB now allows flexi bet on any multiple wager. Effectively any multiple bet can be taken for a fixed dollar amount instead of a unit amount. The following table (and the other tables in this article) shows not only the total combinations but also includes the cost for a $1 unit and the percentage of that bet if taking a $20 flexi bet. Larger or smaller dollar amounts can be taken.

In an eleven horse field, a standout wager taking one runner to win and the field (the other 10 runners) for second and third costs $90 (for a $1 unit) with a $20 flexi bet netting 22% of the $1 wager. Not a bad way to go if you expect a roughie or two in the placing’s (and can pick the winner). The other figures are shown in the table.

A standout bet can be taken with a few selections or the field. A field Standout Trifecta is equivalent to a win bet but will most likely pay different odds – an interesting wager to taken when the potential winner is short priced. So let’s say there’s an odds-on favourite in an eight runner event. The odds-on favourite is paying $1.60 and so a $20 win bet will return $32 for $12 profit. The same $20 flexi-bet standout trifecta will return 48% of the $1 trifecta dividend. The trifecta only has to pay around $66 for the same return making the standout trifecta a real alternative for a better profit margin.

Box Trifectas

The next wager to consider is the ever popular box trifecta. The box trifecta is one of the safest trifectas to take. This bet type takes all combinations of the selected runners on the one 'ticket'. It is a very easy way to bet and can pay quite handsomely (assuming the top three in the market underperform).

If you take a box 3 trifecta and flexi bet for $20 and are successful, you’ll get slightly more than three times the $1 dividend. Nice result if you can pick the placegetters. At the other end of the scale boxing 24 runners will give you only around 0.2% of the final dividend. By the way, the other rule for flexi-betting with the TAB is that a minimum of 1% of the $1 bet total must be wagered for each combined bet. A larger amount therefore needs to be outlaid for box trifectas of 13 or more runners.

Everyone has a wager in the Melbourne Cup, the premier racing event on the Australian horse racing calendar. For slightly more than $100 you can box all the runners in the 24 horse maximum field and guarantee yourself around 1% of the final dividend. The beauty of a field trifecta is you’ll get a collect. The box 24 trifecta however must pay more than $12,144 for you to make a profit. Possible, but unlikely. For a little more than $100 however you can tell your friends you picked the Melbourne Cup trifecta (even if it does result in perhaps 70% loss) – just leave out the part about boxing the field. Purchase a copy of the book Horse Racing D Thru’ M for more information on selecting the Melbourne Cup trifecta.

While you’re at it, why not for that $100, box the field in the Caulfield Cup (18 runners for about 2% of the final dividend) and the Cox Plate (14 runners for almost 5% of the dividend). Anyone would be impressed by a punter that was able to get the Caulfield Cup, Melbourne Cup and Cox Plate trifectas, all in the same year!

So why is a box trifecta a safe bet? There are no safe bets and there is no certainty in racing, rule number one. Safety is inbuilt simply by taking all possible combinations and not missing a collect if the wrong horse wins or runs second or some other tricky combination of your numbers. Pick the three placegetters and you get a collect. Say you like runners 1 3 5 7 and you decide to take 1 and 3 to win and couple up the bet with numbers 5 and 7 for second and third. Sure enough the race runs and number 7 wins from 3 and 1. The correct runners were selected but in the wrong order. Boxing the four runners will eliminate this potential error. Of course it costs more but that is life – certainty does cost more (well at least more certainty).

Roving Banker Trifectas

The next trifecta type to consider is the Roving Banker. A Roving Banker Trifecta can be taken as one bet on a single ticket. At least one horse is taken as the banker with some combinations to fill the other places. The wager is successful if the banker or bankers finish in the first three along with one or two of the other selections filling the other placing’s.

One Banker Roving Banker All the following comments apply when taking one runner as the banker with a series of other runners.

Example: Number 1 is to be taken as the banker with numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as the other selections. The roving banker effectively takes the hassle out of placing the bet and includes three multiple trifectas on the one ticket:

1 / 2,3,4,5,6 / 2,3,4,5,6

2,3,4,5,6 / 1 / 2,3,4,5,6

2,3,4,5,6 / 2,3,4,5,6 / 1

Coupling one runner as the banker along with 5 others (which is a total of 6 runners from the table) will cost $60 for a $1 stake with a $20 flexi bet collecting around 33% of the final dividend.

The one runner roving banker is a great bet if that single selection appeals as a likely placegetter but maybe not winning (a standout trifecta may be more profitable if the selection appeals as the winner). A series of runners or the field can be taken to complete the trifecta and again will be successful if the banker places along with two of your other selections.

Taking the field in a one banker roving banker trifecta is equivalent to a place bet on that same selection but again will pay different odds. Unlike the place bet, the odds will be unknown before the race. For example, you like a runner that is paying even money for the place ($2) and plan to bet $20 to place. In an eleven runner field, the same $20 flexi-bet on a one runner roving banker trifecta will yield slightly more than 7% of the trifecta dividend (see the table).

So where is the breakeven point? When is it better to take a trifecta and when is it better to take a place bet? The final column in the previous table shows the minimum trifecta dividend for the same even money payout. A $20 place bet at $2 will return $40. A $20 flexi bet one banker roving banker trifecta in an eleven runner field has to pay $540 to pay the same return as that place bet. So the race runs, your even money place bet runs second with the favourite winning and the second favourite running third – the trifecta still pays a healthy $160 – you only get a return of around $12 and actually lose $8. Instead of collecting $40 from the place bet, the return is only $12. At the other end of the scale, the even money placegetter runs second with a $51 winner and a $34 third placegetter. The 7% return is then perhaps $300. The same roving banker trifecta in a 24 horse field has to pay $3,036 to get the same double your money return.

Just for interest consider the same calculations for a $1.30 place chance. When banking on a $1.30 placegetter, the trifecta in the eleven runner field must pay around $350 to be equivalent to a $20 place bet (that is to return $26 in total). As can be seen from these examples, sometimes a place bet is more profitable than a field trifecta, sometimes not. It all depends on the runners in the race and how successfully you’ve calculated the likely result.

The strength of the one banker roving banker trifecta is that only one placegetter needs to be taken and can be coupled with the field. The weakness when taking many runners is the high cost.

Two Banker Roving Banker Trifecta A two banker roving banker trifecta requires the two bankers to finish in the placing’s along with one of the other selections to fill the missing placing. The following table shows combinations for the two banker roving banker trifecta.

Two Roving Banker Trifectas

The two bankers must finish in the placing’s along with one of the other non-banker selections to successfully complete the trifecta. This is another useful wager when two runners looks fairly certain to finish in the placing’s and is a cheaper way of taking a trifecta. In the same eleven runner field, the two banker trifecta yields 37% of the final trifecta dividend (compared with only 7% for the one banker trifecta).

The main problem with the two banker roving banker, as with most wagers, is picking the two placegetters.

A two banker roving banker trifecta with the field is equivalent to a Duet bet on the two banker selections.

Quinella Field for Third Trifecta

The final trifecta technique discussed in this article is the Quinella Field for Third. As the name suggests the Quinella Field for Third consists of taking two runners for first and second and then a series of runners for third. The Quinella requires the two runners to finish first and second in no particular order. This trifecta extends the Quinella to include a third runner with, hopefully, the option of a massive collect. Successfully select the Quinella in an 11 runner event and the field for 3rd will give 91% of the trifecta dividend for a $20 flexi-bet. Other combinations are covered in the table.

Once again it is a matter of choice as to which is a more effective wager. $20 on the Quinella or taking the Quinella Field for Third Trifecta.

Imagine a race with 11 runners again with the Quinella set to pay $20 for a $1 dividend. Betting $20 on the Quinella will return $400 and is a nice result. The same $20 bet as a flexi bet Quinella Field for Third Trifecta will return 37% of the trifecta $1 dividend. The trifecta has to pay more than $1080 to give the same return. Almost certainly taking the $20 Quinella in this example is a more profitable bet. At the other end of the scale, the likely result is the favourite beating the second favourite with the Quinella only paying around $4. The same $20 bet on the Quinella will return $80 and given the 37% for the trifecta dividend must pay over $210. The Quinella again appeals as a better wager. For completeness, the following table outlines costs for this bet type.

Quinella Field for 3rd Trifecta

$1,000 in Free Bets

There are plenty of bookmakers offering free bets on the 2015 Melbourne Cup and it is not hard to sign up with several of these bookmakers. We show you how to get over $1,000 in Free Bets on the 2015 Melbourne Cup.

Sportsbet offer free bets on Group 1 races which includes the 2015 Melbourne Cup and all you have to do to get a free $25 bet on the Melbourne Cup is deposit $10 into your Sportsbet account before Tuesday 3rd 2015.

Now I am not sure if Tom Waterhouse will be running his $25 Million Melbourne Cup First 10 this year but last year this actually didn’t look like a great bet to me. In fact I think I would of rathered open an Oz Lotteries account and deposited $10 into that and got myself a few $2 lucky lotteries. If you follow the $2 lucky lotteries you will see one lucky punter actually hit the jackpot last week and cashed in a whopping $10,015,000 in Lucky Lotteries Super Jackpot draw 10026. The ticket if you would like to know was sold at AK Newstalk, Shop 1004,Westpoint in Blacktown. As for the Tom Waterhouse $25 Million Melbourne Cup bet… let’s just stay I won’t be having a bet in this one.

Now we also have Betfair who if you have not signed up with yet offer $150 in cash bets however there is a little catch with this one. That is that you must deposit $50. Which although might be a little catch to get that $150 in cash bets is actually not a bad one. This now opens you up to have a bet on a horse in the cup and then save a bit of money for the exotics like the trifectas and first fours. For this one I suggest you check out our page on Flexi Betting in the 2015 Melbourne Cup .

Luxbet who are backed by Tapcorp are still also running a similar betting strategy to Betfair in that they are offering $150 in cash bets on top of the initital $50 you must deposit. You must use the Luxbet promo page however to get this bet.

Crownbet are offering a $650 Free bet as well but you will need to deposit $500 to get that $650 free bet. So in total you will have $1150 for Melbourne Cup Day. They also have the double deposit for new customers where they will match your deposit up to $1,000.

You will notice that I haven’t included any affiliate links or direct links to these betting agencies and bookmakers. There is a reason for that and that is that I choose not to be affiliated with any of these agencies as I want to give my subscribers an unbiased report into what each of the betting companies are offering and not just what would pay me the largest commission when you place a bet with them. Be careful of websites who are linking directly to the sites as they are most probably linking to get a commission and don’t have any interest in actually getting you a great deal on the Melbourne Cup.

Posted on 11 November 2012

Betting on the Exotics i. e (Quinella, Exacta, Trifectas and First Fours) can be very expensive, it can also be very rewarding when you get a win. The best way to play Exactas, Trifectas and First Fours is definately to box all your selections, that way they can finish up in any order as long as they are in the top 2, 3 or 4 depending on the exotic you have taken.

Flexi Betting is a way of keeping the prices down on exotics. This method is sometimes referred to as percentage betting and is where you bet a smaller amount for the exotic bet and then you get a percentage of the win divident. Aquí hay un ejemplo:

You decide to have a bet in the Cox Plate or the Melbourne Cup (these being larger pool races the exotics in these races generally pay a lot more, for example the 2012 Melbourne Cup Trifecta paid over $50,000 in NSW TAB and the first 4 paid over 1.4+ million on the NSW TOTE.

So here is how we work it out:

You have worked out your best 10 horses to take out the trifecta in the Melbourne Cup. Those 10 horses if you were to box them all equals a total of 720 combinations and for a single $1 this would cost you $720 in total. However the trifecta in 2012 paid $50,000+ but lets say you don’t have a spare $720 ito just bet on a race, maybe you have a spare $72. So you back all of your 10 horses in the Melbourne Cup Trifecta and select the Flexi Betting option. You then put in your total bet amount of $72, you now will receive 10 % of the winning dividend in this case if you would of had Green Moon, Fiorente and Jakkalberry as part of your 10 horses you would receive a little over $5,100 for your initial $72 outlay.

As far as boxing exactas I have never really seen the sense in doing this as it is quite rare to see the exacta pay more than twice what the quinella is paying. I would rather just add an extra unit to the quinella, generally you will come out a considerable amount ahead of boxing the exacta.

Kate McEvoy – First Four Betting System Ebook shows you how to back trifectas and first fours and win using roving bankers and flexi betting. Kate also shows you how Horse Racing Odds are far greater at receiving a dividend than if you were to play the lotto and believe me some of the prices first fours pay you can win just as much as if you were to have been playing the Lotto.

Download your First Four Betting System Ebook here now. A torrent of cash for the winners.

See our Discount on Clickbank on other betting systems.

Posted on 31 October 2011

We have looked at the form, watched the previous runs on all of the Melbourne Cup Runners for 2011 and have come up with our Top 3 Horses in The Melbourne Cup which are:

Americain which is currently @ $4.40 Americain has already won a Melbourne Cup in 2010, he also won the Moonee Valley Cup. With a proven run over the 3200 metres previous he has a great chances of back to back wins even carrying the 58 kgs.

Dunaden which is currently @ $8.00 Dunaden won the Geelong Cup for 2011 which is the same race that Americain won last year before taking out the Melbourne Cup win. He looks set to make a big appearance in this years Melbourne Cup and should handle the 3200 metres very well.

Niwot which is currently @ $31.00 Niwot comes from the John Hawkes racing stable who is one of the best trainers in this country and he also has Dean Yendall riding him in the Melbourne Cup this year. Dean Yendall rode more winners in Australia last season than any other jockey. He is very capable of the 3200 metres and with the small amount of weight this horse has to carry is a excellent chance.

Since betting opened on August 5th 2011 24% of the betting has been for Americain but in recent days Niwot has taken 9% of the betting market.

For your Melbourne Cup Trifectas I would take the following 5 horses and combine all combinations either outright for a full betting unit or as a flexi trifecta. Those horses are Americain, Dunaden, Niwot, Jukebox Jury and Lucas Cranach.

Want a Betting System that showed a $6,000 PROFIT in just 90 days? Haga clic aquí.

Horse Racing News Comments Off on Melbourne Cup Tips 2011 – Results and Best Trifecta Combo

Trifecta 6

1) 27+ High-quality lessons to teach you a complete trading strategy, step by step, simply and easily - so you can quickly start trading the system (you can be up and running and trading in a few hours),

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3) A trading robot so you can run the system while you sleep, work, and spend time doing the things you love,

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5) Lifetime access too all videos and recordings and lessons, so that you can come back and review the system anytime,

6). and a no questions asked, money back guarantee.

Cotizaciones de acciones en este artículo:

If you use a trend-following approach to trading, this has not been an easy market. We had a particularly good example of how challenging it can be with the ugly close last night making it look like overhead resistance had kicked in and a pullback was gaining traction. Of course, that set the stage for a gap-up open today instead, as friendly central bankers in China and positive action in oil enticed buyers. It probably doesn't hurt that it is the first day of a new month, which usually results in some inflows into retirement accounts.

While catching market direction is difficult, what has been even more challenging lately is putting cash to work. There are always a few trades, but building long-term positions is particularly hard for traders that use trend-following and focus on chart setups.

Trend-followers will always lag in bounces after a major technical breakdown like the one we had in January and February. It takes a while for trends to develop. It is too dangerous to be too trusting too fast, which is why the propensity of the market to make V-shaped moves drives so many people crazy.

There is no easy solution; we simply have to keep digging through the charts. To that end, I added positions today in Mitek Systems (MITK) and Quotient Technology (QUOT), not because I'm confident in market direction, but because I like the chart setups.

I continue to feel we are going to see trading-range action develop further but, for now, it has a positive bias. In a trading range we have much greater opportunity to buy dips and it helps the charts develop as well.

I believe that we are much less likely to have V-shaped moves due to waning confidence in central banks. If that is the case, it makes individual stock picking more important, which can be a refreshing change for traders who like digging for charts.

Obtenga una alerta por correo electrónico cada vez que escriba un artículo para Real Money. Haga clic en el "+ Siga" junto a mi byline a este artículo.

At the time of publication, Rev Shark was long MITK and QUOT, although positions may change at any time.

Alertas de Acción PLUS

El Gerente de Cartera Jim Cramer y el Director de Investigación Jack Mohr revelan sus tácticas de inversión al tiempo que dan aviso previo antes de cada operación.

Características del producto:

Cartera de $ 2,5 millones

Enfoque de grandes capitales y dividendos

Alertas comerciales de Cramer

Arreglos semanales

Dinero Real Pro

Todo de dinero real. Además de 15 más de las mentes más agudas de Wall Street, que aportan ideas negociables, una mirada comprensiva al mercado y análisis fundamentales y técnicos.

Características del producto:

Dinero Real + Doug Kass más 15 más Pros de Wall Street

Comentarios y noticias intradía

Ideas de negociación ultra-accionables

Acciones de Trifecta

Trifecta Stocks analiza más de 4.000 acciones semanales para encontrar la élite 1% de las acciones que pasan rigurosas pruebas cuantitativas, fundamentales y técnicas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Alertas comerciales

Recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Acciones menores de $ 10

David Peltier descubre las acciones de bajo dólar con potencial de alza grave que están volando bajo el radar de Wall Street.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Stocks que negocian debajo de $ 10

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Quant Ratings

Acceda a la herramienta que domina el Russell 2000 y el S & P 500.

Características del producto:

Comprar, mantener o vender recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Un cribador de stock personalizado

Actualizar / reducir alertas

Asesor de Acciones de Dividendos

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Boletín de dividendos quincenales

Diversificada cartera de acciones de dividendos

Alertas comerciales intradía

Buscador de crecimiento

Chris Versace y Lenore Elle Hawkins, utilizando sofisticados rastreos de existencias e investigaciones fundamentales, identifican las acciones de crecimiento de alto potencial y pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Tapa pequeña y tapa media

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Principales Acciones

Con Top Stocks, Helene Meisler utiliza indicadores a corto y largo plazo para identificar los brotes inminentes en las existencias.

Características del producto:

Ideas comerciales diarias y análisis técnico

Comentario y análisis diario del mercado

Salvo indicación en contrario, las cotizaciones se retrasan. Cotizaciones retrasadas por lo menos 20 minutos para todos los intercambios. Datos de mercado proporcionados por Interactive Data. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Morningstar. Ganancias y calificaciones proporcionadas por Zacks. Datos de fondos mutuos proporcionados por Valueline. ETF datos proporcionados por Lipper. Desarrollado e implementado por Interactive Data Managed Solutions.

TheStreet Ratings actualiza las valoraciones de acciones diariamente. Sin embargo, si no se produce ningún cambio de calificación, los datos de esta página no se actualizan. Los datos se actualizan después de 90 días si no se produce un cambio de calificación dentro de ese período de tiempo.

IDC calcula el tope de mercado para el símbolo básico para incluir únicamente acciones comunes. Las rentabilidades acumuladas hasta la fecha de los fondos mutuos se calculan mensualmente por Value Line y se publican a mediados de mes.

&dupdo; 1996-2016 TheStreet, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Timothy Collins

| Mar 1, 2016 | 11:30 AM EST

Kate Spade (KATE) produced a decent pop this morning, but the return on the calls wasn't anything to crow about. I'd hoped to see more, but with earnings, you take what you can get sometimes. The report from KATE wasn't overly impressive, so I don't see a need to stick around in this one. I've turned my sights to Veeva Systems (VEEV). This is actually a name I like for the longer term, here. Options are pricing in a move around $3, but note that these don't expire until the middle of March.

The current targets don't tie in well to any clear support or resistance levels on the charts. I generally use a 50% measure for targets above the option pricing. In this case, that would mean another $1.50 outside of the yellow box (expectations of the option pricing). Those levels, $29 and $20, do tie in well to recent highs and lows on the stock. They become obvious targets should price exceed the yellow box in either direction. 221 more words left in this article. To read them, just click below and try Real Money FREE for 14 days.

Read the full story and get access to the Real Money Pro trading floor.

There’s no substitute for a trading floor to get great ideas, so Jim Cramer created a better one at Real Money and blogs there exclusively. We then added legendary hedge fund manager, Doug Kass . with his exclusive Daily Diary and best investing ideas. Staffed with more than 4 dozen investing pros, money managers, journalists and analysts, Real Money Pro gives you a flood of opinions, analysis and actionable trading advice found nowhere else, and allows you to interact directly with each expert.

Visión de conjunto


Can be attached or completely removed in seconds with NO tools

Cover, bars, bows & clamps come completely assembled

Tri-folding cover design opens, closes or removes quickly

Heavy-Duty locking straps for when cover is folded forward to secure on bed open.

Speed clamps are tough and secure the cover to cargo box

Included Max hinges allow make it easy to fold all year long

Available In original HD vinyl & Signature series (convertible / rag top style) fabric

Made in the USA - Ann Arbor, MI


If you're looking for a quality tonneau cover, you need a Extang Trifecta tonneau cover from Extang. These tri-folding truck bed covers are easy to use, highly durable and offer a sleek appearance. They are designed vehicle specific and will seamlessly hug your truck bed. Extang Trifecta covers are supremely built and hold up in all weather conditions.

Extang trifecta comes completely assembled with the entire folding frame & bows attached to the cover. It requires no tools for installation. The built in clamps quickly faster underneath your cargo box rails in the front and rear of the box. This cover can be folded up and stored behind the cab or completely removed in seconds when you need to use your entire truck bed.

Isn't durable protection one of the features you need in a truck bed cover? When adding an Extang Trifecta tonneau to your pickup truck bed, you receive tough protection that is built to last. ¡Pero eso no es todo! These pickup truck covers also ensure a sleek and stylish finish as well as ease of use. You get it all with the Trifecta!

Made out of heavy-duty vinyl, the Extang Trifecta was built to protect your truck bed and all contents in it. They add protection from the elements as well as unwanted visitors. The 3 fold aluminum frame is very durable as well as lightweight, making it easy to mount and ensuring fast truck bed access.

The no tool super quick installation makes adding an Extang Trifecta to your truck, simple and fast. The Extang Trifecta is completely assembled and can be removed or installed in seconds. Featuring a tri folding design and built in Extang install clamps. Extang's Number 1 selling tonneau cover. Available in original or signature series fabric.

The sleek and stylish design makes for amazing truck bed protection, but lets not forget about improved aerodynamics. The Trifecta stops unnecessary wind resistance saving you big bucks at the fuel pumps. Improved appearance, better fuel economy and added protection are a few reasons why the Trifecta tonneau cover is a good fit for you! Made by Extang.

Manufactured by Extang, a Truck Hero company.

Order Notes

The with or without cargo management, utili-track, or deck rail system options refer to the factory installed rail system designed to hold moveable cargo cleats along the inside of your truck bed.

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preguntas frecuentes

Will They work with bedliners? Yes, but there are a few simple additional steps that need to take place to make them compatible. If you own an under the rail liner, you need a couple small rubber shims to assist the lifting of the tonneau over the tailgate protector. Over the rail bedliners need to be notched out in order for the tonneau clamps to go through.

Will I be able to open and close my tailgate? YES, there is no restriction caused by the tonneau.

What can I clean my Trifecta with? We recommend using soapy water with a medium bristle brush. Extang also makes a tonno cleaner that is ideal for the cleansing process.


Garantia limitada de por vida

WARRANTY DURATION . The Extang Trifecta offers a lifetime warranty against defective materials or workmanship on all rails, aluminum components, clamps, bows, hardware and vinyl. The limited lifetime warranty coverage is as follows:

WARRANTY CONDITIONS: This warranty is against defective materials or workmanship. The warranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident, unreasonable use, neglect, improper service/installation/removal, modifications, acts of God, normal wear and tear or other causes not arising out of defective materials or workmanship. Consequential and incidental damages are not covered under this warranty.

THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WILL ALSO VOID THE WARRANTY: Wind whip damage : Tarps must be secured at all points when vehicle is in motion. An unsecured tarp will flap, resulting in damage to the fabric.

Improper cleaning: Recommended to use the tested and approved Extang Tonno Tonic™ or clean with soap and water only. Do not use vinyl conditioners (i. e. Armor All®) because they will shrink the vinyl.

Overloading of cargo: Cargo should not touch the tonno at any point. Protrusions in the tarp will stress the fabric. Cargo may shift while traveling and cause it to push against the fabric and damage it.

The warranty applies to the original consumer/purchaser and for the truck on which the tonno was originally installed and shall not apply if the product has been removed from the original vehicle.

Warranty registration must be on file and/or proof of original purchase (detailed and dated receipt) required for warranty to be effective. Warranty coverage starts from the date of purchase.

PERFORMANCE: Provided all warranty conditions are met Extang will either repair or replace (at Extang’s option) the product or component. Extang may require the original item to be returned postage prepaid for final determination. Extang reserves the right to substitute and offer the respective warranty discount on an entire replacement system or provide other remedies than those listed in this warranty for discontinued products or other reasons. A return authorization number must be obtained from our customer service department prior to returning any product. Shipping charges will apply for any repair or replacement. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which vary from state to state.


Extang covers can easily be installed at home. The Extang Tri Fecta cover comes fully assembled. Just take it out of the box and attach to your pickup truck bed in minutes with no tools. The installation are clear cut and easy to read. For additional information, please see the installation below or call 1-877-216-5446 or 701-253-5906

Cotizaciones de acciones en este artículo:

As markets gyrate crazily (go figure, there was a rally in European banks going on in morning trading in Europe today, after banks tanked over the past few days due to investors' fears over their hybrid debt instruments) investors cannot help but wonder how much of it is due to algorithmic and high-frequency trading.

Real Money contributor James "Rev Shark " DePorre summed up the market's feelings very well in a piece he wrote at the end of last year about "Our Brave, New World of Trading ": "Instead of the usual human emotions of greed and fear driving the action, computer algorithms, large short-term funds and high-frequency ETFs rule things these days. And what drives all of those players isn't fundamentals, but the hope of gaining an advantage by trading around normal investor emotions."

Jim Cramer pointed out that the rise of the algos is keeping real, retail investors away from the markets by creating a sense that, in the words of Michael Lewis, the game is rigged.

About half, if not more, of trading on world stock markets is carried out by algorithms, and this has changed things so dramatically that an explosion of class action securities lawsuits could happen in the coming years.

"Algorithmic trading will create a whole host of litigation and litigation opportunities. I think we'll see that happening over the next few years," Mike Lange, counsel for securities litigation at Financial Recovery Technologies. which provides claim filing and monitoring services, told Real Money in an interview.

In theory, algorithmic trading should increase market efficiency, because it allows the moving of large trades without disrupting prices too much, faster rebalancing of indexes and quicker pricing in of economic and company-specific information.

However, Lange said a number of academic studies are now questioning this increased efficiency, while volatility has raised dramatically and is "punctuated by flash crashes" following the introduction of algorithms. In addition, algos have made the system "much more vulnerable" to fraud and manipulation.

"The fundamental problem is algorithms can't distinguish between fact and fiction. If you know how an algorithm is going to react to a given set of facts, you can simulate those facts, precipitate the response, and profit from it," he said.

Manipulating an algorithm doesn't even have to be a very sophisticated process. Lange recalled how last year, in May, a fake press release about a supposed bid for cosmetics company Avon (AVP) sent its shares surging by around 20% in intraday trading, while volume increased by 448% in one day. Avon later debunked the information in the press release and the price came back down.

"If a human had looked at the press release, and when they did, they saw that the press release looked bogus. But the algorithm can't distinguish between fact and fiction. I guarantee someone made money on the up, and probably on the down as well," said Lange.

"We have the same thing with spoofing and other techniques used by traders to simulate trading and then profit from the resulting price movement."

He said algorithmic trading not only has made the system vulnerable to manipulation, but it has changed the way investors can gauge sentiment in the market. For instance, someone writing a press release and knowing how algorithms are likely to react can choose the words in such as way as to blunt the market response if the news is bad.

The consequence would be that the correlation between negative news and the price movement by which investors judge materiality and damages is suddenly broken.

"This impacts the entire system. At its core, the securities laws are grounded on the notion of a 'reasonable investor': What would a 'reasonable investor' perceive as materially important? Well, if half your traders are non-reasoning algorithms, that notion sort of goes up the window," Lange said.

Before the wave of algo-induced litigation hits, however, investors need to know how to navigate current volatility. Here are just a few recent articles from Real Money and Real Money Pro that will help you do that:

Obtenga una alerta por correo electrónico cada vez que escriba un artículo para Real Money. Haga clic en el "+ Siga" junto a mi byline a este artículo.

Alertas de Acción PLUS

El Gerente de Cartera Jim Cramer y el Director de Investigación Jack Mohr revelan sus tácticas de inversión al tiempo que dan aviso previo antes de cada operación.

Características del producto:

Cartera de $ 2,5 millones

Enfoque de grandes capitales y dividendos

Alertas comerciales de Cramer

Arreglos semanales

Dinero Real Pro

Todo de dinero real. Además de 15 más de las mentes más agudas de Wall Street, que aportan ideas negociables, una mirada comprensiva al mercado y análisis fundamentales y técnicos.

Características del producto:

Dinero Real + Doug Kass más 15 más Pros de Wall Street

Comentarios y noticias intradía

Ideas de negociación ultra-accionables

Acciones de Trifecta

Trifecta Stocks analiza más de 4.000 acciones semanales para encontrar la élite 1% de las acciones que pasan rigurosas pruebas cuantitativas, fundamentales y técnicas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Alertas comerciales

Recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Acciones menores de $ 10

David Peltier descubre las acciones de bajo dólar con potencial de alza grave que están volando bajo el radar de Wall Street.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Stocks que negocian debajo de $ 10

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Quant Ratings

Acceda a la herramienta que domina el Russell 2000 y el S & P 500.

Características del producto:

Comprar, mantener o vender recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Un cribador de stock personalizado

Actualizar / reducir alertas

Asesor de Acciones de Dividendos

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Boletín de dividendos quincenales

Diversificada cartera de acciones de dividendos

Alertas comerciales intradía

Buscador de crecimiento

Chris Versace y Lenore Elle Hawkins, utilizando sofisticados rastreos de existencias e investigaciones fundamentales, identifican las acciones de crecimiento de alto potencial y pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Tapa pequeña y tapa media

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Principales Acciones

Con Top Stocks, Helene Meisler utiliza indicadores a corto y largo plazo para identificar los brotes inminentes en las existencias.

Características del producto:

Ideas comerciales diarias y análisis técnico

Comentario y análisis diario del mercado

Salvo indicación en contrario, las cotizaciones se retrasan. Cotizaciones retrasadas por lo menos 20 minutos para todos los intercambios. Datos de mercado proporcionados por Interactive Data. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Morningstar. Ganancias y calificaciones proporcionadas por Zacks. Datos de fondos mutuos proporcionados por Valueline. ETF datos proporcionados por Lipper. Desarrollado e implementado por Interactive Data Managed Solutions.

TheStreet Ratings actualiza las valoraciones de acciones diariamente. Sin embargo, si no se produce ningún cambio de calificación, los datos de esta página no se actualizan. Los datos se actualizan después de 90 días si no se produce un cambio de calificación dentro de ese período de tiempo.

IDC calcula el tope de mercado para el símbolo básico para incluir únicamente acciones comunes. Las rentabilidades acumuladas hasta la fecha de los fondos mutuos se calculan mensualmente por Value Line y se publican a mediados de mes.

&dupdo; 1996-2016 TheStreet, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Key a Trifecta

By Cindy Pierson Dulay. Horse Racing Expert

Cindy Pierson Dulay has been covering horse racing as a credentialed photographer and journalist since 1998 and was the Eclipse Award winner for best horse racing photograph in 2004. In 2014 she added a Sovereign Award for Outstanding Photograph in Canadian horse racing.

Updated October 03, 2015.

The trifecta requires you to select the first three finishers in order and can lead to big pay-offs. However, trying to hit it "cold" (calling exactly 3 horses, in the correct order) is very difficult, while spreading yourself too thin by boxing or wheeling too many horses lowers the potential profit. Keying lets you minimize your wager while giving you more chances to win.

Time Required: 5 minutes

Seguir leyendo abajo

Here's How:

Select the one horse you think will win. Preferably you do not want this to be a heavy favorite or worst of all, an odds-on horse in the win pool. Optimally you have a longshot picked!

Select two or more horses that you think have the best chance to finish second or third.

Go to the betting window and tell the clerk which track and race you wish to bet on

Tell the clerk '$1.00 trifecta key 1 over 2, 3, 4' (or whichever horses you selected), or use one of the self-service machines and enter the bet yourself.

Make sure your ticket was correctly entered and printed before you leave the window.

Take your ticket, watch the race and cheer for your selections.


The more horses you key under your winner, the better chance you have of cashing your ticket, but your ticket will also be more expensive, thus lowering your potential profit. If you need too many horses underneath, you may need to sharpen your handicapping to narrow it down further, or pass the race.

A 2 horse key is $2, a 3 horse key is $6, a 4 horse key is $12, a 5 horse key is $20, and a 6 horse key is $30, assuming a $1 base bet (See #3).

Seguir leyendo abajo

$1 is generally the minimum wager on a trifecta key, although a few tracks now have them as low as 10 cents, but you can always wager a larger amount if you like.

In order to be worthwhile, you would prefer your top horse to not be the favorite. Trifecta combinations with the favorite on top tend to be overbet and thus result in low payoffs. If your top horse is going off at short odds, it may be preferable to pass on the trifecta and use the horse in multi-race bets like a rolling Pick 3, Pick 4, or the Rainbow/Pick 6 instead.

Remember, second and third horses aren't always the second and third best horses in the field. Look for closers that never can get there on time, speedsters that never can hold on at the end, horses that are running against the track's bias (speedsters on a track favoring closers, outside post when the rail is winning, etc), or the proverbial horses that always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, maybe by disqualification for interference. These are the horses to put underneath, but are not necessarily your second choice for the win.

How to Box a Trifecta Wager

Free Horse Racing Systems eBook

Free eBook now includes 189 Horse Racing Systems

Would you like a copy of our latest eBook with 189 Free Horse Racing Systems? Well you can get your copy by immediate return email. All you have to do is send an email with your first name in the subject line to demo @capitalinfo. com. au

A Horse Racing System provides one of the easiest ways to pick or tip outcomes in horse racing. Basically a horse racing system is a set of form based rules revolving around what a horse did at its past starts. For example a system might concentrate on horses that won their last start or were favourite last start. Such a system might also look at a horse's weight to be carried, barrier draw, TAB number and so on.

You can benefit from our computerised research which has led us to determine the least risky horse ages, race distances, race venues etc. You can learn what these horse racing criteria are and even apply them manually without a computer by examining our free horse racing systems.

Of the 189 free horse racing systems we provide, 51 come from Bet Selector creator Neale Yardley, 78 from Bet Selector client Kel Stuart and 60 from another client who goes by the pseudonym Drongo. The best systems currently come form Neale's systems and results for recent years are tabulated towards the end of this page.

You can have your free eBook with all these systems in a matter of minutes so request your copy now - just email demo @capitalinfo. com. au with your first name in the subject line.

Like Free Software to work out the system selections?

Would you like software to check these horse racing systems (and your own systems) at the click of a button? No more manually pouring over a form guide to work out which horses meet the desired criteria - we have free software (used to cost $450) that can do all this for you!

In a major breakthrough, our Bet Selector Gold software which used to cost $450 is now free! It includes our popular System Selector module for testing systems like those in the eBook. You can get your copy of our Bet Selector Gold software right now by sending an email to demo @capitalinfo. com. au with your first name in the subject line. There is no guarantee this offer will last so make sure you request your copy now.

To test systems for upcoming meetings at the click of a button you will need a Bestform subscription at $55 a month (that works out to less than $2 a day). This gives you all the form you need for every TAB meeting including extras like ratings and selection polls which are important for testing horse racing systems. Most subscribers will take advantage of the free Bet Selector Gold software to automatically pick their horse racing system selections (both your own systems and ours) but if you are totally against using computer programs you can still view Bestform online and check your system rules manually.

Note you can sign up for free to view Bestform data online for the last 7 days at www. bestform. com. au

Most Profitable Systems for 2014

Below are the most profitable of Neale's systems for 2014 (note the most profitable systems in dollar terms are at the top):

Most Profitable Systems for 2013

Below are the most profitable of Neale's systems for 2013 (note the most profitable systems in dollar terms are at the top):

Most Profitable Systems for 2012

Below are the most profitable of Neale's systems for 2012 (note the most profitable systems in dollar terms are at the top):

Most Profitable Systems for 2011

Below are the most profitable of Neale's systems for 2011.

For a free eBook containing 189 free racing systems and a free copy of the Bet Selector Gold software (used to cost $450), just send an email with your first name in the subject line to demo @capitalinfo. com. au

Written by Neale Yardley PO Box 1435, Kingscliff NSW, Australia 2487, Email info@capitalinfo. com. au Ph + 61 (0) 415 295 675 (best from 10am - 12 noon Sydney time, Tue - Fri)

For form downloads, ratings and tips from $1.80/day go to Bestform Horse Racing and for horse betting system articles and resources go to Horse Racing Systems

Privacy Policy : If you request our free info, Capital Information Services trading as Bet Selector will confidentially record your name and email address and only use them for sending you the Bet Selector Gold program and racing systems eBook/tips. From time to time we will also email you news updates on the program and racing systems but you can opt out at any time by replying to the email with the word "remove" followed by your email address in the subject line. Copyright: В© 2016 Capital Information Services

The Two-Key Trifecta System gives you the winning edge over the competition. If you're tired of picking winners and losing money. If you keep missing by just one dog that you leave out of your bet. If your tri picks come in first, third and fourth with a longshot second so you don't even get the quiniela. You need this system! If you're willing to spend $10, the price of a few trifecta bets, you can be using the system to help you pick trifectas in minutes.

Can You Afford to Keep Missing Winners? How Much Do You Lose When You Only Pick 2/3rds of the Tri? Did You Know That the Definition of Insanity Is: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to turn out differently. You Can Stop The Insanity of Betting Without the Key to Winning! You Can Win With The Two Key Trifecta System Today!

If you've been to the track more than a few times, you know that cashing tickets isn't all about picking winners. How many times have you keyed on two dogs in a trifecta and had one of them come in but not the other?

It's one of the worst feelings a bettor can have - the frustration of picking winners and losing, because you didn't play your key dog with the right other dogs. Believe me, I know how that feels. At my favorite track, I can almost always find a few races where I can pick a dog who's in the money. But until I figured out The Two-Key Trifecta System . I was still missing the vital clue as to how to play these dogs to hit trifectas.

Then, one day, out of frustration, I was going over past programs and I noticed something about my trifecta key bets and the dogs that had come in that I hadn't included in my bets. There was something I had overlooked - a key element that I had left out of my handicapping. I had one of the keys to hitting trifectas - I could pick winners and likely in-the-money finishers. But now I had the second key - the one that would unlock more winning trifectas than I had ever hit before.

With The Two-Key Trifecta System :

You'll have the tools you need to figure out if a race fits the criteria for betting trifectas or whether you should pass it by.

You'll be able to pick a key dog using just your program and a pencil - no computer or complicated formulas needed.

Then, for the crucial second dog:

You'll learn what to look for that the crowd misses. These secrets can lead to big payoffs, because most bettors overlook them or see them but don't realize what important factors they are. These aren't hidden, but almost no one at the track, except for insiders like trainers and kennel owners, know what an impact they can have on whether a dog is ready to win or not.

The Two-Key Trifecta System isn't a mechanical system - you will need basic handicapping skills. But anyone who can read a program and follow instructions can use it to pick key dogs that other bettors overlook, which can mean big trifecta payoffs.

While the crowd keys on a couple of big favorites, The Two Key Trifecta System techniques will allow you to see what the crowd is missing. And when the favorite disappoints and other bettors are tearing up their tickets, you'll be one of the few walking to the window to cash.

The Two-Key Trifecta System costs $10, which is less than most trifectas pay even with a one-dollar key bet! You can have it almost instantly, as soon as you click on the paypal button. After you pay, you'll receive the link to The Two-Key Trifecta System where you can download it to your computer. Shortly afterwards, you'll also receive an email with the link in it, just to make sure that you've received it. Please be sure to use a working email address for your paypal purchase, so that you'll receive the email with the link to the system file! I appreciate your purchase and welcome questions and comments after the sale.

This commentary was originally sent to Trifecta Stocks subscribers on Feb. 12. Click here to learn more about this dynamic service.

Despite ending on a high note, this past week was another rough one for the stock market as the S&P 500 fell about 1%. The increasingly familiar cast of characters -- oil price swings, economic growth concerns, renewed European banking issues and the notion the Fed may not really know what it is doing -- were all factors in the decline.

Friday's rebound was led primarily by comments from the energy minister of OPEC member United Arab Emirates, which likely sparked some short covering ahead of the holiday weekend, but all told oil still dipped for the week. A flurry of buyback announcements and insider buying, including from Amazon (AMZN) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM) also helped move the market higher on Friday.

From a Trifecta portfolio perspective, we had a rather good week, with more positive moves in positions than negative. Once again, one of the big winners for the week was American Water Works (AWK), which climbed more than 2%, setting yet another 52-week high in the process. Shares of Costco Wholesale (COST) and CVS Health (CVS) also rebounded nicely, climbing about 3% over the last five days.

This week also saw earnings from CVS Health and Disney (DIS) and if you missed our comments on those events you can find them here and here. Shares of United Parcel Service (UPS) rebounded nicely, too, and the company also boosted its quarterly dividend to $0.78 per share, up from the prior $0.73.

While Friday left investors feeling a little better, the reality is there are still a number of concerns that will continue to pressure the market, particularly if the comments from the UAE turn out to be something other than what the market is reading. We saw this just a few weeks ago, and prefer to be cautious ahead of what could be yet another "buy the rumor, sell the news" moment. Other shoes yet to drop include what's going on with the European banks, another slug of corporate earnings, and economic data in the next two weeks that will give us a clearer picture of how the current quarter is doing. Earlier this week, Deutsche Bank and others cut GDP expectations for the first half of 2016 and subsequently their full-year expectations. We expect others to follow.

Inside the current market environment, the Trifecta portfolio remains rather well insulated given our cash levels and the favorable characteristics associated with several of our holdings (CVS, Costco and American Water Works), which should continue to perform in an economy with a slower economic glide path. We also have positions in companies such as MasterCard (MA), Foot Locker (FL) and United Parcel Service (UPS) that have demonstrative tailwinds at their backs, including the continued push to non-cash and non-check forms of payment, athleisure and overall health and fitness, and the accelerating shift to online and mobile shopping. While some may wince at the news from Gallup that obesity rates have hit an all-time high in the U. S. at 28% and diabetes is at record levels, we see this benefiting Foot Locker and other companies we are keeping tabs on, which are now at far more attractive prices given the 8.5% drop in the market year to date, as measured by the S&P 500.

During this roller coaster ride, which likely has goosed sales of Zantac among investors, we have carefully navigated through the storm thanks to our threefold investing criteria that looks for overlaps on a quantitative, technical and fundamental basis. That interlocking discipline paid off in spades as we exited Boeing (BA) before the big slide in the shares this week. Over the last few weeks, we've seen far fewer upgrades than downgrades by TheStreet Quant Ratings, our initial screening process, and that has us being far more selective when it comes to potential positions. While this has tied our hands somewhat, but cash levels in the portfolio and some smart holdings, like those mentioned above, have led the Trifecta portfolio to outperform our benchmark --- Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI), which was down 10% year to date exiting the week -- by several hundred basis points during these turbulent times.

This market is frustrating for sure, but we would much rather "measure twice and cut once," to steal an old carpenter saying, when it comes to putting capital to work now. Roughly 25% of the S&P 500 companies have yet to report their quarterly results; in the coming shortened trading week 56 S&P 500 company will report. Earnings expectations for the index this year continued to move lower this week, hitting $122.42 per share (3.7% year over year) and we suspect that will drift lower as those remaining S&P 500 companies announce results. Let's remember, too, that 3.7% forecast benefits from the significant buyback activity going on, and, given the number of upsized share repurchase authorizations that continue to be announced this is likely to continue, especially with the pullback in stock prices. From a fundamental perspective, we'll continue to focus on operating profit growth and operating margin expansion.

Turning our gaze to next week, we have no portfolio companies reporting quarterly results -- our next one is American Water Works on Feb. 25. However, the economic calendar is full, with several regional Fed manufacturing surveys and housing reports being published as well as the latest Industrial Production reading. We also have both inflation indicators -- the PPI and CPI -- for January coming, but given the move in oil and other commodities, we are not expecting any pronounced changes in those indices.

Following Fed Chair Janet Yellen's testimony this week, the FOMC minutes from the Jan. 27 meeting will be released this coming Wednesday (Feb. 17). Our view remains that any next increase in rates by the Fed will come later rather than sooner as we doubt the central bank wants to pour a combination of sand and water on the flailing fire that is the domestic economy (at least according to the latest data). Buckle up, it's going to be another fun ride next week.

Enjoy the long weekend and we'll see you back here next week.

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Alertas de Acción PLUS

El Gerente de Cartera Jim Cramer y el Director de Investigación Jack Mohr revelan sus tácticas de inversión al tiempo que dan aviso previo antes de cada operación.

Características del producto:

Cartera de $ 2,5 millones

Enfoque de grandes capitales y dividendos

Alertas comerciales de Cramer

Arreglos semanales

Dinero Real Pro

Todo de dinero real. Además de 15 más de las mentes más agudas de Wall Street, que aportan ideas negociables, una mirada comprensiva al mercado y análisis fundamentales y técnicos.

Características del producto:

Dinero Real + Doug Kass más 15 más Pros de Wall Street

Comentarios y noticias intradía

Ideas de negociación ultra-accionables

Acciones de Trifecta

Trifecta Stocks analiza más de 4.000 acciones semanales para encontrar la élite 1% de las acciones que pasan rigurosas pruebas cuantitativas, fundamentales y técnicas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Alertas comerciales

Recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Acciones menores de $ 10

David Peltier descubre las acciones de bajo dólar con potencial de alza grave que están volando bajo el radar de Wall Street.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Stocks que negocian debajo de $ 10

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Quant Ratings

Acceda a la herramienta que domina el Russell 2000 y el S & P 500.

Características del producto:

Comprar, mantener o vender recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Un cribador de stock personalizado

Actualizar / reducir alertas

Asesor de Acciones de Dividendos

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Boletín de dividendos quincenales

Diversificada cartera de acciones de dividendos

Alertas comerciales intradía

Buscador de crecimiento

Chris Versace y Lenore Elle Hawkins, utilizando sofisticados rastreos de existencias e investigaciones fundamentales, identifican las acciones de crecimiento de alto potencial y pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Tapa pequeña y tapa media

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Principales Acciones

Con Top Stocks, Helene Meisler utiliza indicadores a corto y largo plazo para identificar los brotes inminentes en las existencias.

Características del producto:

Ideas comerciales diarias y análisis técnico

Comentario y análisis diario del mercado

Salvo indicación en contrario, las cotizaciones se retrasan. Cotizaciones retrasadas por lo menos 20 minutos para todos los intercambios. Datos de mercado proporcionados por Interactive Data. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Morningstar. Ganancias y calificaciones proporcionadas por Zacks. Datos de fondos mutuos proporcionados por Valueline. ETF datos proporcionados por Lipper. Desarrollado e implementado por Interactive Data Managed Solutions.

TheStreet Ratings actualiza las valoraciones de acciones diariamente. Sin embargo, si no se produce ningún cambio de calificación, los datos de esta página no se actualizan. Los datos se actualizan después de 90 días si no se produce un cambio de calificación dentro de ese período de tiempo.

IDC calcula el tope de mercado para el símbolo básico para incluir únicamente acciones comunes. Las rentabilidades acumuladas hasta la fecha de los fondos mutuos se calculan mensualmente por Value Line y se publican a mediados de mes.

&dupdo; 1996-2016 TheStreet, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Trifecta Key Bet

The trifecta key bet requires you to make a pick on a winner on a horse race, like the straight trifecta wager, but gives you more leeway in picking a 2nd and 3rd place winner. You are still required to get the horses that show and place correct, but you are allowed to fill a “key” of two or more horses that can finish second and third in any order. The more horses are added to the key, the higher the price of this exotic bet.

Trifecta Key Pricing

Below is the cost structure for placing a trifecta key bet. The minimum price for this bet at most race tracks is $1, though larger multiples are allowed. However large your bet, the price of placing the bet follows this scale of progression.

$2 – Two-Horse Key

$6 – Three-Horse Key

$12 – Four-Horse Key

$20 – Five-Horse Key

$30 – Six-Horse Key

The price goes up quickly on this trifecta wager. because the more horses are added into the key, the more combinations win for you. It becomes prohibitive to pick every horse in a race, because cashing a ticket is still losing you money. Still, the 3-horse key is a common proposition bet when playing the trifecta.

Trifecta Key Odds

Keep in mind that, in an trifecta bet, you still have to accurately predict the winning horse in the race. That makes the odds of hitting this exotic bet much higher, though it also promises good payouts. If you don’t have a solid selection for a horse race’s ultimate winner, don’t place a trifecta bet of any sort.

Racing Betting Sites

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Welcome Bonus: Up to $100

| Dec 29, 2015 | 8:01 AM EST

U. S. real GDP suffers two back-to-back declines in 2016's third and fourth quarters. Corporate profits turn negative in the second quarter as the largest number of earnings guidedowns since the Great Decession develops. Profit margins drop precipitously as revenues come in well below expectations and costs rise ever higher. Productivity will decline in the face of the past few years' limited capital expenditures. S&P 500 stocks' 2016 earnings per share will come in under $100 (dropping off dramatically in the second half). That's more than 15% below today's consensus expectations. Price-to-earnings multiples contract. Share buybacks are 50% lower in 2016 vs 2015. Merger-and-acquisition activity slows to a crawl. 2016 produces the lowest number of IPOs in eight years. The U. S. dollar's bull run ends. Our currency fails to appreciate as the consensus expects. Instead, it slumps in response to terrorism within our borders and to cyberattacks directed at our financial system. Oil temporarily exceeds $60 a barrel. The U. S. housing market suffers in price and sales volume. Auto industry sales (SAAR) decline by over 2 million units to under 15 million. Another peak is seen in 2016: "Peak Employment." Despite weakening economic growth, the 10-year Treasury's yield spikes to 3% on inflation scares. The VIX breaches 40 to the upside during the year.

Read the full story and get access to the Real Money Pro trading floor.

There’s no substitute for a trading floor to get great ideas, so Jim Cramer created a better one at Real Money and blogs there exclusively. We then added legendary hedge fund manager, Doug Kass . with his exclusive Daily Diary and best investing ideas. Staffed with more than 4 dozen investing pros, money managers, journalists and analysts, Real Money Pro gives you a flood of opinions, analysis and actionable trading advice found nowhere else, and allows you to interact directly with each expert.

We posted a note on 3/1/16 recommending investors hold their noses and buy DVN. The gist.

This time, its Rofin Sinar Technologies (RSTI); Coherent buying for $942 million or $32.50.

As oil passes $40, a lot of energy companies that were facing imminent bankruptcy get some.

Emerson Electric is a top five gainer in the S&P 500 today. The stock is up over.

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Alertas de Acción PLUS

El Gerente de Cartera Jim Cramer y el Director de Investigación Jack Mohr revelan sus tácticas de inversión al tiempo que dan aviso previo antes de cada operación.

Características del producto:

Cartera de $ 2,5 millones

Enfoque de grandes capitales y dividendos

Alertas comerciales de Cramer

Arreglos semanales

Acciones de Trifecta

Trifecta Stocks analiza más de 4.000 acciones semanales para encontrar la élite 1% de las acciones que pasan rigurosas pruebas cuantitativas, fundamentales y técnicas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Alertas comerciales

Recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Acciones menores de $ 10

David Peltier descubre las acciones de bajo dólar con potencial de alza grave que están volando bajo el radar de Wall Street.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Stocks que negocian debajo de $ 10

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Quant Ratings

Acceda a la herramienta que domina el Russell 2000 y el S & P 500.

Características del producto:

Comprar, mantener o vender recomendaciones para más de 4.300 acciones

Informes de investigación ilimitados sobre sus acciones favoritas

Un cribador de stock personalizado

Actualizar / reducir alertas

Asesor de Acciones de Dividendos

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

Características del producto:

Boletín de dividendos quincenales

Diversificada cartera de acciones de dividendos

Alertas comerciales intradía

Buscador de crecimiento

Chris Versace y Lenore Elle Hawkins, utilizando sofisticados rastreos de existencias e investigaciones fundamentales, identifican las acciones de crecimiento de alto potencial y pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Características del producto:

Cartera modelo

Tapa pequeña y tapa media

Alertas comerciales intradía

Arreglos semanales

Principales Acciones

Con Top Stocks, Helene Meisler utiliza indicadores a corto y largo plazo para identificar los brotes inminentes en las existencias.

Características del producto:

Ideas comerciales diarias y análisis técnico

Comentario y análisis diario del mercado

Daily Swing Trade

Master swing trader Alan Farley uses his sophisticated software screens to review thousands of stocks each day for you, to find just the handful that meet his demanding criteria.

Características del producto:

Daily commentry and coaching on swing trading

Technical charts and analysis

Salvo indicación en contrario, las cotizaciones se retrasan. Cotizaciones retrasadas por lo menos 20 minutos para todos los intercambios. Datos de mercado proporcionados por Interactive Data. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Morningstar. Ganancias y calificaciones proporcionadas por Zacks. Datos de fondos mutuos proporcionados por Valueline. ETF datos proporcionados por Lipper. Desarrollado e implementado por Interactive Data Managed Solutions.

TheStreet Ratings actualiza las valoraciones de acciones diariamente. Sin embargo, si no se produce ningún cambio de calificación, los datos de esta página no se actualizan. Los datos se actualizan después de 90 días si no se produce un cambio de calificación dentro de ese período de tiempo.

IDC calcula el tope de mercado para el símbolo básico para incluir únicamente acciones comunes. Las rentabilidades acumuladas hasta la fecha de los fondos mutuos se calculan mensualmente por Value Line y se publican a mediados de mes.

&dupdo; 1996-2016 TheStreet, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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State Street Corp Launches Initial Trifecta of GX Investment Labs

Squirrel trifecta


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Positive Data for St Jude's Trifecta

by Zacks Equity Research Published on March 20, 2013 |

Medical devices major – St. Jude Medical ( STJ - Analyst Report ) made an online release of a new study about its Trifecta pericardial aortic stented tissue valve in The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The device is used as a replacement for the damaged or malfunctioning aortic heart valve, which controls blood flow from the heart through entire body.

The Trifecta valve, which has been constructed using a polyester and tissue-covered titanium stent, is designed to offer improved hemodynamic performance and durability. It offers a number of novel features that improve the implant ability, thereby offering surgeons more flexibility in selecting the appropriate replacement valve for each patient’s heart.

The encouraging results published online re-emphasized the easy-to-implant and safe Trifecta valve’s efficiency in hemodynamic performance. St. Jude conducted this large-scale study as a part of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pre-market approval study. The study was held across 31 centers in the U. S. Europe and Canada and evaluated 1,041 patients between 2007 and 2009. The results helped the company obtain the European CE Mark approval in 2010, FDA clearance in 2011 as well as a nod from the Japanese regulatory body in 2012.

Dr. Bavaria, the lead author of the article, is impressed by the excellent performance data collected over a span of 1-2 years and the minimal risk of valve leakage evident from the strong clinical results. He has used the product for 5 years and is extremely satisfied with the outstanding hemodynamic support provided by the Trifecta.

The Trifecta valve further strengthens St. Jude’s market-leading heart valve franchise. The Trifecta product line led to a 3% increase in sales in St. Jude’s structural heart products business in 2012. The overall sales volume of tissue heart valves grew 20% in 2012, which is encouraging. The company’s key competitors in the heart valve market are Edwards Lifesciences ( EW - Analyst Report ) and Medtronic ( MDT - Analyst Report ) and Sorin CarboMedics.

St. Jude has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). While we remain on the sidelines regarding STJ due to the prevailing softness in the core Cardiac Rhythm Management (“CRM”) business, medical products company like Nuvasive ( NUVA - Analyst Report ), with a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), warrants a look.

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En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

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[PRE-ORDER] V2 Trifecta - thermal BIVVY*Blanket*Canopy [Green]

15 March - there is a $3.price increase due to the new zipper cost and other enhancements. I was trying to avoid any increases but the better water resistant zipper is significantly more, but well worth the 3 bucks.

I re-opened PRE - Orders due to multiple requests to do so. The ETA is expected to be the middle April for any of these PRE - Orders. I have 700 units coming in Mid April.

Please note: 100 units are due in the last week of March and they are already spoken for at this time. The first 100 people who have already ordered will receive these.

A ny customer who has purchased a Version 1 "white" Trifecta will be entitled to $20. off for a limited time. This is a 1 for 1 discount, so if you purchased two Version 1 Trifectas you will be eligible to get two Version 2 Green Trifectas at the discounted rate.

Please email me bbelcher@2gosystems. com for your code if you are a previous Trifecta customer, I will validate and generate a discount code for you. Again this is only eligible to previous customers of the White Trifecta.

This Discount will start 1/15/2016 and will end 1 month after the first Version 2 Trifecta ships. Date will be updated once stock is in.

The V2 TRIFECTA was specifically designed for flexibility. It can be used as a Thermal Blanket, a BIVVY, or a Canopy.

Made out of Tyvek 1460C or "spunbonded olefin" ultra soft material that blocks 98% of the sun's ultraviolet rays, is tear resistant, water resistant, and breathable. Its high durability rate to weight ratio makes it the perfect material for the Trifecta.

To start off, we made the Trifecta big, measuring 90cm "35.4 inches" by 223cm "87.7 inches" in its zipped BIVVY configuration, and 180cm "70.8 inches" by 223cm "87.7 inches" in its unzipped Canopy/ Blanket configuration.

Then we added two zippers with an inside and outside zipper for even more flexibility and ease of zipping the BIVVY once inside. The inside has an aluminum coating to reflect back the radiant heat given off by one's body.

To finish it off, we added 9 tie down D-Rings 3 on each edge and 3 center.

The Trifecta is designed to be light weight and portable to help keep you warmer and dryer from the elements.

The V2 TRIFECTA has many functions. A few are listed below.

Alone as a thermal sleeping bag

As a thermal BIVVY with a traditional sleeping bag

Improvised shelter

Thermal Blanket

Tarp / Canopy

Emergency litter

Easy to pack and very light. This is a must for any Emergency or Backpacking kit.

35.4*87.7” (90*223cm) BIVVY

70.8*87.7” (180*223cm) Canopy

9.5*4” (24*10cm) Packed

weight 15.5 oz (440g)

Note: The V2 Trifecta has been upgraded from the previous version. The main differences between the two are water resistant zippers, storm flap around zipper, taped seams, green in color and 9 D-ring outside tie out points. The original first generation Trifecta was lighter 333g vs 440g or 3.7 oz, this is largely due to the fact of the seam sealing and added color.

Acasti Pharma (ACST) Reports Positive Phase II TRIFECTA Results

September 29, 2014 8:08 AM

Acasti Pharma Inc. (Nasdaq: ACST ) announces successful top-line results for its Phase II double blind, placebo controlled trial (TRIFECTA) assessing the safety and efficacy of CaPre® for the treatment of patients with hypertriglyceridemia. CaPre®, Acasti's investigational new drug candidate, is composed of a patent-protected highly concentrated novel omega-3 phospholipid for the prevention and treatment of certain cardiometabolic disorders.

"These positive results further indicate that CaPre® may be an important treatment option to safely and effectively reduce triglycerides," highlighted Andre Godin, Acasti's Interim President and Chief Executive Officer. "High plasma triglyceride concentrations have been identified as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease."

"Not only did we see a highly statistically significant reduction in triglycerides on patients taking daily doses of 1 gram or 2 grams of CaPre®, we also observed a significant reduction in non-HDL-C," added Dr. Harlan W. Waksal, M. D. a member of Acasti's Board of Directors. "The results are even more notable when you consider that the majority of patients had mild to moderate hypertriglyceridemia. Based on omega-3 published clinical data and results from our previously completed Phase II Open Label (COLT) study, greater benefits could be achieved in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia, using higher dosages of CaPre®, including 4 grams."

TRIFECTA was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, dose-ranging trial designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CaPre® in reducing triglyceride levels in patients with mild-to-severe hypertriglyceridemia, using daily doses of 1 gram or 2 grams of CaPre® or placebo over a 12-week period. Placebo consisted of microcrystalline cellulose, a well-known inert substance not absorbed into the bloodstream. Demographic and baseline characteristics of the patient population were balanced. A total of 387 patients were randomized and 365 patients completed the 12-week study, in line with the targeted number of evaluable patients. From this patient population, approximately 90% had mild to moderate hypertriglyceridemia with baseline triglycerides between 200 and 499 mg/dL (2.28 to 5.69 mmol/L). The remainder had very high baseline triglycerides between 500 and 877 mg/dL (> 5.7 and


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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Michael Probst / AP Photo

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Image via reverbpress. com

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Larry Summers – it is probably no exaggeration to call the man a danger to civilization

Photo credit: Hyungwon Kang / Reuters / Corbis

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In horse racing terminology, a trifecta is a parimutuel bet in which the bettor must predict which horses will finish first, second, and third in exact order. The word comes from the related betting term, "perfecta ". A trifecta is known as a tiercé in France and Hong Kong and as a tris in Italy .

It is also used in sports to describe scoring three points at one time (e. g. hat-trick ), or succeeding at anything three times in three consecutive attempts, such as in cricket. [ citation needed ]

A Trifecta Box is where any option in a wager can be correct and the player bets the spread. These are effectively betting on every possible outcome of the three contenders and is calculated.

While a trifecta box is only 3 options (so 6 bets in total) this term is sometimes used, incorrectly, for all boxed bets (eg 4 options with 24 total bets, etc),

It is also used to describe a situation when three elements come together at the same time. (e. g. the "Trifecta of Brotherhood")


About Spartan Race

What is the Spartan Trifecta? How do I earn it?

Aja Varney March 16, 2016 15:55

A member of the Spartan Trifecta Tribe finishes one of each Spartan distance - Sprint, Super and Beast - in a calendar year (January 1st - December 31st), anywhere in the world. You can earn multiple Trifectas in a single year, however only one lap per day, per event will count toward this accomplishment. (If you run in both the Elite and Open series, still only ONE run through the course, per day, per event will count towards a trifecta.)

The Hurricane heat does not count toward a Trifecta. Racers that complete an Ultra Beast will be able to count that as a "Beast" for their Trifecta. Racers that complete any stadium event, or Cornell College Classic, will be able to count that as a "Sprint" toward their Trifecta.

You can run the races in any order, the sprint does not need to be the first event.

There is nothing special that you will need to do to "claim" a trifecta medal, as you will earn the three pieces of it, as you complete your races during the season. Once you have your third piece, the medals will fit together to complete one big Trifecta medal. If you are earning your 2x, 3x, etc. Trifecta medal, they are available on site at the event. Please complete your race, then see our results tent and/or our announcer booth to be presented with your multi-Trifecta medal.

Trifecta merchandise (shirts, medal holders, etc.) will be available for sale at the merchandise tent at all events, but no additional merchandise, other than medal pieces, will be provided to Trifecta finishers.

Please note: Starting in 2015 all races in the world will award the Trifecta medal pieces. There are no single trifecta medals for any country.

Comments (30)

Luke Rutherford June 13, 2014 02:13

I believe that the Ultra Beast also counts as a Beast Race toward the Trifecta.

Aja Varney June 16, 2014 16:32

Luke, that is correct! The Ultra Beast event will count as a Beast toward your trifecta. So, if a person completes a Sprint, Super and Ultra Beast, they'll be all set! Thanks for adding that!

Fernando C June 16, 2014 21:50

If I complete the three events in a year, what do I need to do to get the Trifecta medal?

Luke Rutherford June 17, 2014 01:30

They just know. They keep track of your registration and completed races and there is usually a booth near (after) the finish line that verifies your completion and rewards you with the trifecta medal.

Aja Varney June 17, 2014 13:31

In 2014, there is nothing special that you will need to do to "claim" a trifecta medal, as you will earn the three pieces of it, as you complete your races during the season. Once you have your third piece, the medals will fit together to complete one big Trifecta medal!

Fernando C June 17, 2014 13:44

Thank you all for your comments. I guess I missed the piece of medal on the previous Super Spartan I completed, will look for it this next time. ¡Gracias!

Fernando C June 17, 2014 14:53

I ran the Miami Super Spartan a couple years ago. and I didn't realize I should have gotten the piece of medal. Still, I'm planning to do the three distances this same year, can't wait to complete the Trifecta!!

Aja Varney June 17, 2014 14:55

Fernando, Oops, sorry for the confusion, I should clarify: The piece medals are only for 2014. In previous years we had given out the full round medals for each event and then a separate medal for the trifecta.

Fernando C June 17, 2014 14:59

No problem, thanks for all your help Aja. Look forward to earn those three pieces this year then!!

Luke Rutherford June 18, 2014 00:09

I do have a related question. Is it possible to change race types on the day of the race? For instance, I am currently registered in the Vermont Sprint, but if I decided to change to the Ultra Beast the morning of the race, would this be possible? Right now I don't think I could complete the Beast on Saturday and then the Ultra Beast the next day, but if I wake up and feel ever so possessed to change to the Ultra Beast, would this be possible?

Aja Varney June 18, 2014 00:17

Adamsmith9 June 24, 2014 20:25

For 2014, is there a way to still get the separate Trifecta medal? I like that much more than the individuals pieces.

Aja Varney June 24, 2014 20:27

Adam, At this time we will not be providing a separate Trifecta medal, since all three pieces join together to form it. Thanks for your feedback, though!

Charles Le June 24, 2014 22:51

Is there still a full bigger trifecta medal when completing multiple trifectas in a year?

Aja Varney June 24, 2014 22:53

Charles, There is! While the single trifecta medal is made up of your "pieces" there are still separate medals for Multiple Trifecta Finishers! These can be claimed at the Merch Tent and/or Future Registration tent at any event, after you complete your required events!

Luke Rutherford June 25, 2014 01:39

But there is still a way to get the seperate trifecta medal! If you complete your final race in Canada you should be able to receive the full trifecta completion medal as we have not changed to the pie piece style. Also, the medals this year for the Sprint, Super, and Beast are AWESOME! I'd recommend coming to Ottawa for the Beast in several weeks :) One thing I'm not certain of though is whether the other, non-Beast races would have the trifecta medal available at them, as the Ottawa Beast is Canada's first and only Beast race. Desafortunadamente. Bottom line, we're still using the old style trifecta medal format!

Luke Rutherford June 25, 2014 01:40

Correction. there is also a Beast at Sun Peaks, which is in BC.

Akdocbruce June 25, 2014 17:52

I read somewhere to complete Trifecta, it wasn't a calendar year, but 12 months after your first race. has this changed? Some people begin their first Spartan race in November or December

CorandTim June 30, 2014 16:06

We will be completing our Trifecta in Red Deer, Canada, at the Super. When I clicked on "claim" after the Salt Lake City Beast, it doesn't show us also having completed the Flathead Lake sprint in Montana this past May, it only shows we completed the Beast. How will they know to add us to the 2014 Trifecta Tribe list, after we complete the Super then? As well, in Montana instead of the usual red spartan metal that accompanied our 1/3 of the trifecta medal, we got the black head with the spikes around it. ¿Qué es esto?

Ed McKenna June 30, 2014 21:25

Hello, I did an invitational on April 14, 2014 at the Reebok Complex in Stoughton MA will that be considered as a sprint? Also I did a super in Quebec on June 22, 2014 so I can a get a different medal so they all can fit together? Thank you, Ed McKenna

Aja Varney July 02, 2014 19:01

Everyone, as noted in the article above, if you do a single event towards your trifecta in a country other than the US, you will need to contact us (email) to receive the "piece" medal, as our international partners are only providing the previous round medal.

International races WILL be taken into account for 2014 Trifecta standings as long as they are associated with your Athlinks Profile. Please see this related article, regarding the Spartan Point Series, for more information on Claiming your results through Athlinks, and making sure they're all associated with your profile: https://spartanrace. zendesk. com/hc/en-us/articles/202641333-Spartan-Point-Series-and-Ranking

Aja Varney July 02, 2014 19:02

@Ed, Our Invitational Event, as well as any Stadium Series events will absolutely count as Sprint towards your trifecta.

Robin Ubaldini July 08, 2014 16:34

My husband has just participated in his second death race. I am inspired by him and now want to set the goal of completing a trifecta. Could you please clarify 1. do stadium races count towards the trifecta and 2. Is a trifecta by calendar year or by the date of your first race? ¡Gracias!

Aja Varney July 08, 2014 16:37

Hi Robin, As noted in the article above, Stadium Races count as a Sprint towards your trifecta. Additionally, Trifecta is Calendar Year only - you must complete all three distances in one calendar year.

Frank Treto July 24, 2014 18:06

I have 2 questions. I read all of the posts on here but did not find anything on what I want to know. I keep reading about the 3 pieces "fit together" to make a bigger medal. I'm sure they'll fit together. My first question is, is there anything being given to us to hold all 3 pieces together? or do the medals somehow connect to each other and stay in tack?

My second question is, I did my Spartan Sprint using 1 email account and I'm going to do the Spartan Beast in Ottawa with a different email. Is Spartan going to keep track of those 2 races towards my trifecta or is there something special I have to do so you guys can track?

Bill Brumbach July 26, 2014 23:45

I'm going for multiple trifectas this year. I notice that only one lap per event counts towards an "official" trifecta. Since Ohio is offering all three events on the same day and I already have one trifecta so far, if I run each distance that day, will that count towards an additional trifecta for one of the larger multiple trifecta medals?

Aja Varney July 27, 2014 02:44

Hi Frank! The three wedge pieces are actually magnetized, so they stick together, once you get all three, to make a full trifecta medal! In regard to your three trifecta races, we will keep track and can verify based on your date of birth, etc. For future reference, it is easier all around if you choose one email address and stick with it all race season - BUT, we'll get you either way.

Aja Varney July 27, 2014 02:46

You're exactly right. If you run Ohio for the Trifecta-in-a-day, it is a full "official" trifecta (as you will have run all three distances). SO, if you already have one trifecta completed and then you do Ohio Trifecta-in-a-day, we will VERY proudly award you your Double Trifecta medal at the end of the day!

Reymart Carandang July 29, 2014 23:30

For the trifecta, If I do the San Francisco Sprint in August, do I have to do the Super and Beast in this calendar year to get the trifecta, or do I have until next August to get it?

Aja Varney July 30, 2014 14:47

Hi Reymart, per the article above: "A member of the Spartan Trifecta Tribe finishes on of each Spartan distance - Sprint, Super and Beast - in a calendar year (January 1st - December 31st), anywhere in the world." So, if you do the Sprint in August, you have until December 31 to do a Super and a Beast to finish your Trifecta!

Squirrel trifecta


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Dr. Bree Holtz MSU Trifecta researcher awarded American Diabetes Association grant

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I use Trifecta gear - it is a necessity at endgame. While I agree that living under the "trifecta regime" has not been fun, capping is the wrong answer. The devs and almost the entire fan base are missing the point here: itemization is broken, but not because of trifecta gear.

Itemization fails in this game because the current skill system is poorly designed. Skill damage is based directly on DPS - a function of gear stats (trifecta included), and that is horrid design. No matter how optimized your skill selections are, you cannot get away from the trifecta dependency - its the only way to deal adequate damage at endgame.

Capping trifecta only accomplishes two things: 1. lowers market value of trifecta gear (With AH on the out - this doesn't matter that much because the trading market will be illiquid anyway) 2. push players into another min/max strategy - off the top of my head, weapon DPS and main stat will probably become the most important stats (start stacking red gems. )

Capping just masks the problem, changes the most desirable statistics and alters market values of items.

Blizzard needs to forget about band aids, and fix the problem at its core; decouple skill damage from DPS.

Edited by vorpalblade#1827 on 9/29/2013 11:03 AM PDT

Everyone will use the same certain gear in certain items slots even more than now, best way to reach cap in the best way would be something like this:

- Must use weapons with Crit damage and socket with Emerald gem for Crit damage - Must use items like the Witching Hour and Inna's Temperance to boost trifecta stats alot - Must use Gloves with 10% crit chance and Amulet with 10% crit chance

There will be certain must use items, or you're missing out on getting the most out of your gear, caps allowing for more gear diversity? yeah right. all a cap is going to do is have everyone run around with the same stats and more of the same gear than now.

When you go with the fastest way to reach the cap with minimum items, it's the best way to go and almost everyone will do the same because then you can equip the other items slots with items that give a massive boost to Class main stat, all resistance, vitality and certain Legendary affixes etc.

Edited by KhaoS#2865 on 9/29/2013 11:08 AM PDT

We will still want trifecta on every slot, all they are doing is trying to put a cap on the exponential dps growth from trifecta.

Hitting the cap won't be easy because from the RoS screenshots we've seen, trifecta rolls have been reduced by 25%. That means you will need trifecta in every slot with close max rolls just to hit any of the individual caps anyway.

Look at a dual wield melee for instance, we can only hit 43% crit chance right now, 6 cc mempo, 6 cc bracer, 2 x 6 cc ring, 10cc amulet, 1 cc innas, 1 cc lamentation, 7 cc nat's ring. If all these rolls are going to be nerfed by 25% you can't even hit the cap by dual wielding at all.

We will still want trifecta on every slot, all they are doing is trying to put a cap on the exponential dps growth from trifecta.

Hitting the cap won't be easy because from the RoS screenshots we've seen, trifecta rolls have been reduced by 25%. That means you will need trifecta in every slot with close max rolls just to hit any of the individual caps anyway.

Look at a dual wield melee for instance, we can only hit 43% crit chance right now, 6 cc mempo, 6 cc bracer, 2 x 6 cc ring, 10cc amulet, 1 cc innas, 1 cc lamentation, 7 cc nat's ring. If all these rolls are going to be nerfed by 25% you can't even hit the cap by dual wielding at all.

Maybe you're forgetting about all the new Legendaries that are currently low lvl Legendaries but are going to drop on max level aswell that have also trifecta stats on them, and if loot 2.0 is going to look anything like the console items reaching the cap is going to be super easy.

09/29/2013 10:57 AM Posted by vorpalblade

Blizzard needs to forget about band aids, and fix the problem at its core; decouple skill damage from DPS.

That wont fix it neither. The problem is that there are no affixes to compete with the trifecta affixes. Blizz should just buff the bad and add some new exciting affixes viable to compete.

But capping is just silly. Just another trap for the noobs. U think people will be happy about trading for gear only to find out it does nothing for them.

U think i was happy when i stacked move speed and found out i had wasted my gold and my time.

100 Draenei Hunter

09/29/2013 11:11 AM Posted by Kirishima

We will still want trifecta on every slot, all they are doing is trying to put a cap on the exponential dps growth from trifecta. Putting a cap on that exponential growth means that getting the max value won't be as important. It means you could make a decision like losing some crit damage, but gaining a buff to your favorite spells, and have it be an overall gain.

2. push players into another min/max strategy In RPG and ARPG - Min/Max IS the strategy. Always was, is and will be.

09/29/2013 10:57 AM Posted by vorpalblade

Capping just masks the problem, changes the most desirable statistics and alters market values of items.

I hope the market you refer to is not the AH because that would be a redundant statement. Chances are we'll be trading for materials(unless BOA), base rares/LEGendary - i. e. pre-Enchanted. Who knows what will be hot and what not.

Also as far as masking the problem - "Changes the most desirable stats" - Isn't that what everyone has been complaining about? Locked into the Holy Trinity? But Blizz goes and caps it - is offerig us oodles of new gear, stats, procs, elemental etc etc etc OPTIONS but people are STILL FREAKING OUT and QQing!

09/29/2013 10:57 AM Posted by vorpalblade

Blizzard needs to forget about band aids, and fix the problem at its core; decouple skill damage from DPS. Skills already do zero DPS. Maybe I am misunderstanding - You mean decouple Skill damage from Weapon Damage? DPS is DPS is DPS be it a skill or basic swing. Skills enhance basic attacks. What the % damage is based upon though. that's what you're saying??

KhaoS - Are you happy or sad about the caps? Your first statement seems upset. The second one makes sense and is actually what I am hoping for. Path of least resistance to achieve caps - Load up on eHP based gear - enjoy my gameplay.

There will be certain must use items, or you're missing out on getting the most out of your gear, caps allowing for more gear diversity? yeah right. all a cap is going to do is have everyone run around with the same stats and more of the same gear than now.

When you go with the fastest way to reach the cap with minimum items, it's the best way to go and almost everyone will do the same because then you can equip the other items slots with items that give a massive boost to Class main stat, all resistance, vitality and certain Legendary affixes etc.

Ultimately I have hope for Loot 2.0, Paragon 2.0 and RoS. Maybe I'm a minority in this - either way - So be it. I will wait and see because frankly I have no other options but to do just that.

Otherwise all of this debating about something we have no idea about just gets old.

It's all WIP, so it's not all finished right now.

But: If they would decouple skills from DPS, then that would create a whole other class of problems as well. Skills wouldn't be balanced at all.

Making spells % based on DPS allows them to be somewhat powerful and viable. If you look back at D2, a ton of spells were useless because they didn't do enough dmg, etc.

Caps still give the freedom choice, without wanting to max your DPS to the max by stacking trifecta endlessly. Instead, you can now play around with the fun & promised new Loot 2.0 legendary affixes, hopefully kinda making them work like they did in D2, making some desired or different builds etc.

Trifecta in general will lose it's value if they cap it, making variety in builds & in the new legendaries possible.

Keep in mind Paragon 2.0 will give you AS, CC, CD as well.

They could do a complete overhaul and give each skill a fixed amount of damage, and have that damage be increased by a % based on the amount of your main stat you have. That would make Attack Speed have no affect on actual damage, it would just increase the rate you could use your skills. Crits would still work in a similar fashion.

They could even take that a step further, bring back those rune items that were in the original design, and were necessary to slot into a skill in order to unlock that skill's specific runic alternation. Instead of using them to unlock skill runes though, they could be used to pump up the damage on the specific skill rune. Here is a way this could work.

One is having each storyline boss drop an amount of 1 of 6 different runes as you progress through the story. They would be BoP rare drops that are stored in stacks on your skill sheet to allocate to that specific skill on that character, not your inventory. You would collect them to level up a skill's rune damage to a cap, say 0/10 or 0/20 to increase the efficiency of a skill. Once you reach 20/20 or whatever the amount is in ALL skill runes, you would no longer be able to pick up these rune drops. Would tie the main bosses directly into a characters progression, making them a relevant aspect of the actual end game and helping to diversify it a little, and give some gratification to the players who enjoy seeing a major drop off the bosses. I would make them purple. A major tribute to D2, but also most likely just a pipe dream.

As for the affix caps, I feel these are unnecessary. As it stands, you can still use gear to enhance your build customization (see 0 dogs WD builds etc.), all you have to do is NOT CARE about the major affixes. It's like 90% of the player base believes it's impossible to hit the "Join Game" button if there is another character with more DPS out there than them. Just play the game. Enough ranting though. The reason I think caps are no good, is because they limit a major aspect of why I enjoy D3, I can almost always further upgrade my character. In D2, perfect roll items were awesome because I could make infinite accounts and gear up infinite characters. Now I am limited to 12 characters unless I wanna shell out another 60$, but I digress. Mainly I would only be using 1 to maybe 3 characters at most, and investing my time into upgrading those characters. I know this would take months, but if I eventually reach all the caps, and the gear I collect is near all perfect rolls, and I paragon level to the point where all paragon point skills are maxed out, then I just spent all this time to max out a character so it can farm loot that will never be an upgrade. This is a great extreme, but having caps on any affixes accentuates this process. Maybe I am just biased because I don't want to see them in the game. Could just be because say I find an amazing item that would've been a huge upgrade in the past, but now I can't even use it because my crit damage is already capped, etc. Would be too much for alot of players who can get decent gear via auction house right now, but never get that "found an upgrade" feel that they used to. Just some sporatic thoughts on an idea still in speculation.

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Acasti (ACST) Gains Following TRIFECTA and Pharmacokinetic Trials

July 9, 2014 9:58 AM

Acasti Pharma Inc. (Nasdaq: ACST ) announces the completion of two trials, the Phase II double-blind, placebo-controlled (TRIFECTA) study and the Pharmacokinetic (PK) trial.

"The conclusion of the clinical studies is a key milestone in our drug development program and we look forward to obtaining results for the two trials," said Andre Godin, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of Acasti. The results of the Phase II and PK trials are an important part of Acasti's on-going discussions with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to obtain approval to conduct a Phase III trial in the USA.


The primary objective of the TRIFECTA trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CaPre® in reducing triglyceride levels in patients with mild to severe hypertriglyceridemia. Upon reaching the number of targeted patients, a planned second blinded interim analysis indicated a significant clinical signal, without any safety concerns. Given that the stopping threshold had been met, the data review committee members recommended that there was sufficient evidence of a treatment effect that warranted the termination of the study. The Corporation intends to unblind the study and top-line results are expected by the end of September 2014, with full data coming out in the following quarter.

In Acasti's previously completed Phase II open-label (COLT) trial, CaPre® was found to be safe and effective in reducing triglyceride levels in patients with hypertriglyceridemia. Triglyceride lowering activity was seen at all doses tested. As well, CaPre® also had a positive impact on multiple lipoproteins, including high-density lipoprotein (HDL – good cholesterol) and non-HDL, and no significant deleterious effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL – bad cholesterol). "If this lipid efficacy is maintained throughout our clinical trials, it could be a key differentiator from other omega-3 prescription drugs currently on the market," highlighted Mr. Pierre Lemieux, PhD, Chief Operating Officer of Acasti.

Acasti's Pharmacokinetic trial is designed to evaluate blood profiles and bioavailability in healthy human volunteers taking single and multiple doses of Capre®. Top-line results are expected to be available by the end of September 2014, with full data coming out in the following quarter.

The PK study marks an important step in Acasti's pivotal US strategy to secure regulatory approval to distribute and market CaPre® as a prescription drug in the US.


Trifecta Betting on a horse race is a slightly more complicated form of wagering compared to WIN, PLACE, or SHOW betting. In Trifecta Betting, the general idea is to pick three horses that will finish in the top three positions. After that, you need to determine whether or not you want to specify a certain order of finish (which offers a higher payout), a mixed order of finish (lesser trifecta payout), or any order of finish (least trifecta payout).

Straight Trifecta Betting

Straight Trifecta Betting is what most people think of when they hear the word "Trifecta" at the horse track: choose three horses in a given race, and then determine the order in which those horses will finish. If your guess is correct, and your horses finish 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in your predicted order, you will win your trifecta bet. Keep in mind that the odds of winning a straight trifecta bet are somewhat remote, unless there are less than 8 horses in a race. If you do win, however, you will collect a substantial payout.

All straight trifecta bets require a $2 minimum bet.

Example: $2 Straight Trifecta on Horses 6-1-8 means you are betting $2 that horses 6, 1, and 8 will finish first, second, and third in consecutive order.

Trifecta Box Betting

A Trifecta Box wager is a variation on the Straight Trifecta bet, which allows the horse bettor more room for error. With this wager, the bettor picks three horses which must finish first, second, and third in any order. In other words, with Trifecta Box betting, it doesn't matter the exact final positions of your three horses, as long as they finish in the top three overall.

All Trifecta Box Bets cost a minimum of $1 per finish combination, for a total of $6 for a complete Trifecta Box.

Example: A $1 Trifecta Box on horses 9-6-2 means that there are 6 different possible winning combinations (see below) so your total wager is $6. The bet wins if horses 9,6, and 2 finish in the top 3 in any order.

Trifecta Box Combinations on horses 9,6, and 2 at $1 each: Finishing 9-6-2 = $1 Finishing 9-2-6 = $1 Finishing 6-2-9 = $1 Finishing 6-9-2 = $1 Finishing 2-9-6 = $1 Finishing 2-6-9 = $1 Total Wager = $6

Trifecta Wheel Betting

Trifecta Wheel Betting is yet another form of Trifecta Betting, which allows the bettor the most flexibility in terms of finish order and horse preference. Unlike a Trifecta Box Bet, Trifecta Wheel Betting lets a horse bettor "key" or lock in a certain horse or horses to finish 1st, then a second "key" or lock in for a certain horse or horses to finish second, and finally a third "key" or lock in for a certain horse or horses to finish third.

Once the race is over, if any of the horses in your "first key" finish first, and any of the horses in your "second key" finish second, and any of the horses in your "third key" finish third, you have a winning ticket.

The cost of the Trifecta Wheel is determined by how many different possible combinations there are for the horses you choose.

All Trifecta Wheel Bets cost a minimum of $1 per combination.

Example 1: You believe horse 8 will win the race, and that horse is your first key. Next, you believe one of horses 4-12-9 will finish second, and that set is your second key. Finally, you believe one of horses 4-12-9 will fiinish third, and that set is your third key. This bet wins if horse 8 wins, follwed by any horse of 4-12-9 in second, followed by any horse of 4-12-9 in third. This bet would cost $6.

Trifecta Example #1 Wheel Combinations on horses 8 then 4-12-9, then 4-12-9 at $1 each: Finishing 8-12-9 = $1 Finishing 8-9-12 = $1 Finishing 8-4-9 = $1 Finishing 8-9-4 = $1 Finishing 8-4-12 = $1 Finishing 8-12-4 = $1 Total Wager = $6

Remember, since you only keyed one horse to win, this horse MUST WIN or else the rest of the wager is null and void.

Example 2: You believe either horse 5 or 7 will win, follwed by either 5 or 7 in second, followed by one of 4-1-3-9-2 in third. This bet wins if either 5 or 7 win, then 5 or 7 place second, then one horse of 4-1-3-9-2 finishes third.

Trifecta Example #2 Wheel Combinations on horses 5-7 winning, then 5-7 second, then 4-1-3-9-2 third at $1 each: Finishing 5-7-4 = $1 Finishing 5-7-1 = $1 Finishing 5-7-9 = $1 Finishing 5-7-3 = $1 Finishing 5-7-2 = $1 Finishing 7-5-4 = $1 Finishing 7-5-1 = $1 Finishing 7-5-9 = $1 Finishing 7-5-3 = $1 Finishing 7-5-2 = $1 Total Wager = $10

Trifecta Horse Betting

Trifecta Betting General Reference Tables

Trifecta Box 3 horse $1 trifecta box = $6 Wager 4 horse $1 trifecta box = $24 Wager 5 horse $1 trifecta box = $60 Wager 6 horse $1 trifecta box = $120 Wager 7 horse $1 trifecta box = $210 Wager 8 horse $1 trifecta box = $336 Wager 9 horse $1 trifecta box = $504 Wager 10 horse $1 trifecta box = $720 Wager 11 horse $1 trifecta box = $990 Wager 12 horse $1 trifecta box = $1320 Wager

Trifecta Wheel, with one horse key and various other horses $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 3 horses = $6 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 4 horses = $12 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 5 horses = $20 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 6 horses = $30 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 7 horses = $42 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 8 horses = $56 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 9 horses = $72 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 10 horses = $90 Wager $1 trifecta wheel 1 horse with 11 horses = $110 Wager

Don't forget one other crucial element in this table: the odds on each horse to win the race. Based on the chart above, Lookin at Lucky was a relative favorite, hence the single digit payouts. First Dude was more of a long shot, hence the double digit PLACE payout. Finally, Jackson Bend was considered to have less chances to win than Lookin At Lucky, but more than First Dude, hence the SHOW payout that is in between the values of Lookin at Lucky's SHOW payout and First Dude's SHOW payout.

Remember, the longer the odds (or more remote the chances of a horse winning a given race) the higher the potential payout!


Beginner To Winner: Racing enjoys immense popularity for many reasons. Racing fans nationwide, and in many parts of the world, love viewing the spectacle of one of nature’s most efficient and graceful animals speeding around the track. These fans also enjoy the challenge of matching wits with each other in a contest every race to try and select the winners. This direct participation in the action on the track adds an element of drama and anticipation to the first-run performances starring the magnificent greyhounds. The key to winning at any game involving skill is to know the right way to play. We hope that this information will help you go quickly from a beginner to a winner.

Win: The first dog to cross the finish line. You collect if the dog you chose to WIN comes in first. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Place: The second dog to cross the finish line PLACES. You collect if the dog you chose to PLACE comes in second or first. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Show: The third dog to cross the finish line SHOWS. You collect if the dog you chose to SHOW comes in third, second, or first. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Across The Board: Here, you make three individual bets on one dog to WIN, PLACE, and SHOW. If your selection wins, you collect on all three bets. If your selection runs second, you collect on PLACE and SHOW bets. If your selection runs third, you collect the SHOW bet. The minimum wager is $2.00 but remember that your total cost will be three times your minimum amount. For example, a $2.00 ‘Across the Board’ bet would cost $6.00.

When you bet a Quiniela, you are wagering the two dogs you select will cross the finish line in either order.

Example: If you think #5 and #8 are going to run first and second, then you purchase a 5-8 Quiniela ticket. If #5 wins, and #8 runs second, or if #8 wins and #5 runs second, you win the Quiniela. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Quiniela Box: You can also combine more than two dogs and ‘box them in’ so that all combinations of those numbers are covered.

Number of Combinations

Based on $2.00 Bets

Wheeling The Quiniela: You can also ‘wheel’ a favorite dog, so that it is combined with all the other dogs. Based on the $2.00 value, the total cost of a wheel is $14.00. For example, if you wheel #3 with ALL the other dogs in the same race and #3 comes in first or second, you win because you have ALL other combinations covered.

Number of Dogs Wheeled

Cost Based on $2.00 Bets

1 runner with 2 others

1 runner with 3 others

1 runner with 4 others

1 runner with 5 others

1 runner with 6 others

1 runner with 7 others

When you bet a Perfecta, you are wagering the two dogs you select will finish first and second in exact order. Example: It you think #6 will finish first and #3 will finish second, you purchase a 6-3 Perfecta ticket. If #6 wins and #3 runs second, you win. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Perfecta Box: As with the Quiniela box, you are combining your selections and boxing them in so that all combinations of those numbers are covered.

Number of Dogs Boxed

Cost Based on $2.00 Bets

Wheeling The Perfecta: You key a dog to finish the race in either first or second place with all others in the race. Example: If you bet a $2.00 Perfecta wheel 4-ALL, you win if the 4 crosses the finish line first, regardless of which dog finishes second.

Number of Dogs Wheeled

Cost Based on $2.00 Bets

1 runner with 2 others

1 runner with 3 others

1 runner with 4 others

1 runner with 5 others

1 runner with 6 others

1 runner with 7 others

A trifecta is played by picking the first three dogs to finish in the exact order.

Example: If you ask for a $2.00 trifecta 2-4-8, you would collect if the race finished with #2 to win, #4 to run second, and #8 to run third. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Boxing The Trifecta: To improve your chances, boxes can be purchased for a cost of $1.00 per combination. Example: A $1.00 trifecta box on numbers 2,3, and 4 covers all six possible combinations of those numbers for a total cost of $6.00. (All $1.00 trifecta boxes pay half of the posted $2.00 straight trifecta price)

Number of Dogs Boxed

Number of Combinations

Based on $2.00 Bets

Wheeling The Trifecta: Another method for improving your chances of winning the trifecta is the trifecta wheel. Although the key dog is usually played in the first or win position, you can also play the key dog in the second or third positions. Minimum wager is $1.00, however, the minimum cost of a trifecta wheel is $2.00.

Number of Dogs Wheeled

Number of Combinations

Based on $1.00 Bets

Key 1 with 2 others

Key 1 with 3 others

Key 1 with 4 others

Key 1 with 5 others

Key 1 with 6 others

Key 1 with 7 others

The straight superfecta is played by picking the first four greyhounds to finish in their exact order. For example, If you ask for a $2.00 straight superfecta 1-3-4-8, you would collect if the race finished exactly 1-3-4-8 with the #1 to win, #3 to run second, #4 to finish third, and #8 to finish fourth. Minimum wager is $2.00.

Boxing The Superfecta: You can also box four numbers in the superfecta for only $24.00. For example, if you box the 5,6,7 and 8 dogs, you will win if any combination of those four dogs finishes in the top four positions.

Number of Dogs/ Horses Boxed

Cost Based on $1.00 Bets

Wheeling The Superfecta: You can also play the superfecta with $1.00 key wheels. You may choose a key dog to finish first, and then play that key dog/horse with three others to come in second, third, and fourth. For example, if you bet a $1.00 superfecta wheel with the 1 keyed over the 3,4,8, you would collect if the #l came in first, and the 3,4, and 8 dogs/horses came in second, third and fourth, in any order. Although the key dog is usually played in the first or win position, you can also play the key dog in the second, third or forth positions.

Number of Dogs Wheeled

Number of Combinations

Based on $1.00 Bets

Key 1 with 3 others

Key 1 with 4 others

Key 1 with 5 others

Key 1 with 6 others

Key 1 with 7 others

This is a bet involving two consecutive races. You win by picking the winner of the first race and the winner of the second race.

The twin-tri can be played for as little as $2.00 and all you have to do is select, in order, the first three dogs to cross the finish line in the first half. If your selections are correct in the first half, you collect your payoff and exchange your ticket for a FREE second half selection. Then sit back and wait for your second half trifecta to cross the line in the order you’ve selected. If no one wins both halves of the twin-tri, a carryover jackpot is started and continues to grow until someone wins!

The Tri-Super is conducted on two designated races. To play, simply follow these easy steps:

1. Select the first, second and third place finishers in exact order in the first half of the Tri-Super.

2. If your selection is correct, cash your first-half winning ticket and then select the first, second, third and fourth place finishers in the second half of the Tri-Super. this selection is placed at no extra charge.

3. If you correctly select the first three finishers (Trifecta) in the first half of the Tri-Super and then exchange your winning ticket for a correct selection of the first four finishers in the second half of the Tri-Super, you will be the winner of the Tri-Super carryover jackpot.

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By Keith Schneider on December 22, 2014

Since the year is just about up and the performance numbers are just about finished, barring an unusual end of year reversal of historic proportions, all US asset classes have put in a stellar performance. What is most unusual however is that the US Dollar has roared, trading at 4 year highs, while US T Bonds hover near all times highs as well. The 20 year bond has withstood the ending of quantitative easing and some maybe hawkish statements out of the Fed.

Did I forget to mention that most US Stock indexes are just a hair off all-time highs as well? In fact, looking around at Global Equities, beside the US, only India and China have had meaningful positive returns this year. To sum it up, the US from the financial markets standpoint, pulled off a triple play, or if you like horsing around, a Trifecta. Having all three assets classes from a single country (bonds, currencies and equities) perform as well as they have in the US this year is highly unusual. The big question looms, just how long this state of the market can continue?

The flight to US assets of all types driven by dominance of a slow but steady US economic recovery, political stability and energy independence looks reasonable especially when compared to the stagnant global economy fighting deflation. This dominance of the US seems justified as long as rates stay low (After all, we are the biggest debtor nation) and we can keep the pressure on oil prices.

Although Putin fancies himself as the Kasporav of the Geo – Political chessboard, with the ruble in ruins, and the Russian stock market down almost 50% this year, and his Oil based economy teetering on the brink of collapse, he might not be the grandmaster he thinks he is. Obama and the West have him boxed in. Today Putin shut down a Facebook page of a dissident looking to organize an anti - government rally and this move does not reassure fleeing foreign investors or help attract fresh western capital.

Putin is not without some moves or resources. He is hoping that the EU fails when Greek elections play out in the beginning of 2015. There is a distinct possibility that Greece might choose to abandon the Euro and lean left. This would weaken the Eurozone and NATO as well. Along with the annexation of Crimea, Putin will try to cozy up to Greece and Turkey and hence control critical parts of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. If those things do fall into place for Putin, he might be able to leverage that into higher oil prices and stabilize the Russian Economy. If anything, as we are witnessing from recent market gyrations, just a small shift in perception has a major impact on prices of all assets, especially oil.

Meanwhile the US equities markets have yet again shrugged off the recent swoon as if it never happened. From a pure momentum perspective US Equities look poised to make new highs again. After a two day, 700 + point move in the DOW, the markets digested this massive rally with barely a burp on Friday.

Warren Buffets favorite indicator for determining stock market valuation is the GDP versus total capitalization of the US equity markets and it is sitting at overbought or about 135% of GDP. It still has another 10% rise before it matches all-time high bubble valuations highs set during the dot com boom. Another cross current is that the strong presidential cycle is bumping into these high valuations and a long in the tooth bull run. For more details let’s go to this week’s video.

I'm curious about the shift improvement of the trans. I don't want something real firm but a little more firm would definitely be nice. I don't want to pick a battle with horsepower and torque gains but I found NO info about expected gains anywhere on the website. I wouldn't believe 30 horsepower unless there was a dyno slip with before and after readings, done the same day on the same dyno. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

It seems they are willing to fine tune the system, that's a plus, it's not just a one and done programming. I just can't justify parting with that kind of money and having no idea what to expect on a given vehicle. Is that all that is done is modifying the spark and fuel delivery curves or does it get into the VVT tweaking as well? Just at WOT or all driving conditions? Must run premium fuel? No diagnostics are sacrificed? Data list will function as it does from the factory?

All questions that would be better answered by someone in the know. As far as the shift improvement, you can select how firm you want it when ordering and depending on the vehicle it is sometimes a dual mode tune so it won't be firm all the time. For example, my Cruze was an auto and while in Drive, it operated at 14 PSI peak and was very mildly tuned. Got WAY better mileage with that mode and hated it, lol. I wanted it for the sport mode, which engaged when I put it in Manual. The boost was kicked up to 22 PSI but sometimes peaked above that. The shifts were as firm as I could get them and that made it easy to break tires loose coming into 3rd. As far as the LCV in my Bu, Vince has told me he got 30 hp at the flywheel, but I haven't tuned yet. Personally I have to wait until after christmas before I can. (gotta take care of the kid, lol) If it will sway y'all one way or the other, I will gladly tune and post before and after dyno sheets as soon as I can for the 2.5L. The 2.0T guys, we already know, will see 310 HP at the flywheel because I saw a dyno sheet for an LHU already.

Andrew (Boats) Link to my Fuelly since I can't have two pics in my sig, lol 2013 Mailbu 1LT with Power Convenience package. Plans: Two Image Dynamics IDQ12v2s, a Boston Acoustics GT2300, 20x8.5 Niche Targas with airbag suspension and Tint. Photoshop thread

Hey Rodents, since you're here and we're talking mods, I'm curious about the 6T70 because GM rated it for a maximum of 315 horsepower and 280 lb-ft of torque.

In spite of this, GM tuned the 2.0T in the '14 Malibu to 295 lb-ft of torque so how durable are these transmissions in actuality? The same goes for the transmissions in the Sonic and Cruze, which appear to be rated for a "maximum" of 138 hp and 148 lb-ft (which is the rating of the 1.4T).

2009 2LT V6 Red Jewel w/Factory Fogs, Lip Spoiler, Black Calipers, Chrome-Tech 18s, GM Performance STB, Amsoil Cone Intake HPTuners - Tune In Progress (V3.55)

cp-the-nerd is offline

CMF Senior Member

Join Date: May 2013

Location: Virginia Beach, VA

I believe that's what they are rated to withstand in that application, not their max rating.

Andrew (Boats) Link to my Fuelly since I can't have two pics in my sig, lol 2013 Mailbu 1LT with Power Convenience package. Plans: Two Image Dynamics IDQ12v2s, a Boston Acoustics GT2300, 20x8.5 Niche Targas with airbag suspension and Tint. Photoshop thread

I have no better info than you get from www. gmpowertrain. com. If I recall, the 6T70 in the gen 7 was rated at 255 ft. lbs. Now it's 280. Maybe there is something a bit different, maybe not. You don't get the absolute best of anything every model year from the car manufacturers. You get just enough to keep you coming back for more.

Really think there's that much difference from one model year to the next? What's to say an engine rated at 300 ft. lbs. one year and 315 ft. lbs. the next is really that much different? More like a slip of the pencil? 2010 Camaro 3.6 ring any bells? Didn't it get bumped 'magically' when Ford had more horsepower or torque in a Mustang?

As for the tune, when a company expects to have a customer plunk down a few hundred bucks, the company should be able to show some kind of 'before and after' example. I realize it may be impractical to do it for every engine and trans combo out there but I don't see anything. It would really be nice to see an outside firm verify it, like GM does with SAE numbers. I know that probably costs a lot and would be impractical but it would lend more confidence in the numbers. Yes, I am not a trusting soul.

I don't know, 30 horsepower on the 2.5 and no other mods? I can't say it can't be done, but I would like more than words. Personally, I'm more interested in the trans shifting better. I don't want to chirp third, I want the tranny to hold together over the long haul. I think a bit more firm of a shift can be attained and not impact trans life. Fuel economy gains I really seriously doubt you're going to get much. As hard as the manufacturers work to get what they have, if it were so easy to do, it would have been implemented in the OE programming at least to some degree.

I mean, we're not talking about gutting catalytics here are we? This program will work on a bone stock car? I've never had the opportunity to play around with programmable ECM's. I also have no problem believing GM didn't give us the best there was from the factory, but am I compromising anything here? A video shot off a cell phone would be okay with me. I'd like something to wrap my arms around here. I'll be more than happy to admit I was wrong and shouldn't have doubted the product, but I need some sort of real life info on the 3.6 gains first. I don't think that's asking too much.

I've checked out GM powertrain and other sources, there's no good explanation. I wasn't sure if you knew internally how strict "maximum" ratings were.

The 6T70 (6-speed transaxle for FWD) was co-developed by Ford and GM, both have always rated them up to 280 lb-ft. There's a separate 6T75 rated up to 300 lb-ft, which is why I was surprised to find that the uprated '14 Malibu turbo retains the less robust transmission.

Obviously 315 hp and 280 lb-ft is no problem for any mods I might have planned with the port injected 3.6L, but the Trifecta tune has the 2.0T putting out well over 300 hp and 300 lb-ft, not to mention the altered transmission programming. I'd be wary of long term wear and tear.

2009 2LT V6 Red Jewel w/Factory Fogs, Lip Spoiler, Black Calipers, Chrome-Tech 18s, GM Performance STB, Amsoil Cone Intake HPTuners - Tune In Progress (V3.55)

cp-the-nerd is offline

CMF Junior Member

Join Date: Jan 2011

if you guys want i can upload the datalog from my 2.4l trifecta tune and you can see the difference between stock and trifecta tuned. but keep in mind i also have full custom exhaust from the manifold back. but that wouldn't add that much hp. also if you get around the maximum hp range for a transmission, the cheapest way to prevent wear and tear is to upgrade the cooling system with an auxiliary cooling system. heat is the biggest problem for stock tranny's. just my two cents. let me know about the datalog. if you are interested ill pull a log later today or tomorrow.

Rob Booker - Trifecta6 English | Size: 3.08 GB (3,308,566,173 bytes) Category: Tutorial Rob Bookers latest! Video series and includes MT4 robot.

From Rob about Trifecta 6..

July 31 Phoenix, Arizona

A couple of months ago I was standing in front of 150+ people in Arizona:

And I had a revelation. Jaja. Not that kind.

But seriously. I had one of those moments when you step back and say WHOA!

Here's what I realized:

I know at least 25 people making more than $100,000 a year from trading. And every one of them is happy, travels, does whatever they want, takes great care of their friends & family.

PERO. Not one of them sits in front of the screen all day!

They aren't "geniuses".

They aren't "market wizards."

They are regular dudes (and dudettes) who know what to look for.

ASI QUE. I went back home and rebuilt A TRADING SYSTEM THAT REWARDS LAZINESS. ¡Decir ah!

Best part is. it doesn't matter what you want to trade. stocks, forex, oil, used cars. stuffed animals. (kidding)

It just matters that you want to make money. And do it with a huge worldwide happy family of traders. And you want to have more free time.

I call the new trading system Trifecta 6, and it's the easiest, fastest way to get trading results that I've ever made.

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Emerging markets fearing US dollar, yields, China trifecta

In a quiet post-NFP Monday, markets focused on the research from the Bank of International Settlements finding that emerging markets face rising risk of servicing their USD-denominated debt owing to the rising value of the US currency. But the real danger will come from bounce in US bond yields as well as persistent deterioration in Chinese economic figures.

The BIS story caught the attention of FX and bond traders particularly as the USD index soared to fresh five-year highs following Friday’s release of the November jobs report showing the biggest monthly increase in nonfarm payrolls in nearly three years.

Not only 75% of emerging markets’ $2.6 trn raised in foreign bonds were denominated in US dollars, but also $3.1 trln in international banks cross-border loans to emerging markets were largely in USD as of mid - 2014.

EM’s risk from further appreciation in the US currency could be further exacerbated if borrowers’ rising currency costs are combined by an increase in US bond yields. As can be seen in the chart below, emerging markets’ fears from higher US yields have been alleviated by a 30-basis point decline in US ten-year yields.

Don’t forget bond yields

Between a rising USD and ascending bond yields, the latter poses the more direct risk to EM borrowing costs. The chart below shows how emerging market performance (measured by the total performance of Morgan Stanley’s EM equity funds) fared worst during rising bond yields, such as in December 2013, when bond yields reached the 3.0% level, which was the highest in two years.

And China

Looking ahead, the worst combination of dangers for EM would be double whammy of rising USD & US bond yields, alongside a third ingredient of deteriorating China figures. Today, the ascent of the USD has overshadowed bond yields, but news China is moving from bad to worse as seen in both first and second tier data on consumer demand, manufacturing and imports. Case in point, today’s release of China trade figures showed a new record surplus in November, but aided by a 7% drop in imports– the fifth straight monthly decline over the last nine months. With China serving as the biggest source of demand for Latin and Asian EM, any pullback in imports, or a weakening yuan (or both) could become a veritable challenge for EM sentiment.

The chart below does not lie. Global disinflationary dangers will make it hard for US bond yields to regain 2.60% level any time soon. But any fresh strengthening of the greenback and headwinds on China may leave EM flat on their back.

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Cracking the Risk Code: A Trifecta Win Is Finally Possible

We can achieve a trifecta of truth, transparency and transformation that will have the effect of a unified and massive economic stimulus – if we so desire.

Photo Courtesy of

It is clear to me, as it seems to be to many others, that we have some work to do to improve the functioning of the core systems of our nation’s government and finance. The meltdown in U. S. domestic and global financial markets that began seven years ago brought to light critical issues that require transformational thinking and effective implementation.

I am familiar with the issues plaguing the federal government, having spent 15 years on the front lines, spanning four presidential administrations and including nearly a decade as comptroller general of the U. S. and head of the U. S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The federal government has grown too big and promised too much and needs a fundamental restructuring. But that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

After 10 years of full-time commitment to promoting truth, transparency and transformation in connection with government fiscal policies and operational practices, I recently decided that it was time for a personal change. I left the public sector to tackle those precise challenges. Realizing this objective will, of course, require determining the proper role of both government and the private sector in a variety of markets, including credit and capital markets and insurance.

A big problem in financial markets is the severe illiquidity and low trading volumes in most public bond markets for seasoned securities, including the $6.6 trillion-plus corporate bonds and the $6.35 trillion Fannie - and Freddie-backed residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), to name just two large product areas. Various insurance carriers invest more than 40% to 70% (call it about half) of their assets in bonds with a current outstanding value of about $1.5 trillion, more than pension funds and mutual funds combined. However, the profound illiquidity in the secondary markets for corporates and RMBS leaves insurers hard-pressed for current or real-time, fair-value assessment of their portfolios. This creates significant risk management issues.

Consider the scope of the problem: Despite record-setting volume in new issues in the primary market for corporate bonds, only an estimated 2% of all outstanding issues trade annually. The Federal Reserve has bought in excess of $3 trillion in bonds since the start of the quantitative easing policy, creating holdings of more than $4 trillion. By comparison, the Fed owned less than $900 billion in bonds when the crisis began. In the very thin market of today, prices are not readily available for trades in excess of $500,000. Average bond volumes in the corporate bond market have dropped from a pre-crisis average of $700,000 to about $400,000 now, according to published reports last November. An important measure of secondary market liquidity has fallen much more. The same source notes that block trades, a focus of institutional holders, have fallen from 4% of outstanding U. S. corporate bonds to less than 0.5%. (Source: “Mile Wide, Inch Deep, Bond Market Liquidity Dries Up,” [12/2013] marketwatch. creatavist. com/story/7571 ) At the same time, the dollar volume of mortgages guaranteed by FNMA and FHLMC, numbering into the multiple trillions of dollars, represents roughly half of all mortgages outstanding. This is an obligation that the government would like to privatize if only there were a viable market.

Historically, the dealer community on Wall Street has been the market maker and intermediary for these sectors. But, for a whole host of reasons related to new capital rules, the role of the dealer in these markets has changed dramatically. Dealers are out, with some holdings reportedly down as much as 82%. Market-making activity, the lifeblood of a market, is a fraction of what it used to be. The result is illiquidity of a magnitude that cannot be ignored and that is literally reshaping these markets.

Valuation and associated liquidity problems represent a risk for individual issuers and holders of securities as well as a potential systemic threat to the entire insurance industry. They pose a particularly serious challenge in light of increased capital and reporting requirements for almost all financial institutions. Transparent resolution of valuation issues is a necessary first step to all other progress.

Add to this problem the economic impact of losses from recent storms and other environmental risks, particularly in the context of new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps, and the pending federal legislation that will require all of us to recognize the full cost of updated flood risk pricing: One can easily imagine that this will present yet another significant financial challenge for many individual property owners and for municipal, state and federal governments.

These are just a few of the insurable risk market sectors that need to be addressed. And each sector involves risks that run into the trillions of dollars and touch the lives of millions of Americans. There is incalculable benefit for all of us, especially insurers, in reestablishing robust, healthy financial markets.

An effective solution to restore the secondary markets for corporate bonds and for asset-backed securities must be predicated on today’s information-based technology and the ubiquity of communication networks and needs to be designed to adapt to emerging technology. The solution, a framework for risk assessment, will require new tools to observe, measure and manage all kinds of risks in credit, capital and insurance markets, and do so in real time. Any solution must not be captive to the past, but must be oriented toward the future.

Markets are driven by both observed data flows and facilitated by emerging asset classes of information. (Approximately six years ago, the World Economic Forum identified two evolving trends, “Personal Data: the Emergence of a New Asset Class” and the “Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets.”) To be both successful and sustainable, the solution to the market problems cited above must reposition data mining and transaction fees in ways that actually increase transaction and new business volumes.

But can we find such transformational thinking in financial and insurance markets today? Does the technology exist with which we can develop these tools, and can it quickly be adapted to resolve these critical market issues? If so, the result could be like winning a trifecta of truth, transparency and transformation for all of us.

The answer is “Yes.” The transformational thinking and the necessary information technology do exist.

For one, a Connecticut-based company that develops innovative solutions for financial markets has developed new forms of transactional, enterprise-risk management methodologies and features with a focus on the maintenance of healthy, liquid markets. The company’s proposed system offers a comprehensive and dynamic framework for risk detection, tracking and valuation spanning the life of any financial contract from its first inquiry (pre-trade) through its final disposition or maturity (all post-trade). Continuously updated risk and transaction data is displayed as it occurs. Traders and investors can view and assess all available pricing data, pending orders, executed trades (although, currently, these may not be available in a uniform format). As a result, price discovery is opened up.

Through the grant of incentives, each market participant is further encouraged to transact and to contribute updated disclosures and information. This information and data is aggregated in the data repository of any system participant to earn the provider more credits that apply to other transactions. Each participant can apply those incentives either to offset the cost of future transactions and/or to access system-generated analytics and other data. Participants can interact directly with one another or through intermediaries. Traders and investors also have access to the system's independent validation of the displayed real-time pricing — continuous revaluation of financial contracts, a transparency index and a risk-differentiated ticker tape.

In addition to internal cross-references of data provided, external sources of verification are also used to protect against false information being introduced into the system. “Portals” can be created for all market participants including buyers, sellers, brokers and regulators. As a result, all participants have the best available information on which to make decisions, negotiate and manage risk.

The use of time-sensitive incentives serves to directly infuse liquidity into the primary and secondary market sectors of any financial product. Not only does this advantageously reposition data mining and transaction fees to increase transaction volumes, it supports the continuous revaluation of financial contracts, individual or pooled, throughout the term or maturity of the product.

¿Qué significa esto? How does it occur? In part, it is as simple a concept as banks or insurers giving away toasters to attract new clients. Today’s version is an exchange of risk-detailing information between market participants that secures the relationship between the two, in exchange for a time-sensitive financial or strategic benefit. The incentive generates the risk disclosure that leads to the right match or risk transfer; the time sensitivity of the benefit lets the grantor actually direct business volumes to products or sectors of choice.

Any insurer (or any risk taker) needs to guard against the informational asymmetries and adverse selection that bedevil financial results and can cripple markets. The solution is a drill-down into “granular market information.” To the extent that a prospective insured (or any market participant) does not choose to supply requested information, the price of their risk goes up. This is a transparency-generating mechanism combined with a transaction engine that increases security for everyone.

How might this benefit the risk manager at an insurance carrier? The risk manager has a buy/sell/hold question to be answered at all times and in different circumstances.

Risk managers are unconcerned about their holdings of newly issued liquid bonds, for which price discovery is not a problem. However, the portfolio is largely composed of seasoned securities, which require a secondary market for price discovery and risk transfer. In today’s market, the risk manager who needs to liquidate large positions (i. e. in excess of the average $450,000) cannot do so except at significant discounts to an uncertain market value.

Through the proposed new system, there is historically driven and contemporary pricing information, real-time market information and counterparty discovery. This can enable or improve immediate fair-value price discovery and appropriate risk matching. As part of due diligence on the market, the risk manager can obtain verified pricing information on the securities in any portfolio and access information about market activity, including pending orders and offers. The risk manager can observe the market for “color” and obtain answers to questions about other participants’ offerings, their size, condition and other risk details. Such exchanges of information add transparency to a market that is currently too opaque.

As the risk manager purchases, for example, a highly liquid corporate new issue, the incentive granted in that transaction can be applied to offset transaction costs in the sale of less liquid, high-yield corporate bonds or an RMBS security. The data from these transactions and interactions are aggregated in the data repository of each participant. adding to the richness and accuracy of the market and pricing information displayed on the ticker tape and transparency index, enabling the continuous revaluation of financial contracts. This adds value to each incentive granted. In effect, the time-sensitive incentive actually narrows spreads; transactions are facilitated; and, liquidity is enhanced. The risk manager has based decisions on the most up-to-date market and transaction information, verified price discovery and at reduced costs.

This approach, described in the proposed system, offers what I think may be an excellent, profitable and market-based means to achieve the key objectives of proper risk management, market health, growth and prosperity.

These same results, presented electronically as continuous revaluation of financial contracts, would fully support Solvency II’s “Own Risk and Solvency Assessment” (or “ORSA”) and U. S. ORSA mandates for a modern enterprise-risk-management system. A system as described above actually can lower the regulatory costs for carriers, as the disclosures are “traded” for benefits that lower cost for all participants. A unified process can actually help turn the cost of regulatory compliance into profitable businesses and databases, as data mining expands the possibilities of risk-differentiated products. This, in turn, drives more business to intermediaries and can be a significant stimulus for growing a market. A unified process such as this also enables the identification and tracking of risks throughout the markets, “connecting the dots,” por así decirlo. Such a large-scale approach, a new system architecture using private-sector incentives, seems to offer a comprehensive and easily understood solution. The benefits seem clearly to outweigh the costs.

It is urgent and essential that the current dysfunction in secondary markets be resolved. The role of finance and insurance is to provide the orderly transfer of risk for both the public and private sectors. Properly functioning secondary markets are essential to the efficient clearing of risks throughout the system. Without them, the system breaks down.

At the beginning of this article, I stated that what is needed is transformational thinking and effective implementation. It is a fact that the transformational thinking and requisite technology for implementation exists – as is evident in this proposed new system by a small private sector company. All that is needed is the will to implement these solutions now.

Implementing any solution to restore liquidity in these and other financial markets will require cooperation between potentially antagonistic factions and will undoubtedly require some discomfort as compared to the status quo. However, it is essential that these markets be restored for the sake of our nation. Doing so can also facilitate a smaller and more effective government in the future.

We can achieve a trifecta of truth, transparency and transformation that will have the effect of a unified and massive economic stimulus – if we so desire.

The time to act is now.

Dave Walker collaborated with Michael Erlanger in writing this article. Michael Erlanger, founder and managing principal of Marketcore. com, Inc. spent the first 30-plus years of his career on Wall Street, where he consistently ranked among the top credit market revenue producers as a corporate bond broker, trader, institutional salesman and department head. Subsequently, he cofounded two profitable Wall Street boutiques, including IPEX LLC, an institutional whole loan brokerage that is the predecessor firm to Marketcore. At IPEX and before, orders ranged as high as $5 billion across some 60 different asset classes.

Trifecta Grill

The menu had a nice variety of options. The atmosphere is trendy-intimate but cozy. Very much a "foody" lugar. Food is appealing in… Read More

The menu had a nice variety of options. The atmosphere is trendy-intimate but cozy. Very much a "foody" lugar. Food is appealing in appearance but flavor is not the most interesting.

People watching is a must here, as it is anywhere in the North Shore.

Two stars go to our delightful waitress, but not to the mediocre food, half raw burger, or the table we reserved two weeks in advance (only… Read More

Two stars go to our delightful waitress, but not to the mediocre food, half raw burger, or the table we reserved two weeks in advance (only to be seated by the bathrooms. I told them we'd wait for a different table). I will say our waitress couldn't have been nicer. Took the burger off the bill and offered to bring something else. We decided we were just going to stick with what we had at the table and high-tailed it out of there. We won't be going back, which I'm sad to say. It's a cute place.

My boyfriend lives a couple of blocks from Trifecta Grill so we've ended up here a few times for drinks and/or dinner. I am a fan of the… Read More

My boyfriend lives a couple of blocks from Trifecta Grill so we've ended up here a few times for drinks and/or dinner. I am a fan of the wine menu and the ambiance. It has a great cozy feeling with warm service. The patrons make for interesting people watching (some women probably haven't moved their foreheads in years).

The food is hit or miss. My favorite dish is the ceviche, but I've been less impressed with other food, especially the burgers which have a weird seasoning. I'd recommend having a few appetizers and pre-dinner drinks here and then heading elsewhere.

I hate to write such a bad review, but it's the truth. The service was very poor, the server/hostess did not seem to have any training in… Read More

I hate to write such a bad review, but it's the truth. The service was very poor, the server/hostess did not seem to have any training in her job. The food was not very good and the prices are outrageous for both food and wine. The atmosphere was odd and the place was very cold as well. I wish I could get my money back, but that's life, live and learn.

After a super long day at work, the thought of anything other than a cocktail and someone bringing dinner to me and setting it down before… Read More

After a super long day at work, the thought of anything other than a cocktail and someone bringing dinner to me and setting it down before my face was out of the question.

I went and tried Trifecta Grill for the first time (this was about 2 months ago.) Even though I was tired and feeling hyper-critical about the world, Trifecta was an amazing experience! I'm a vegetarian and there were tons of great options for me. The cocktails are magnificent and I look forward to going back and trying the wine bar. I had a fantastic blueberry lemon drop cocktail which I later found out was a created combo by the owners wife. I had the Roasted Brussel Sprouts, and have never had a brussel sprout in my life but am willing to bet they aren't always as tasty as the ones at Trifecta. Also had the White Pizza and would have it again! The price point is great. Excellent food, drink and value.

Kristina K.

Realmente me gusta este lugar. I like it alot. First off they have a very cool decor, trendy and inviting but not overboard. I am also a sucker… Read More

Realmente me gusta este lugar. I like it alot. First off they have a very cool decor, trendy and inviting but not overboard. I am also a sucker for orange and gray together. bias alert. My friend and I came sunday night. She had been here before and wanted me to try it out. Well I am glad I did. We were the only brave souls that sat outside in the patio. It was a bit chilly but they turned on the fire pits for us. Fire pit +bottle of wine= warmth. All good. The inside was packed but the outside wasn't. I am ok with that, as I have noticed that the older I get the less I like people in my aura. Especially the pretentious onces from Winnetka. For the food I decided to listen to my fellow yelpers and try the tri fries. I didnt care for them. They were very blah to me. The sauces were fun but I wonder what the ingredients were. Two of them looked like they had some sort of mayo base to them. Didnt strike me as healthy. I got the popeye salad and my friend got the shorty. I loved my salad and my friend's short ribs. Yes I did reach and stuck my fork in her plate. Sharing is caring, no? The meat was so tender and so well seasoned and my salad was really good but seemed really boring after I tried the ribs. Delish! The one thing I am going to say tho, is that the service wasn't the best. Once our server did realize that it was her table she did do a good job but I shouldn't have to wait 15 mins for a server. I get that they were rearranging the patio after a private party but still the restaurant was open and customers were there and they were hungry. Next time I go I plan on utilizing the wine dispensers. I am intrigued. Overall a great place to go on a date. I am excited to return.

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Trifecta Grill

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Ejemplo: Hay unas pocas veces en la vida cuando una comida es tan expertamente elaborado y planeado que no es nada menos que genio. Anoche, tuve una de esas comidas - el Mahi Mahi.

El plato estaba excelentemente preparado. A la parrilla, jugosa y fresca sin un toque de pescado. Un esmalte de salsa de mandarina trajo un toque de dulzura. El pescado se colocó en un montículo de arroz dulce de plátano. The combination of the fish and rice alone was to die for!

However, as only expert chefs can achieve, additional garnishes provided even bolder, beautiful tastes. Pickled onions topping the fish made for an even finer taste experience, while green beans hidden under the fish added freshness and completed each bite

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Bullish Trifecta Says Stocks Can Move Higher

Aug. 1, 2013 1:50 PM

Can Bullish Gains Hold This Time?

Wednesday's trading session featured a 32 point zig zag affair intraday that resulted in almost no change vs. Tuesday's session when the final 4 p. m. whistle sounded. Investors were greeted Thursday morning with big gains early in the day fueled by the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB), and a better than expected report on the labor front.

Lowest Claims In Five Years

The early bullish bias was aided by a report that showed a glimmer of economic hope. From Bloomberg :

Claims for jobless benefits unexpectedly dropped to the lowest level in more than five years, extending swings typical for the month of July. Applications for unemployment insurance payments declined by 19,000 to 326,000 in the week ended July 27, the fewest since January 2008, from a revised 345,000 the prior week, the Labor Department reported today in Washington. The median forecast of 50 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 345,000.

Thursday's weekly report will quickly be placed in the rearview mirror with the monthly "employment situation" update coming Friday.

Taper Does Not Mean Raising Rates

As noted prior to Wednesday's Fed announcement, there is little basis for the central bank to begin a traditional campaign of incremental rate increases, which may be seeping into markets in the form of higher stock prices. The Fed delivered as expected and emphasized their calling in life:

"Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability."

Price stability is a Goldilocks view of inflation; not too high and not too low. Their statement emphasized concerns about inflation running too low, rather than too high:

"Inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective… The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, but it anticipates that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term."

Low inflation can slip into a deflationary spiral, where buyers sit on their hands waiting for even lower prices, which speaks to the "risks to economic performance". On the employment front, the Fed continued with their "not there yet" stance:

"The unemployment rate remains elevated."

Rates Are Staying Low

The key portions of the statement highlighted the concept of a highly accommodative monetary policy stance:

"The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens."

Twitter can be a polarizing form of expression, which is a nice way of saying some people hate it. Say what you will about time-wasting tweets, but Twitter does force one to net out their point in 140 characters or less, which is nice for deciphering Fed-speak.

U. S. Investors Lean Bullish

It always takes time for the markets to digest a Fed policy statement and reveal the lasting reaction to it. Based on the weekly chart of the S&P 500 Index below, the read of the Fed appears to be siding with the bulls. Further confirmation would come with a weekly close above 1,667.

ECB Joins Accommodative Party

Not to be outdone by Bernanke & Friends, Mario Draghi gave the markets another monetary pat on the back Thursday. From Reuters :

The European Central Bank left interest rates at a record low 0.5 percent on Thursday and affirmed that they will remain there for some while to come and could yet fall further. Mari Draghi said, "The Governing Council confirms that it expects the key ECB rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time," affirming last month's first stab at giving forward guidance on rates.

The Godfather Speaks

Due to the seemingly infinite number of inputs to process, experience is a valuable ally in the financial markets. Therefore, when technical analysis veterans speak, we typically listen. Ralph Acampora, the former Director of Technical Research at Kidder Peabody and Prudential Securities, is known as the Godfather of technical analysis.

Mr. Acampora understands the value of monitoring market leadership. When consumer staples lead, it sends up some yellow flags. When mid-cap (Russell Mid Cap) and small-cap (Russell 2000) lead, it is indicative of a bullish acceptance of risk. From the Godfather's Twitter feed:

A Picture Is Worth A 1,000 Words

The graph of small caps (NYSEARCA:IWM ) below shows a new all-time high being made this week, which is what Mr. Acampora referred to in his tweet above.

All things being equal, leadership from technology is also indicative of a healthy environment for risk taking. The chart of the NASDAQ below shows an established and healthy trend, which supports our holding in technology (NASDAQ:QQQ ).

If you believe monitoring sector strength is a waste of time, consider the segment below from a July 1 article :

"A weekly S&P 500 close above both 1623 and 1642 would increase our openness to redeploying some cash into stronger areas of the market, such as small-caps. mid-caps (NYSEARCA:MDY ), banks (NYSEARCA:KBE ), and biotech (NASDAQ:IBB )."

Since July 1, the leading ETFs noted above have performed quite well:

In the spirit of Led Zeppelin, on the game plan front The Song Remains The Same as it did on July 15 :

As long as the markets continue to favor a risk-on allocation, we will continue to overweight U. S. stocks and leading sectors, such as financials (NYSEARCA:XLF ), technology. and small caps (NYSEARCA:IJR ).

Disclosure: I am long SPY. IWM. XLF. QQQ. IJR. Escribí este artículo yo mismo, y expresa mis propias opiniones. No estoy recibiendo compensación por ello. No tengo ninguna relación comercial con ninguna compañía cuyas acciones se mencionan en este artículo.

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Brand: E & F SALES






The LG Sciences Trifecta Stack is the most potent collection of sports supplements ever launched on the bodybuilding world. This epic technology changed the face of sports supplements by using a unique delivery system that made each prohormone more bioavailable than ever before. Users report gains of 10 to 20 lbs of masson just a single cycle of our Trifecta Stack and the testimonials just keep pouring in.

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Trifecta Heating & Air Conditioning

So in regards to my last review, Trifecta has changed my mind.

They were in communication quite often starting Tuesday morning to get me back… Read More

So in regards to my last review, Trifecta has changed my mind.

They were in communication quite often starting Tuesday morning to get me back on track as far as how they are normally with customers. That was after my last review here. Wednesday, I was in contact with their office Manager who apologized that I somehow slipped through the cracks and he definitely wanted to show me how customers are normally treated. He got me scheduled for a first appointment the next day for some repairs to be done.

Yesterday Zach and his partner, Trung I believe, came out and took care of those needed repairs very quickly. Zach was very informative and went so far as to point out spots for me to check visually, to be certain things are in proper working order. Once again, everyone was very polite and professional.

I WILL be recommending Trifecta whenever HVAC problems arise because I know they will take care of their customers. Even though it took almost 2 weeks to finally get the job done for me, the way I was taken care of was more than enough to keep this 5 stars.

5 stars for Zach and Trung, Kassidy, and Hugh. Gracias.

I called them on a Thursday to come look at my heater that wasn't turning on. They scheduled me for their next earliest appointment, the… Read More

I called them on a Thursday to come look at my heater that wasn't turning on. They scheduled me for their next earliest appointment, the following Tuesday between Noon and 1PM. And said they'd charge me an $89 diagnostic fee. (First two signs something wasn't right - slow turn around, and a fee if I didn't commit to have them do the repairs).

Around 12:30PM today (Tuesday), I attempted to call their office, but got a voicemail greeting. I e-mailed them to ask if the technician was still going to make it out today.

At 12:59PM, I got a call from their office, saying the technician would be "a little late", and would arrive in the next 10-15 minutes.

The technician arrived at 1:11PM. I expected him to apologize for being late, so when answering the door, I asked if he was here for his 12-1PM appointment. He replied "Yes, 12-1 - I'm running a little late". "A little late?" I asked, "It's 1:11.." He replied "So, I'm 12 minutes late then!". I then thanked him for his time, and turned him away.

I'm of the opinion that if you make a 12-1PM appointment, you should aim to be here as close to 12 as possible, and complete the work by 1PM. Not consider yourself "a little late", and attempt to notify the customer when 12:59PM rolls around.

Dispatch has since called to apologize for the misunderstanding - apparently they book time slots - similar to how a cable repair guy operates. Which, is not the kind of company I wish to do business with.

I've since contacted another repair company, who was prompt in returning my call and scheduling service.

Comment by Kassidy G. of Trifecta Heating & Air Conditioning:

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. We are extremely sorry that we were unable to meet your expectations with regard to… Read More

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. We are extremely sorry that we were unable to meet your expectations with regard to the scheduling of your appointment. Please know that we always strive for our customers to have a positive experience when dealing with our company. We took a deeper look at our appointment setting process and found that we might have fallen short on not communicating to you clearly enough regarding how our appointments times work, causing you to have different expectations. We apologize as the wording we use may have caused some confusion, somehow making you believe that we would arrive at 12pm and be able to diagnose the problem and then finish repairing your unit by 1pm. The wording we normally use is "the technician will arrive at your home Between the hours of 12pm and 1pm". It is our standard policy to communicate this at least 3 times during the initial contact with our customers. - The first time is when we let customers know what time windows are available. - The second time is before we complete the call and hang up the phone - our dispatcher repeats the scheduled appointment date and time window. - The third time is on the confirmation email that we send out to our customers reminding them of the appointment date and time window. Because of the unfortunate event that happened with your appointment, we have changed our company policy to reflect more descriptive wording as to avoid any miscommunications in the future. This will be effective with all telephone and email communications. We have spoken to the technician that came to your home and we are very surprised because the behavior you describe is totally uncharacteristic of that particular technician as he regularly receives positive feedback and praise from our customers for his outstanding customer service. Rest assured though that we will provide additional training to all of our technicians in order to continually improve ourselves. We also apologize that the soonest appointment we had available was a few days from when you called. Our company receives a large volume of repair requests and we do our best to schedule our customers in the order the calls are received. We are aware of the longer than normal turn-around times and are working diligently to increase our staff in order to better serve our customers. Again, we regret that your experience with us was less than stellar and we want you to know that this is far from typical. We hope that some day you reconsider and give us a second chance!

We were referred here by a friend to have AC installed and could not be happier. They were the best price and offered top notch… Read More

We were referred here by a friend to have AC installed and could not be happier. They were the best price and offered top notch equipment/warranty. The installers were all very nice and took good care of the house by placing canvas down and wore booties so they did not get anything dirty. Could not recommend them enough.

Had to have my ancient furnace serviced and repaired. I was able to get a same day appointment, everyone was on time, and the job was done… Read More

Had to have my ancient furnace serviced and repaired. I was able to get a same day appointment, everyone was on time, and the job was done well. I was also explained how my system worked, how to turn it on/off and light the pilot light, and what to look for if something was going wrong. Everyone was polite and professional. Will definitely go back for any further furnace needs and when the time comes to replace my whole system.

Zach came out to check on some issues the gas company had on a rental property after the gas was shut off for termite tenting. Super helpful… Read More

Zach came out to check on some issues the gas company had on a rental property after the gas was shut off for termite tenting. Super helpful and friendly dude. Even came back to recheck everything one more time after the gas companies comments were unclear. I'd for sure use this company again in the future. Thanks again, Zach.

I own a rental with one of those ancient wall heaters. I called someone (via Yelp) who came out and diagnosed the problem but said he didn't… Read More

I own a rental with one of those ancient wall heaters. I called someone (via Yelp) who came out and diagnosed the problem but said he didn't do these types of installs. He did let me know what to expect and what to look out for. I went home, Yelped some more and called Trifecta. These guys are great. Kassidy does great phone, knew the prices, scheduled the job, and confirmed via email. The installation team arrived on time, did great work and cleaned up like gentlemen. All the things that I was warned to look out for happened getting a new header, flue and venting. They even moved the T-stat to a better place and fished it down the wall. I am very happy with these guys and will call them again for sure.

Dan K.

I scheduled an appointment with Trifecta and their technicians came within the appointment window. Day of service, they called ahead to… Read More

I scheduled an appointment with Trifecta and their technicians came within the appointment window. Day of service, they called ahead to give me an ETA. Fabian and Brandon diagnosed the problem with our system and were able to fix it. When they arrived, I appreciated that they reminded me of the diagnostic fee before beginning work. They gave me a quote for the fix and the diagnostic fee was applied to the service. Both were courteous, helpful and professional - the work performed was efficient and clean. I would strongly recommend using their services.

Brandon and Derwin came to my home today in Laguna Beach to fix the AC which had not been working for the past 2 weeks and was killing me… Read More

Brandon and Derwin came to my home today in Laguna Beach to fix the AC which had not been working for the past 2 weeks and was killing me and my dogs because the house I live in faces directly towards the sunset and has floor to ceiling windows - not to mention I work from home so I'm there all day - and they were fantastic! They got the job done super quick: found the problem and replaced the piece in record time and also revised liquid levels to make sure they wouldn't have to come back. They were both extremely respectful and helpful! They explained everything I wanted to know and also a few extra tips to keep in mind. They were great and If I had to call again (which I don't think I will ) I would be very pleased if they were the people to come fix the problem again.

Marcus C.

I had a very positive experience with Trifecta. Andrew & Trung were very professional, polite and did a quality job replacing an old dryer… Read More

I had a very positive experience with Trifecta. Andrew & Trung were very professional, polite and did a quality job replacing an old dryer duct line. Prices were reasonable. They did an outstanding job and cleanup was better than any other contractor that has ever worked in my home.

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Alexa H.

I loved this business. The service was courteous, professional, and the experience was overall a pleasant one.

Brittany C.

Fantastic service! Wouldn't hesitate to come back again. The only reason I'm not giving this a 5 star rating is because it was a bit expensive.

Deep P.

There are a few times in life when a meal is so expertly crafted and planned that it is nothing short of genius. Anoche, tuve una de esas comidas - el Mahi Mahi.

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Trifecta Heating & Air Conditioning

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Experience the difference with us today - Trifecta Heating and Air Conditioning, the honest and skilled heating and air conditioning company with a focus on customer satisfaction.

We service all types of heating and air conditioning systems, ranging from residential to commercial applications. Rest assured that from the moment we step into your home or business, you are dealing with a company that prides itself on upholding its reputation and professionalism. We believe that our business is built on referrals, so building a trusting relationship with our customers is our priority.

At Trifecta, our business philosophy is simple. We believe that by providing heating and air conditioning repairs, maintenance and installations with honesty and integrity, we will be able to take great care of our customers and in turn, they will take care of us. Unlike some of our competitors, you won't talk to an aggressive salesperson or an answering service when you call. What you will get is someone who is genuinely interested in helping you solve your heating or air conditioning problem with sincerity and understanding.

We guarantee that there will be no surprises when it comes to how much your repair will cost. Our company performs each repair at a flat rate, so when your furnace or air conditioner needs service, you won't have to worry about paying a huge hourly rate. Whether it takes 1 hour or 8 hours to repair your system, you pay only one set price for each repair.

Meet the Manager: Kassidy G.

Kassidy and our customer service department is here to help! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

Ejemplo: Hay unas pocas veces en la vida cuando una comida es tan expertamente elaborado y planeado que no es nada menos que genio. Anoche, tuve una de esas comidas - el Mahi Mahi.

El plato estaba excelentemente preparado. A la parrilla, jugosa y fresca sin un toque de pescado. Un esmalte de salsa de mandarina trajo un toque de dulzura. El pescado se colocó en un montículo de arroz dulce de plátano. The combination of the fish and rice alone was to die for!

However, as only expert chefs can achieve, additional garnishes provided even bolder, beautiful tastes. Pickled onions topping the fish made for an even finer taste experience, while green beans hidden under the fish added freshness and completed each bite

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Experience the difference with us today - Trifecta Heating and Air Conditioning, the honest and skilled heating and air conditioning company with a focus on customer satisfaction.

We service all types of heating and air conditioning systems, ranging from residential to commercial applications. Rest assured that from the moment we step into your home or business, you are dealing with a company that prides itself on upholding its reputation and professionalism. We believe that our business is built on referrals, so building a trusting relationship with our customers is our priority.

At Trifecta, our business philosophy is simple. We believe that by providing heating and air conditioning repairs, maintenance and installations with honesty and integrity, we will be able to take great care of our customers and in turn, they will take care of us. Unlike some of our competitors, you won't talk to an aggressive salesperson or an answering service when you call. What you will get is someone who is genuinely interested in helping you solve your heating or air conditioning problem with sincerity and understanding.

We guarantee that there will be no surprises when it comes to how much your repair will cost. Our company performs each repair at a flat rate, so when your furnace or air conditioner needs service, you won't have to worry about paying a huge hourly rate. Whether it takes 1 hour or 8 hours to repair your system, you pay only one set price for each repair.

Meet the Manager: Kassidy G.

Kassidy and our customer service department is here to help! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

Bullish Trifecta Boosts Money Center Banks

September 7, 2012

The European Central Bank (ECB) has moved decisively to save the euro, confirming an unlimited bond-buying program (to the great fury of German voters and the Bundesbank).

China has announced a new stimulus program that amounts to building another slew of ghost infrastucture. 1,254 miles of roads, nine sewage-treatment plants, five port and warehouse projects, and two waterway upgrades (plus three turtle doves, two french hens, and a partridge in a Chinese pear tree).

A weaker than expected jobs report on the U. S. front has cemented the likelihood of a QE3 announcement at the FOMC meeting next week.

Prior to Draghi’s “ammunition unlimited” victory over the Bundesbank, it was not clear whether the political will actually existed to “do whatever it takes” to save the euro. Now we see that it does. The Bundesbank, the historical protector of German fiscal soundness, was defeated in a vote that essentially gives the ECB unlimited ammunition in its fight to make the euro appear not a currency in jeopardy of break-up, but “irreversible” (Draghi’s term).

Who are the big winners in all this?

Given the interconnectedness of the global financial system, one major winner is the money center banks.

Decisive steps to save the eurozone mean that tail risk for European banks – the possibility of a derivatives-related blowup – has been substantially reduced.

This is very good news for US banks and brokers as well, given the connectedness of the system and their unquantifiable exposures to Europe.

We anticipated a potential window of opportunity for shorting EURUSD, but it turns out we were premature (and the virtue of a tight risk point kept us from losing much on a small probing position).

While economic drivers favor the United States over recession-racked Europe, and “printing” by the newly enabled ECB is all but guaranteed, it may be that short-term capital flows back into the old continent (on the all-clear to buy distressed European assets) are a stronger short-term force than any macroeconomic anticipation as to what is actually ahead for Europe’s economy.

The Aussie dollar (AUDUSD) is also surging on news of China’s “everything but the kitchen sink” stimulus plan, along with increasingly anticipated odds of dollar-weakening QE3 next week via a US jobs report that came in light. What we are seeing here is tantamount to a vicious short squeeze, as China’s long-term prospects (and Australia’s) have not actually changed.

We have enough profits built into our short Aussie position to ride out the squeeze with no risk to initial capital, and will look to pyramid yet again if the squeeze convincingly fails.

As for US markets, in addition to our new “rented long” exposure (from Thursday’s open) on the money center bank side, most of our short book actually managed to survive Thursday’s melt-up. Names like UPS, DNKN and TFM (some of the shorts we own) responded very tepidly or even declined in the face of the rally, which, as others have noted, is not being confirmed by Dow theory.

Where do we go from here? Much will depend on Friday’s close and next week’s reaction to the two-day Fed meeting. Stimulus in the form of QE3 has been such a long-awaited, its arrival may yet prove anti-climactic, or a euphoric blow-off top of sorts.

Beyond the huge exhale of relief that comes with Europe being “saved”, China finally “doing something,” and the Federal Reserve firing one of its few remaining bullets, the reality looms that global slowdown is still in effect, corporate earnings are still in jeopardy, and the world on the whole is, at least economically speaking, in a more precarious position than it was before.

Given all the above – plus the increasing odds next week could put a cap on things – we still favor a selective shorting bias in areas of the market that are rolling over, clearly weakening, or otherwise failing to confirm the extended new highs… per usual, all real money positions (traded with our own capital) documented and time-stamped in the Mercenary Live Feed .

The Economist does a good job of clarifying what the ECB has actually accomplished. The odds of the euro surviving as a currency are now very strong – the odds of the eurozone and its various economies escaping a brutal recession, and possibly even great-depression-like conditions, not so much.

We have grown so used to European crisis, and the prospect of Europe’s monetary union teetering on the brink of dissolution, that a booster shot of certainty, re, the euro’s survival is enough in itself for a wild outbreak of bullishness. But it does not change the fact that, once the patient has confirmed likely survival, there is still a great deal of severe illness to be dealt with.

An interesting question is whether Buba (the Bundesbank) and German voters have been well and truly vanquished. Is the fight over for good? Have those who opposed the unlimited use of a printing press, in Germany and other fiscally sound northern countries, simply been forced to roll over and play dead?

The possibility remains for more monkey wrenches to be thrown in the works, though it seems unlikely… an attack by the German courts in the upcoming September 12th ruling could be disastrously destabilizing. Not a high probability risk, but one to be aware of.

One potentially significant reason for market melt-up is the “career risk” of benchmark chasing money managers who have found themselves under-exposed to equities. This is both a powerful driver in the short term and a false hope in the intermediate to longer term, as such forms of rocket fuel tend to run out at the most inopportune times, leaving late-to-the-party investors staring down at air.

Dow, Transports not confirming new multi-year highs

Emerging Markets back to neutral but not yet bullish

Powerful upside concentrated in metals (precious and base)

Bullish long bond trends (TLT, IEF) negated by gap lower

New all time or multi-year highs in biotech, homebuilders, healthcare

Our new bullish exposure is concentrated in money center banks (BAC and C). Many of our shorts continue to “act right”, behaving weakly or even declining outright in the face of recent bullish price action. (Those shorts that did not act right have been kicked out.)

Rather than chase further upside here, we are actually finding more attractive shorts to put on as Thursday’s big push gave a window into which areas of the market are weak (by dint of the sectors and names that did not respond). Our trading book is still light, relative to the amount of activity and exposure we take on in higher quality / more target rich environments… with that said, we are growing ever more excited for opportunities in the final stretch of the year as we get this big slug of central bank political risk behind us.

As usual and as noted, we eat our own cooking (trade our own capital) and have the substantial majority of our liquid net worth invested in our strategies. No paper trading or shooting at wine glasses here. To follow along, check out the Mercenary Live Feed .

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Combat-weary stocks shoulder trifecta of trouble

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Stocks across the world have sunk over the past two weeks in sync with artillery shells falling on the Korean Peninsula, search warrants dropping in Wall Street offices and recovery expectations slipping in Dublin. That has pretty much been a three-continent trifecta of trouble.

Yet it’s a measure of what we’ve gone though in the past three years that all this agitation only managed to peel 142 points off the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.90% on Tuesday. We’re like combat veterans now, you know? The news better be pretty bad to make us look up from our screens.

What the billionaires are buying

James Altucher is he's keeping a careful eye on what billionaires such as Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett are buying. He tells Dow Jones' Veronica Dagher which of their picks he likes and why.

Y tal vez lo sea. My Asia-based sources say the bombardment of Yeonpyeong Island in the northern Yellow Sea has been misinterpreted in the West as a North Korean provocation of South Korea. Instead, they said, it should be considered a Chinese provocation of the United States. Read topics page on South Korea.

Since nothing happens militarily in the land of strongman Kim Jong-Il without Chinese consent, the move was believed to be another “middle-finger salute,” if you catch my drift, from Beijing officials to the United States to express displeasure over a string of recent conflicts with Washington that include quantitative easing, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s public insistence that China boost the value of the yuan, and Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke’s scolding tone toward China in a speech in Frankfurt last week. Read full story on Bernanke's speech.

These sources said that many in Asia believe that the mysterious contrail seen over Southern California earlier this month — which some U. S. experts insisted was a sea-launched rocket, and other experts dismissed as an optical illusion — was another attempt by China to show up the Obama administration. That sighting followed the sinking of South Korean naval patrol boats on late March and early November.

Don’t believe it? Well, a lot of coincidences are piling up, and I don’t believe in coincidence. Tensions are rising at a time of economic distress for both countries, and that is really the opposite of the positive “we’re all in this together” vibe that helped get the global financial system back on track in early 2009.

Profiting despite the Fed

Jon Markman says emerging market-focused companies will do well regardless of what the Fed does or how its success is measured.

Here’s one more item for the conspiracy theorists: Larry Jeddeloh, a global macro strategist at TIS Group in Minneapolis, opined in a weekend research report that QE2 may have in part been intentioned as a “well-timed stroke” by Bernanke against the Chinese. He noted that the rise in commodity prices has forced inflation up in China to intolerable levels, which in turn are pushing Beijing to raise interest rates, thus putting upward pressure on the yuan. Jeddeloh added, “Beijing must have gotten the message by now, and so I wonder when Dr. Bernanke will be invited to speak to the men in black suits.”

If you like that one, here’s another one. The research director at a New York hedge fund called me Tuesday to suggest that the Chinese may be trying to pull a “reverse Reagan” on us. He was referring to the late President Ronald Reagan’s decision to escalate an arms race with the Soviet Union in the mid-1980s to the point at which Moscow would be bankrupted and implode. That happened, and Reagan has since been celebrated as a genius and hero.

The “reverse Reagan” would be a joint Chinese and Russian attempt to lure the United States into costly, unpopular, unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then try to provoke us into adding more military forces in South Korea at the same time — all while trying to stimulate the home economy and prevent an increasingly unhappy domestic population from revolting.

That is a fascinating theory, which for now I will just lay out there as not entirely implausible. Especially since the China Daily reported Wednesday that China and Russia intend to drop the U. S. dollar for bilateral trade and use their own currencies for settlement. That’s a big deal all by itself, but would grow in importance if other Asian countries follow suit. Another coincidence?

I don’t want to leave you with the impression that this war of wits is one-sided. Jeddeloh had this to say about the message that he believes Bernanke was trying to deliver to China and Germany in his awesome speech in Frankfurt last week that defended the Fed’s large-scale asset purchases.

“We [the United States] have talked to you endlessly about rebalancing the world economy. We have bought your exports and run up huge debts to do that, but you went on your merry way and even criticized us for over-consuming, when you were one of the beneficiaries of that consumption. Now, we at the Federal Reserve will use our reserve currency status to force a rebalancing.

“Exports drive economies such as yours and countries relying on accumulating U. S. dollar reserves will be hurt the most. We have asked you to let your currencies rise and instead you have manipulated them lower. Basta ya es suficiente. We are moving to weaken the dollar and it may be useful for you to recall what Treasury Secretary Connolly said years ago: ‘It’s our dollar and your problem.’’’

I doubt that Bernanke would put it just that way, but the intention is close enough.

Now out of all this tension in the world, what market would you think has benefited the most? Or another way to put it would be, what is the only major market to rise in value this month?

Would you believe Japan? It was the only global market to advance on Tuesday after the North Korean incident, and the Nikkei Average (NI225) has been the best market in the world since the Federal Reserve announced its latest quantitative easing plans, up 10% since Nov. 3 vs. -1% for the United States, -3% for Europe and -5% for China. Strange but true. It’s hard to believe that Japan, which is within a rifle’s shot of South Korea and stuck in a two-decade recession, could be considered a safe haven but there it is. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed yen is king.

I’m told that Tokyo has been reporting better-than-expected growth, and with expectations at rock bottom any hint of good news has attracted funds. Said a Goldman analyst in a note to clients this week: “A lagging global cyclical asset that is significantly under-owned is no longer an easy thing to find. So this trend is worth watching.”

Wouldn’t it be fitting in this crazy year for the much-hated, perpetually bedeviled Tokyo market to come out on top, if only by default? No conspiracy theory required. If you want to bet that way, the exchange traded fund is iShares Japan EWJ, +0.35% and the five big companies that trade ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange are Toyota Motor TM, +0.35%. Honda Motor HMC, +1.02%. Sony SNE, +2.35%. Kubota KUB, -12.50% and NTT NTT, +0.50% .

Jon Markman is a money manager and investment adviser in Seattle. For more ideas like these, try a two-week trial to Markman’s daily investment newsletter, Strategic Advantage. published in partnership with MarketWatch, or his daily trading newsletter, Trader's Advantage. His Twitter feed is @jdmarkman.

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Predictive Maintenance Trifecta: Big Data Analytics, ECM and Automotive.

In my travels across EMEA, I’ve found a very interesting area that offers inspiring use cases where the combination of Big Data analytics and ECM disciplines can really provide effective solutions to today’s common problems: Predictive Maintenance .

Predictive maintenance is becoming relevant in all the major industries as it can drive efficiency by providing higher levels of safety and quality at a fraction of the current costs. We are talking about BIG opportunities and since I’m really fascinated by the big transformations happening in the automotive industry, I will start by sharing my findings in that space.

Imagine you could have any type of car you needed, anytime and anywhere you needed it. Perhaps you’re taking your family on a trekking trip out in the wild. That calls for a 4 wheel drive Jeep. But if you’re in the mood to impress a new friend, you’ll probably opt for a fancy sports car. And if it were your turn to go to the super-market, it would be best to have a small, agile SUV. Concerned about parking? Don’t worry! You will know in advance when and where you can park the car and, of course, the car will park itself, automatically. The car will recognize you and your “infotainment” preferences proposing your favorite music playlists and navigation destinations. And if you don’t feel like driving, the car will take you where you need to go. The future of connected cars is prepared for these scenarios and more.

And while technology is forging new scenarios, the global shift from product-centric to new service-centric business models will be essential to accelerate their adoption and maximize their consumption. In the automotive industry, they’re working on the concept of “mobility as a service” which is leveraging the latest technologies — onboard telematics and the infinite opportunities provided by the cloud — to open up new value–added, customer-centric services ranging from parking and insurance to navigation, connectivity and personalized settings and experience.

The concept of ownership itself is being reshaped and reconsidered: Why should I own one car and all its associated costs and troubles, when I can have any car I need when and where I need it as part of a broad offer of services tailored to my needs and preferences at an affordable subscription or pay-per-use price? Major car manufacturers are re-thinking the automotive industry around today’s customers’ needs and wallets.

Look at mobility services like DriveNow and ParkNow. DriveNow . the car sharing service of BMW i, MINI and SIXT has a self-explaining motto: ”pick up anywhere, drop off anywhere”. Billing is per-minute, fuel costs and parking charges in public car parks are included. ParkNow . a cashless parking solution, helps customers find that perfect parking spot and gives them an easy and simple way to pay for it.

Volvo as well – and many other leading automotive brands – puts the shift to a customer-centric mobility offering and the opportunities provided by the new digital connected world at the heart of its strategies.

But putting the customer at the center of the universe requires a strong focus on the customer experience where the car’s maintenance service quality and security levels, will become even more important factors in the overall equation, especially when the car is potentially shared by hundreds of different casual users.

Telemetry and its sensors, together with huge amounts of driving and crash test data, will provide the data lake with the necessary info to feed powerful analytic engines. These engines will be able to assess not only the current status of all cars’ parts, but also predict future upcoming failures. Thanks to Big Data, Analytics and IoT devices, predicting potential failures is going to be a real capability…but what happens after a failure is predicted, the need for maintenance is detected or a massive car’s part replacement is required?

The next step consists of taking actions upon the generated predictions, which in our new digital world, means to trigger a number (potentially a high number) of validation and communication processes, for example:

The dealers, car sharing, or leasing companies need to be notified on the specific maintenance that they need to execute on the specified cars.

The customer needs to receive a personalized service notification on their preferred device.

Engineering and the production chain needs to be alerted if and when a defective part needs to be modified or purchased from different suppliers.

Lots of different people and systems need to safely connect, share and validate documents, verifying proper action is executed and reported back to ensure defined service level agreements (SLAs) are monitored and met. Sharp execution, orchestration and effectiveness of such a complex interconnected chain of processes cannot be an afterthought. The actions that are triggered by analytics represent the cure to a problem identified by analyzing the symptoms collected by a huge myriad of heterogeneous data. All the investments gone into predicting potential problems will be wasted if there is not a connected system that is able to integrate analytics outcomes and translate them into actions guaranteeing that the cure is properly and timely executed. An enterprise content management system can provide the right set of combined technologies and solutions to address the problem: case management, customer communication, mobility readiness, capture and more.

ECM systems will connect analytics into day-to-day work realizing a state-of-the-art information architecture around the customers to enable new services, businesses, and higher levels of customer satisfaction. Clearly, Big Data analytics and ECM technologies are definitely a perfect combination for a future proof system in the rapidly evolving and fascinating world of automotive.

What are your observations? In which other industries do you see a good fit between ECM and Big Data technologies in the predictive maintenance space?

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TriFecta™ Dishwasher with 40 dBA JDB8700AWS

At 40 decibels, this TriFecta™ dishwasher operates at a very low sound level.

TriFecta™ Wash System

The TriFecta™ Wash System features three-stage filtration and alternating wash action to provide exceptional cleaning that gets every load brilliantly sparkling.

Ultra Glide Upper Rack

A removable rack offers extra room for larger dishes and cookware while the RollerGlide™Design ensures that the rack always moves smoothly.

Additional Features

Sensor Wash Cycle with ClearScan™ Turbidity Sensor

The most advanced and versatile cycle offered by Jenn-Air®, that calibrates your dishwasher to use the optimal wash cycle to clean your dishes based on load size and soil level.

A premium option that automatically and precisely pairs the optimal drying cycle with your selected wash cycle, augmenting heated drying with a ventilation fan for unsurpassed results.

This element works in tandem with a specially designed fan to ensure optimal drying, pulsing on and off at appropriate intervals based on the type of load being washed.

A fully integrated console hides controls so they’re not visible when this luxury dishwasher is closed, creating a sleek appearance.


Configuration and Overview

Tub Material: Stainless Steel

Rack Material: Nylon

Number of Racks: 3

Upper Adjustable Rack: 2 Position-Removable

Water Filtration System: Removable Filter

CEE Tier: Not Rated

Energy Star® Qualified: No

Number of Wash Cycles: 6

Cycle Selections: Heavy, Light/China, Normal, Quick Wash, Rinse Only, Sensor Wash

Option Selections: 4 Hour Delay, Fan Assisted Heat Dry, Hi Temp Wash, Lockout, Sani Rinse®, Top Rack Wash

Delay Wash: Yes


Tub Material: Stainless Steel

Rack Material: Nylon

Upper Rack Extras: 2-Wire Cup Shelves, 6-Light Item Clips

Silverware Basket Type: Large In-the-Rack Basket

Decibel Level: 40


Height: 34 1/2

Width: 23 1/2

Depth: 26 7/8

Weight: 95

Maximum Height: 34 1/2

Minimum Height: 33 3/4

Depth With Door Open 90 Degree: 49 3/4


Required Parts & Accesorios

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The Would-be Bush Trifecta, Brought to you by the Family Bankers

By Nomi Prins | (Tomdispatch. com) | & # 8211; & # 8211;

It’s happening. As expected, dynastic politics is prevailing in campaign 2016. After a tease about as long as Hillary’s, Jeb Bush (aka Jeb! ) officially announced his presidential bid last week. Ultimately, the two of them will fight it out for the White House, while the nation’s wealthiest influencers will back their ludicrously expensive gambit.

And here’s a hint: don’t bet on Jeb not to make it through the Republican gauntlet of 12 candidates (so far). After all, the really big money’s behind him. Last December, even though out of public office since 2007, he had captured the support of 73% of the Wall Street Journal ’s “richest CEOs.” Though some have as yet sidestepped declarations of fealty, count on one thing: the big guns will fall into line. They know that, given his family connections, Jeb is their best path to the White House and they’re not going to blow that by propping up some Republican lightweight whose father and brother weren’t president, not when Hillary, with all her connections and dynastic power, will be the opponent. That said, in the Bush-Clinton battle to come, no matter who wins, the bankers and billionaires will emerge victorious.

The issue of political blood and family lines in Washington is not new. There have been four instances in our history in which presidents have been bonded by blood. Our second president John Adams and eighth president John Quincy Adams were father and son. Our ninth president William Henry Harrison and our 23rd president Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson. Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were cousins. And then, of course, there were our 41st and 43rd presidents, George H. W. and George W.

If Jeb becomes the 45th president, it will be the first time that three administrations share the same blood and “dynastic” will have a new meaning in America.

The Bush political-financial legacy began when President Ronald Reagan chose Jeb’s father, George H. W. as his vice president. Reagan was also the first president to choose a Wall Street CEO, Donald Regan, as Treasury secretary. Then-CEO of Merrill Lynch, he happened to be a Bush family friend. And talk about family tradition: once upon a time (in 1900, to be exact), Jeb’s great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker, founded G. W. Walker & Empresa. It was eventually acquired by — you guessed it! & # 8212; Merrill Lynch, which was consumed by Bank of America at the height of the 2008 financial crisis.

That merger was pressed by, among others, George W. Bush’s Treasury Secretary (and former Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO), Hank Paulson. It helped John Thain, Paulson’s former number two at Goldman Sachs, who was by then Merrill Lynch’s CEO, out of a tight spot. Now chairman and CEO of CIT Group, Thain is also a prominent member of the Republican Party who sponsored high-ticket fundraisers for John McCain during his 2008 campaign. Expect him to be there for Jeb. Paulson endorsed Jeb for president on April 15th. That’s how these loops go.

As vice president, George H. W. co-ran a task force with Donald Regan dedicated to breaking down the constraints of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, so that Wall Street banks could become ever bigger and more complex. Once president, Bush promoted deregulation, while reconfirming Alan Greenspan, who did the same, as the chairman of the Federal Reserve. In 1999, after President Bill Clinton (Hillary!) finished the job that Bush had started by overseeing the repeal of Glass-Steagall, banks began merging like mad and engaging in increasingly risky and opaque practices that led to the financial crisis that came to a head in George W.’s presidency. In other words, it’s a small world at the top.

The meaning of all this: no other GOP candidate has Jeb’s kind of legacy political-financial power. Período. To grasp the interconnections between the Bush family and Wall Street that will put heft and piles of money behind his candidacy, however, it’s necessary to step back in time and see just how his family helped lead us to this moment of his.

By the time George H. W. Bush became president on January 20, 1989, the economy was limping. Federal debt stood at $2.8 trillion. The savings and loan crisis had escalated. Still, his deregulatory financial policies remained in sync with those of the period’s most powerful bankers, notably Citicorp chairman John Reed, Chase (now JPMorgan Chase) Chairman Willard Butcher, JPMorgan chief Dennis Weatherstone, and Bank of America Chairman Tom Clausen.

With the economic odds stacked against him, Bush also remained surrounded by his most loyal, business-friendly companions in Washington, who either had tight relationships with Wall Street or came directly from there. In a preordained arrangement with President Reagan, Bush retained Nicholas Brady, the former chairman of the board of the blue-blood Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. as Treasury secretary.

Their ties, first established on a tennis court, extended to Wall Street and back again. In 1977, after Bush had left the directorship of the CIA, Brady even offered him a position at Dillon, Read & Co. Though he didn’t accept, Bush later enlisted Brady to run his 1980 presidential campaign and suggested him as interim senator for New Jersey in 1982. The press dubbed Brady Bush’s “official confidant.”

The new president appointed another of his right-hand men, Richard Breeden (who had drafted a “Blueprint for Reform” of the banking industry as directed by a task force co-headed by Bush), as his assistant for issues analysis and later as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Then, on February 6, 1989, Bush unveiled his plan to rescue the ailing savings and loan (S&L) banks. Initial bailout estimates for 223 firms were put at $40 billion. It only took the Bush administration two weeks to raise that figure to $157 billion. On the offensive, Brady stressed that this proposal wasn’t a bailout. Instead, it represented “the fulfillment of the Federal Government’s commitment to depositors.”

A few months later, under Alan Greenspan’s Fed, JPMorgan Securities, the investment banking subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase, became the first bank subsidiary since the Great Depression to lead a corporate bond underwriting. Over the next decade, commercial banks would issue billions of dollars of corporate debt on behalf of energy and public utility companies as a result of Greenspan’s decision to open that door and Bush’s deregulatory stance in general. A chunk of it would implode in fraud and default after Bush’s son became president in 2001.

The deregulation of the S&L industry between 1980 and 1982 had enabled those smaller banks, or thrifts — focused on taking deposits and providing mortgages — to compete with commercial banks for depositors and to invest that money (and money borrowed against it) in more speculative real estate ventures and junk bond securities. When those bets soured, the industry tanked. Between 1986 and 1989, 296 thrifts failed. An additional 747 would shut down between 1989 and 1995.

Among those, Silverado Banking went bankrupt in December 1988, costing taxpayers $1.3 billion. Neil Bush, George H. W.’s son, was on the board of directors at the time. He was accused of giving himself a loan from Silverado, but denied all wrongdoing.

George H. W.’s second son, Jeb Bush, had already been dragged through the headlines in late 1988 for his real estate relationship with Miguel Recarey Jr. a Cuban-American mogul who had been indicted on one charge of fraud and was suspected of racking up to $100 million worth of Medicare-related fraud charges.

Meanwhile, the president was crafting his bailout plan to stop the S&L bloodletting. On August 9, 1989, he signed the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act, which proved a backdoor boon for the big commercial banks. Having helped stuff the S&Ls with toxic real estate products, they could now profit by selling the bonds that were constructed as part of the bailout plan, while the government subsidized the entire project. Within six years, the Resolution Trust Corporation and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation had sold $519 billion worth of assets for 1,043 thrifts that had gone belly up. Key Wall Street banks were involved in distributing those assets and so made money on financial destruction once again. Washington left the public on the hook for $124 billion in losses.

The Bush administration and the Fed’s response to the S&L crisis (as well as to a concurrent third-world debt crisis) was to subsidize the banking system with federal and multinational money. In this way, a policy of privatizing bank profits and socializing their losses and risks became embedded in the American political system.

The New Banking Game in Town: “Modernization”

The S&L trouble sparked a broader credit crisis and recession. Congress was, by then, debating the “modernization” of the financial services industry, which in practice meant breaking down remaining barriers within institutions that had separated deposits and loans from securities creation and trading activities. This also meant allowing commercial banks to expand into nontraditional banking activities, including insurance provision and fund management.

The Bush administration aided the bankers by advocating the repeal of key elements of the Glass-Steagall Act. Related bills to dismantle that Depression-era act won the support of the House and Senate banking committees in the fall of 1991, though they were defeated in the House in a full vote. Still, the writing was on the wall. What a Republican president had started, a Democratic one would soon complete.

In the meantime, the Bush administration was covering all the bases when it came to the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which would be the nail in the coffin of decades of banking constraint. As commercial bankers pushed to enter non-banking businesses, Richard Breeden, Bush’s SEC chairman, began championing the other side of the Glass-Steagall divide — fighting, that is, for the rights of investment banks to own commercial banks. And little wonder, since such a deregulation of the financial system meant a potential expansion of Breeden’s power: the SEC would be tasked with monitoring the growing number of businesses that banks could enter.

Meanwhile, Wendy Gramm, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), promoted another goal the bankers wanted: unconstrained derivatives trading. Gramm had first been appointed chair of the CFTC in 1988 by Reagan (who called her his “favorite economist”) and was then reappointed by Bush. She was determined to push for unregulated commodity futures and swaps — in part in response to lobbying from a Texas-based energy trading company, Enron, whose name would grow far more familiar to Americans in the years to come. While awaiting legislative approval, bankers started sending their trading exemption requests to Gramm and she began granting them.

9/11 Overshadows Enron

In early 2001, in the fading light of the rosy Clinton economy and an election result validated by the Supreme Court, the second President Bush entered the White House. A combination of Glass-Steagall repeal and the deregulation of the energy and telecom sectors under Clinton catalyzed a slew of mergers that consolidated companies and power in those industries upon fabricated books. The true state of the economy, however, remained well hidden, even as it teetered on a flimsy base of fraud, inflated stocks, and bank-created debt. In those years, the corporate and banking world still appeared glorious amid so many mergers. But the bankers’ efforts to support those transactions would soon give way to a spate of corporate bankruptcies.

It was the Texas-based energy-turned-trading company Enron that would emerge as the poster child for financial fraud in the early 2000s. It had used the unregulated derivatives markets and colluded with bankers to create a slew of colorfully named offshore entities through which the company piled up debt, shirked taxes, and hid losses. The true status of Enron’s fictitious books and those of other corporate fraudsters nonetheless remained unexamined in part because another crisis garnered all the attention. The 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center, blocks away from where many of Enron’s trading partners were headquartered (including Goldman Sachs, where I was working that day), provided the banking industry with a reprieve from probes. The president instead called on bankers to uphold national stability in the face of terrorism.

On September 16, 2001, George W. famously merged financial and foreign policy. “The markets open tomorrow,” él dijo. “People go back to work and we’ll show the world.” To assist the bankers in this mission, Bush-appointed SEC chairman Harvey Pitt waived certain regulations, allowing corporate executives to prop up their share prices as part of a plan to demonstrate national strength by elevating market levels.

That worked — for about a minute. On October 16, 2001, Enron posted a $681 million third-quarter loss and announced a $1.2 billion hit to shareholders’ equity. The reason: an imploding pyramid of fraudulent transactions crafted with banks like Merrill Lynch. The bankers were now potentially on the hook for billions of dollars, thanks to Enron, a client that had been bulked up through the years with bipartisan support.

Amid this financial turmoil, Bush was focused on retaliation for 9/11. On January 10, 2002, he signed a $317.2 billion defense bill. In his State of the Union address, he spoke of an “Axis of Evil,” of fighting both the terrorists and a strengthening recession, but not of Enron or the dangers of Wall Street chicanery.

In 2001 and again in 2002, however, corporate bankruptcies would hit new records, with fraud playing a central role in most of them. Telecom giant WorldCom, for instance, was found to have embellished $11 billion worth of earnings. It would soon supplant Enron as America’s biggest fraud of the moment.

On July 9th, George W. finally unveiled a plan to “curb” corporate crime in a speech given in the heart of New York’s financial district. Taking the barest of swipes at his Wall Street friends, he urged bankers to provide honest information to investors. The signals were now clear: bankers had nothing to fear from their commander in chief. That Merrill Lynch, for example, was embroiled in the Enron scandal was something the president would ignore — hardly a surprise, since the company’s alliances with the Bush family stretched back decades.

Three weeks later, he would sign the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, purportedly ensuring that CEOs and CFOs would confirm that the information in their SEC filings had been presented truthfully. It would prove a toothless and useless deterrent to fraud.

And then the president acted: on March 19, 2003, he launched the invasion of Iraq with a shock-and-awe shower of cruise missiles into the Iraqi night sky. Two days later, by a vote of 215 to 212, the House approved his $2.2 trillion budget, including $726 billion in tax cuts. Shortly thereafter — a signal to the banking industry if there ever was one — he appointed former Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Friedman director of the National Economic Council, the same role another Goldman Sachs alumnus, former co-Chairman Robert Rubin, had played for Bill Clinton.

By the end of 2003, grateful bankers were already amassing funds for Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign. A bevy of Wall Street Republicans, including Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Henry Paulson, Bear Stearns CEO James Cayne, and Goldman Sachs executive George Herbert Walker IV (the president’s second cousin), became Bush “Pioneers” by raising at least $100,000 each.

The top seven financial firms officially raised nearly three million dollars for George W.’s campaign. Merrill Lynch emerged as his second biggest corporate contributor (after Morgan Stanley), providing more than $586,254. The firm’s enthusiasm wasn’t surprising. Donald Regan had been its chairman and the Bush-founded investment bank G. H. Walker and Company, which employed members of the family over the decades, had been absorbed into Merrill in 1978. Merrill Lynch CEO Earnest “Stanley” O’Neal received the distinguished label of “Ranger” for raising more than $200,000 for Bush’s reelection campaign. It was a sign of the times that O’Neal and Cayne hosted Bush’s first New York City reelection fundraiser in July 2003.

Government by Goldman Sachs for Goldman Sachs

The bankers helped tip the scales in Bush’s favor. On November 3, 2004, he won his second term in a tight election. By now, bankers from Goldman Sachs had saturated Washington. New Jersey Democrat Jon Corzine, a former Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO, was on the Senate Banking Committee. Joshua Bolten, a former executive director at the Goldman Sachs office in London, was director of the Office of Management and Budget. Stephen Friedman, former Goldman Sachs chairman, was one of George W.’s chief economic advisers as the director of the National Economic Council. (He would later become chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Board, only to resign in May 2009 amid conflict of interest charges concerning the pile of Goldman Sachs shares he held while using his post to aid the company during the financial crisis.)

Meanwhile, from 2002 to 2007, under George W.’s watch, the biggest U. S. banks would fashion nearly 80% of the approximately $14 trillion worth of global mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and other kinds of packaged assets created in those years. And subprime loan packages would soon become the fastest-growing segment of the MBS market. In other words, the financial products exhibiting the most growth would be the ones containing the most risk.

George W. would also pick Ben Bernanke to replace Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke made it immediately clear where his loyalties lay, stating, “My first priority will be to maintain continuity with the policies and policy strategies during the Greenspan years.”

In 2006, two years after persuading the SEC to adopt rules that enabled many of the “assets” being created to be undercapitalized and underscrutinized, the president selected former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson to be his third Treasury secretary. Joshua Bolten, who had by then had become White House Chief of Staff, arranged the pivotal White House meeting between the two men that sealed the deal. As Bush wrote in his memoir, Decision Points . “Hank was slow to warm to the idea of joining my cabinet. Josh eventually persuaded Hank to visit with me in the White House. Hank radiated energy and confidence. Hank understood the globalization of finance, and his name commanded respect at home and abroad.”

Under Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke, the banking sector would buckle and take the global economy down with it.

Goldman Trumps AIG

Insurance goliath AIG stood at the epicenter of an increasingly interconnected financial world deluged with junky subprime assets wrapped up with derivatives. When rating agencies Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s downgraded the company’s credit worthiness on September 15, 2008, they catalyzed $85 billion worth of margin calls. If AIG couldn’t find that money, Paulson warned the president, the firm would not only fail, but “bring down major financial institutions and international investors with it.” According to Bush’s memoir . Paulson convinced him. “There was only one way to keep the firm alive,” he wrote. “The federal government would have to step in.”

The main American recipients of AIG’s bailout would, in fact, be legacy Bush-allied firms: Goldman Sachs ($12.9 billion), Merrill Lynch ($6.8 billion), Bank of America ($5.2 billion), and Citigroup ($2.3 billion). Lehman crashed, but Merrill Lynch and AIG were saved. The bankers with the strongest alliances to the Bush family (and the White House in general) needed AIG to survive. Y lo hizo. But the bloodletting wasn’t over.

On September 18, 2008, George W. would tell Paulson, “Let’s figure out the right thing to do and do it.” He would later write, “I had made up my mind: the U. S. government was going all in.” And he meant it. During his last months in office, the Big Six banks (and marginally other institutions) would thus be subsidized by an “all-in” program designed by Bernanke, Paulson, and Geithner — and later endorsed by President Barack Obama.

The bankers’ unruliness had, however, already crippled the real economy. Over the next few months, Bank of America, Citigroup, and AIG all needed more assistance. And in that year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would lose nearly half its value. At the height of the bailout period, $19.3 trillion in subsidies were made available to keep (mostly) American bankers going, as well as government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

As George W. headed back to Texas, the economy and markets went into free fall.

The Money Behind Jeb

Jump seven years ahead and, with the next Bush on the rise and the money once again flowing in, it’s still the age of bankers. Jeb already has three mega super PACs — Millennials for Jeb, Right to Rise, and Vamos for Jeb 2016 — under his belt. His Right to Rise Policy Solutions group, which, as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, is not even required to disclose the names of its donors, no less the size of their contributions, is lifting his contribution tally even higher. None of these groups have to adhere to contribution limits and the elite donors who contribute to them often prove highly influential. After all, that’s where the money really is. In the 2012 presidential election. the top 100 individual contributors to super PACs and their spouses represented just 1% of all donors, but gave a staggering 67% of the money.

Of those, Republican billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, donated $92.8 million to conservative groups, largely through “outside donor groups” like super PACs that have no contribution limits. Texas billionaire banker mogul Harold Simmons and his wife, Annette, gave $26.9 million, and Texas billionaire homebuilder Robert Perry coughed up $23.95 million. Nebraska billionaire (and founder of the global discount brokerage TD Ameritrade) John Joe Ricketts dished out $13.05 million. Despite some early posturing around other candidates with fewer legacy ties, these heavy hitters could all end up behind Bush 45. Dynasties, after all, establish the sort of connections that lie in wait for the next moment of opportune mobilization.

“All in for Jeb” is the mantra on Jeb’s official website and in a sense “all in,” especially when it comes to national bankers, has been something of a mantra for the Bush family for decades. With a nod to his two-term record as Florida governor, Jeb put it this way: “We will take command of our future once again in this country. I know we can fix this. Because I’ve done it.”

Based on Bush family history, by “we” he effectively meant the family’s billionaire and millionaire donors and its cavalcade of friendly bankers. Topping that list, though as yet undeclared — give him a minute — sits Adelson, who is personally and ideologically close to George W. In April, the former president was paid a Clintonian speaking fee of $250,00 for a keynote talk before the Republican Jewish Coalition meeting at Adelson’s Las Vegas resort. While Adelson has expressed concerns about Jeb’s lack of hawkishness on Israel when compared to his brother, that in the end is unlikely to prove an impediment. Jeb is making sure of that. He recently told a gathering of wealthy New York donors that, when it came to Israel, his top adviser is his brother. (“If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him.”)

Let’s be clear. The Bush family is all in on Jeb and its traditional banking allies are not likely to be far behind. There is tradition, there are ties, there is a dynasty to protect. They are not planning to lose this election or leave the family with a mere two presidents to its name.

The Wall Street crowd began rallying behind Jeb well before his candidacy was official. Private equity titan Henry Kravis hosted a 25-guest $100,000-per-head gathering at his Park Avenue abode in February, one of six events with the same entry fee. In March, Jeb had his first Goldman Sachs $5,000-per-person event at the Ritz Carlton in New York City, organized by Dina Powell, Goldman Sachs Foundation head and George W. Bush appointee for assistant secretary of state. A more exclusive $50,000 per head event was organized by Goldman Sachs exec, Jim Donovan, a key fundraiser and adviser for Mitt Romney who is now doing the same for Jeb.

And then there’s the list of moneyed financiers with fat wallets still to get behind Jeb. New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, who donated more than any other conservative in the 2014 election, has yet to swoop in. Given the alignment of his foreign financial policy views and the Bush family’s, however, it’s just a matter of time.

With the latest total super PAC figures still to be disclosed, we do know that Jeb’s Right to Rise super PAC claims to have raised $17 million from the tri-state (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) area alone so far. Its head, Mike Murphy, referred to its donors in a call last week as “killers” he was about to “set loose.” He intimated that the July disclosures would give opponents “heart attacks.” Those are fighting words.

Sure, all dynasties end, but don’t count on the Bush-Banker alliance going belly up any time soon. Things happen in this country when mountains of money begin to pile up. This time around, the Bush patriarchy will call in every chip. And know this: Wall Street will be going “all in” for this election, too. Jeb(!) and Hillary(!) will likely split that difference in the primaries, then duke it out in 2016. Along the way, every pretense of mixing it up with the little people will be matched by a million-dollar check to a super PAC. The cash thrown about in this election will be epic. It’s not the fate of two parties but of two dynasties that’s at stake.

Nomi Prins is the author of six books, a speaker, and a distinguished senior fellow at the non-partisan public policy institute Demos. Her most recent book, All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power (Nation Books) has just been released in paperback and this piece is adapted and updated from it. She is a former Wall Street executive.

Copyright 2015 Nomi Prins

Related video added by Juan Cole:

Horse Racing Trifecta

Trifecta – Horse Race Betting Types

With this bet you must pick the first three finishing horses in the order of their finish. In other words, you must pick the horse that wins, the horse that finishes second and the horse that finishes third.

The simplest form of this wager is the Straight Trifecta, which is a single combination of the first three finishers. The minimum bet for a Straight Trifecta is $2. To purchase, simply tell the clerk: “$2 Trifecta on 1-2-3.” A Trifecta is not offered in all races at all tracks (refer to program).

NOTE: This wager is also called the “Triple” at some tracks.

The trifecta box has a $1 minimum bet per combination — $6 minimum total cost. You can box three or more horses on a single ticket and wager $1 (or more) on each combination.

Example: To purchase a $1 Trifecta Box using four horses, tell the clerk: “$1 Trifecta Box 11-2-3-4.”

The following examples are for a $1 Trifecta Box:

3 horse box ( 6 combinations) Cost $ 6 4 horse box ( 24 combinations) Cost $ 24 5 horse box ( 60 combinations) Cost $ 60 6 horse box (120 combinations) Cost $120 7 horse box (210 combinations) Cost $210

The Key Wager requires the Key horse to finish FIRST with any combination of two or more horses finishing second and third. For example, if your key horse is #5 and your other horses are #’s 2, 4 and 6, you will win if #5 finishes first and two of your other three horses finish second and third.

Example: To make the bet, tell the clerk: “$1 Trifecta Key #5 on top of 1, 2 and 3,” and the ticket will cost $6. If four horses were coupled with the Key horse, the cost would have been $12, etc.

Trifecta Full Wheel

You may select one or two horses to finish in a given position and combine your selection with all possible combinations. The number of combinations will vary according to the total number of horses in the race.

Example # 1: If you pick #6 to finish first in a 12-horse field and want to have $1 per combination, tell the clerk: “$1 Trifecta 6-All-All.” The total cost of the ticket is $110.

Cost In This Example…

Number of horses in race:

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TriFecta™ Dishwasher JDB8500AWF

Visión de conjunto

The combination of our TriFecta™ wash system and Precision Dry® Plus option delivers dishes that are clean and dry when the cycle ends. And, the SteamFinish option gently bathes stemware in steam for an exceptional shine.

Floating Glass Black

The Floating Glass series offers a sleek alternative to stainless steel, with a glossy black finish and gently curved handles.

The Pro-Style® Stainless series offers a bold commercial style with heavy-duty knobs and diamond-etched handles.

The Euro-Style Stainless series offers clean lines and gently curved handles.

Floating Glass White

The Floating Glass series offers a sleek alternative to stainless steel, with a glossy white finish and gently curved handles.

TriFecta™ Wash System

No need to choose between brilliant cleaning, water/energy reduction and quieter operations because Jenn-Air® TriFecta™ dishwashers deliver all three. Its three-stage filtration, pressurized wash arms and alternating wash action in two wash zones yield superlative results.

Precision Dry® Opción

A premium option that automatically and precisely pairs the optimal drying cycle with your selected wash cycle.

43 dBA Quiet System

43 dBA Quiet System allows the dishwasher to operate at just 43 dBA and includes the TriFecta™ wash system and variable-speed motor

A selectable option that helps your stemware glisten with an exceptional shine by generating a cloud of steam before the final rinse cycle for outstanding results.

The UltraGlide upper rack rolls on fifty-two ball bearings precision mounted in each of the upper rack’s two I-beam style rails, giving the system a solid feel and allowing the racks to operate with notable quiet and ease.

Premium upper rack adjusters make it easy to raise or lower the rack, without removing it. Creates an optimal loading space for a variety of dish and cookware sizes.


Configuration and Overview

Tub Material: Stainless Steel

Rack Material: Nylon

Number of Racks: 2

Upper Adjustable Rack: 2 Position-Removable

Water Filtration System: Removable Filter

CEE Tier: Tier I

Energy Star® Qualified: ENERGY STAR® Qualified

Number of Wash Cycles: 5

Cycle Selections: Heavy, Light/China, Normal, Quick Wash, Sensor Wash

Option Selections: 4 Hour Delay, Heated Dry, Hi Temp Wash, Lockout, Sani Rinse®, Steam

Delay Wash: Yes


Tub Material: Stainless Steel

Rack Material: Nylon

Upper Rack Extras: 2-Wire Cup Shelves, 4-Light Item Clips

Silverware Basket Type: Large In-the-Rack Basket

Decibel Level: 43


Height: 34 1/4

Width: 23 7/8

Depth: 27 7/8

Weight: 95

Maximum Height: 34 1/4

Minimum Height: 33 7/8

Depth With Door Open 90 Degree: 49 3/4


Required Parts & Accesorios

I have written about my Trifecta bottom spotting model before (as an example see Sell Rosh Hashanah? ). It consists of the following three conditions, which must occur closely (within a week) of each other:

VIX term structure (VIX / VXV ratio) inversion

NYSE TRIN more than 2

My favorite intermediate term overbought-oversold model. which consists of the ratio of % of SPX stocks over their 50 dma / % of SPX stocks over their 150 dma less than 0.5

Each of these conditions, by themselves, are indicators of market fear. When used conjunction, however, they have been uncanny at calling short-term market bottoms.

The chart below shows the record of this Trifecta model in the last three years. I have marked in blue vertical lines where conditions 1 and 2 were satisfied, but not 3; and in red where all three were satisfied. In every one of the cases in the last three years, we have seen a short-term market bottom.

Trifecta Model: 100% accuracy in the last three years

We saw conditions 1 and 2 triggered yesterday, on Monday June 29, 2014, though the overbought-oversold model was not.

While the three year track record of this model has been remarkable, we need to put the results into context as the stock market has been rising steadily since the 2011 bottom. Such an environment is highly conducive to a class of models that spot oversold conditions, without worry that the market will get even more oversold.

I stress tested the Trifecta model in 2010 and 2011, when the market suffered major corrections and was far more choppy than it had been in the last three years. Though the results were still good, it was not perfect. The chart below shows the corrective period in 2010. In one case, the model signaled a minor rebound that petered out in two days. In another, it was too early as the market got even more oversold as the market fell to its final bottom about a week later.

We can see a similar pattern in 2011. The Trifecta model was too early in August 2011 as the market got even more oversold as it fell to its first bottom. September saw a number of multiple signals that were somewhat confusing. Though these multiple signals were consistent at flashing short-term bottoms, the stock market chopped around for several weeks before it began its ultimate rise.

So we can see that the Trifecta model is very good at flashing an oversold extreme, but does this represent THE BOTTOM for the current downdraft? That depends on a judgement call on the kind of market environment we are in. Are we still in the steadily rising market environment that we have seen in the last three years, or are we seeing the start of more serious market correction?

VIX spike bottom signal

Bill Luby at VIX and More had a slightly different take in a post where he wrote about stock market reactions to VIX spikes. Monday's 34% VIX spike was highly unusual and he found that it was generally an indicator of a short-term market bottom, but stocks tended to fall after a 3-5 day bounce (emphasis added) Note that based on the data for the 23 VIX spikes in excess of 30%, the SPX has a tendency to outperform its long-term average over the course of the 1, 3 and 5-day periods following the VIX spike. Also worth noting that that 10 and 20 days following the VIX spike, the SPX has a tendency not only to underperform, but decline. Further, while the huge decline following 9/29/2008 VIX spike tends to dwarf the other data points, even when you remove the 9/29/2008 VIX spike it turns out that the SPX still loses money in the 10 and 20-day period following a VIX spike. When the analysis is extended out 50 trading days, the SPX is back to being profitable, but performing below its long-term average. On the other hand, when the analysis includes 100 days following the VIX spike, the SPX is back to outperforming its long-term average.

With the caveat that this is a limited data set, it is still worth flagging the pattern in which following a 30% one-day VIX spike, there appears to generally be a tradable oversold condition in stocks that lasts approximately one week, followed by a period of another month or so in which the markets typically has difficulty coming to terms with the threat to stocks. One quarter later, however, all fears are generally in the rear view mirror and stocks are likely to have tacked on significant gains.

Bill`s work with VIX spikes, whose history goes all the way back the the 1990`s, is suggestive that we are seeing a 2010 or 2011. If that`s so, it is consistent with the hypothesis that the market rallies into the July 4th long weekend and retreats afterwards.

The Greek referendum wildcard We will see the results of the Greek referendum this weekend. The latest real-time signal from Lakdbrokes. indicate that the Yes side is leading with a probability of 63% compared to 37% for the No side. Such expectations are likely to create bullish tailwinds into the referendum on the weekend.

Even if the Yes side were to prevail, it is unclear how the markets might react to such a vote. Will it rally further because Greek tail-risk is off the table? Or will it retreat because the Syriza led government will likely collapse, which leaves Greece rudderless in the face a July 20 ECB repayment deadline which would implode its banking system (for more details see my post Time to buy GREK? ).

Watching for the O'Neill follow-through If the market were to see a bounce into the weekend, one way to decide if we have seen a durable bottom is to watch for a William O'Neill follow-through day. which is believed to be the sign of an intermediate term market bottom: Summarizing the rules:

Day 1: Once a low has been established (after a correction), Day 1 occurs if the close is near the high of that day or a higher close occurs on the day after the low. Day 2: The price must remain above the established low. If the price moves below the Day 1 low, then the pattern has been invalidated. Day 3: The price must remain above the established low. If the price moves below the Day 1 low, then the pattern has been invalidated. Days 4 - 7: Follow-through day must occur, with a gain greater than 1.7%, heavier volume than the previous day and heavier volume than average. Traders often make the mistake believing that they can accurately forecast the future. A better approach might be to create a trading plan by keeping several scenarios. Define your risk parameters and pain thresholds, the potential reaction to developments under each scenario and act accordingly to the trading plan.

These markets are potentially treacherous. Under these conditions it especially pays to have a plan ahead of time.

Disclosure: Long TNA

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Welcome to my blog Humble Student of the Markets . These are my observations and musings about the markets (mostly equities), hedge funds and investments in general. My experience has been a quantitative equity manager in US, Canada, EAFE and Emerging Markets and commentator on hedge funds and their returns patterns.

DISCLAIMER This is not investment advice! I know nothing about you, your risk preferences, your portfolio or your investment horizon. I have no idea whether any of my opinions expressed are suitable for you.

None of the information or opinions expressed in this blog constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or other instrument. Nothing in this blog constitutes investment advice and any recommendations that may be contained herein have not been based upon a consideration of the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient. Any purchase or sale activity in any securities or other instrument should be based upon your own analysis and conclusions. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. I may hold or control long or short positions in the securities or instruments mentioned.

Sobre mi

The Bitcoin Trifecta: Technology, Commodity & Moneda

In this years’ September issue of Forbes magazine, a headline on one of the cover stories caught my eye. This headline simply read “Why bitcoin is no joke”, I excitedly went online to read the full story and I wasn’t disappointed. The article provided a fair assessment of what bitcoin and the entire blockchain set out to achieve and how that goal is gradually been reached albeit it will take some time before that dream shall be truly realised. There are great “one liners” in the article such as “the blockchain is poised to become the dial tone for the 21st-century global economy” Bitcoin is one of the most powerful crypto currency the world has ever experienced. It is a piece of technology, currency and a commodity rolled into one. This explains the trifecta moniker I have given bitcoin because a trifecta is the ability to predict the three winning finishers in a race in the correct order. It is a known fact that in the 21st century technology, accountability, privacy and security are some of the key issues that come at the top of consumers minds when global payments and finance are up for discussion. These are also the key challenges that bitcoin powered by the blockchain ecosystem is hoping to solve.

As a piece of technology, bitcoin and blockchain has employed the use of cryptography and mathematics to reduce the events of bitcoin theft and fraud. The bitcoin technology allows users to send coins easily and securely using very long and often complicated addresses which can be generated as and when the user needs it. Bitcoin allows users to send cash as easily as they would have sent an email. The employment of tools such as the private key which is used to sign transactions, providing a mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet. The signature also prevents the transaction from being altered by anybody once it has been issued. As an open source piece of technology, miners and developers are constantly working on the blockchain and various arms of the bitcoin system to maintain its credibility as a viable alternate currency that simplifies the way we view currency and do transactions. The integrity and the chronological order of the blockchain are enforced with cryptography. According to the Forbes article, Bitcoin has brought value to the internet and is revolutionizing the way we view the World Wide Web not just as a tool for information but a way enthusiast can come together and form something truly amazing.

Bitcoin has also been a prized internet commodity since its inception and usage. The value of bitcoin continues to go surge with each passing day. Bitcoin satisfy some of humans’ particular wants and needs and can be exchanged for another item. A lot more people want a piece of the technology therefore there is no actual shortage of people who want to trade bitcoin. This surges the value of bitcoin with each passing day whiles global prices for the worlds beloved commodities such as gold and oil have not been doing too well. The increased confidence in bitcoin as a commodity will trigger more users to accept it as a store of value. The store of value purpose can come in handy especially in countries where fiat currencies are not particularly stable and are subject to incessant depreciation against the major international currencies such as the British Pound and the U. S dollar. As a commodity, bitcoin is can be classified as a hard commodity because it must be mined and not easy to come by just like other hard commodities such as gold and oil.

There are certain attributes that enables a commodity to be viewed as a currency, some of these attributes are unit of account, durability, divisibility and non-counterfeit ability all of which the bitcoin possess. One of the strong attributes in that regard in relation to bitcoin is how it can be extremely difficult and almost impossible to make counterfeit bitcoin. With Bitcoin, there must be proof of validity of transaction before the transaction is recorded in the public ledger; therefore, counterfeiters who’re bent on corrupting the Bitcoin system must out-compute the network and all its bitcoin miners, which is not feasible. The adverse impact that counterfeit money can have on an economy is immeasurable. For one, it can cause rapid inflation: the situation where a lot more money will be chasing fewer goods. This can eventually render a country’s currency worthless, especially if there is no crackdown on counterfeit usage by security forces.

Another real problem that counterfeiting creates is it disenfranchises genuinely hard-working people who want to make a living through honest ways. It is just unfair for someone who uses counterfeit money to have the same standard of living–if not better–than the person who’s doing legal business and makes an honest buck. For example, in Ghana, It is not uncommon to see samples of counterfeit money that were given as payment for goods but detected later boldly displayed in front of the shop to serve as a deterrent to other counterfeit users.

Bitcoin can be divided into parts popularly known as ‘bits’ which can enable retailers and business people who would like to price their goods in bitcoin to effectively do so. The durability factor continues to be proven as users who keep wealth in the form of bitcoin continue to see gains on their wealth. The price of bitcoin in U. S dollars continue to see marginal gains as time goes by. Block chain and bitcoin is innovating and paving the way for several finance stakeholders and the media to sit down and pay attention. Jamie Dimon who serves as C. E.O of J. P Morgan Chase wrote in his 2015 annual letter to shareholders that tech companies are gradually working on alternatives to traditional banking and are gradually inching close enough. Bitcoin is a trifecta, Forbes have taken notice, Wall Street have taken notice and Africa is taking notice.

Kwaku Abedi is a freelance writer/editor based in Accra-Ghana. He has an interest in bitcoin and writes on bitcoin integration in Africa.

General Electric's Winning Trifecta

NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- There's no reason to be shy about buying shares of General Electric . There are three big reasons why I see GE as a win-win-win trifecta.

Reason #1 is that -- not only is it profitable, with an over-$250 billion market cap and a trailing 12-month operating margin of 12% -- GE is downright shareholder-friendly! With its trailing 12-month levered free cash flow of nearly $18.5 billion according to Yahoo! Finance . it can well afford to maintain its 88-cent annual dividend.

Even at Thursday's closing price of $25.81, that's a 3.4% dividend yield to price. That reflects a relatively high payout ratio of 63% of earnings. Analysts on average estimate that the company's earnings per share will increase by over 11% by the second quarter of 2014.

Read: BP Shares Outperform as Lake Michigan Spill Estimate Doubles

It's possible that EPS number will be even higher, which would also be good for the share price. Last year the company beat its EPS estimates three out of four quarters. I like the odds for this year. The following one-year chart helps us to visualize how this might unfold.

Shares hit a 52-week high of $28.09 on the last trading day of 2013, but are down over 8% so far in 2014. As the chart illustrates, the company's trailing 12-month return on invested capital needs to follow the uptrend of GE's quarterly revenue per share. Along with the anticipated gains in EPS, the company can maintain or increase the quarterly dividend while boosting the stock price.

That may be why CEO Jeffrey Immelt increased his personal holdings of GE stock by about $3.6 million since Jan. 27 of this year, including a purchase of 104,900 shares at $25.19 on March 3. According to Yahoo! Finance, this increased his stake to over 1.96 million shares. Today that's worth about $50.7 million.

Reason #2 is the pending spinoff of part of its GE Capital finance unit. This spinoff will be handled through an IPO of its consumer lending business. The offering of the company's financial lending unit, which will be called Synchrony Financial is scheduled to take place later in 2014.

This IPO spinoff will be the next follow-through step of GE's promise to exit its non-core financial operations. It could raise as much as $27 billion if shares are valued like other consumer lending companies such as Mastercard . which is currently priced at over 20 times forward one-year earnings. Exactly how shareholders will be rewarded is not totally clear, but they are likely to benefit directly by receiving allotments of the IPO shares, cash or both.

Reason #3 that GE is a win-win-win is the company's leadership is investing in its most profitable divisions. Those include aircraft engines, power generation technology, water processing and filtration, medical imaging equipment and its energy-efficient lighting models and household appliances.

If you spend a few minutes perusing its user-friendly investor relations website you'll get a sense that GE is focusing on areas where the big returns on investment will be in the quarters ahead.

The CEO's compensation has even been linked to performance milestones like improving EPS and return on invested capital. I like it when the officers of a company have an incentive to boost the share price and reward investors.

GE's longtime motto said "we bring good things to life". Shareholders are likely to experience those good things, including generous dividends, a lucrative spinoff and company efforts to goose the share price higher over the next 12 months.

At the time of publication, the author held GE but had no positions in any of the other stocks mentioned.

This article represents the opinion of a contributor and not necessarily that of TheStreet or its editorial staff.

Rob Booker - Trifecta6 English | Size: 3.08 GB (3,308,566,173 bytes) Category: Tutorial

Rob Bookers latest! Video series and includes MT4 robot.

From Rob about Trifecta 6..

July 31 Phoenix, Arizona

A couple of months ago I was standing in front of 150+ people in Arizona:

And I had a revelation. Jaja. Not that kind.

But seriously. I had one of those moments when you step back and say WHOA!

Here's what I realized:

I know at least 25 people making more than $100,000 a year from trading. And every one of them is happy, travels, does whatever they want, takes great care of their friends & family.

PERO. Not one of them sits in front of the screen all day!

They aren't "geniuses".

They aren't "market wizards."

They are regular dudes (and dudettes) who know what to look for.

ASI QUE. I went back home and rebuilt A TRADING SYSTEM THAT REWARDS LAZINESS. ¡Decir ah!

Best part is. it doesn't matter what you want to trade. stocks, forex, oil, used cars. stuffed animals. (kidding)

It just matters that you want to make money. And do it with a huge worldwide happy family of traders. And you want to have more free time.

I call the new trading system Trifecta 6, and it's the easiest, fastest way to get trading results that I've ever made.

It's the brand-newest version of Trifecta. And it's a ton of fun to trade.

DOWNLOAD LINKS: Buy Premium To Support Me & Get Resumable Support & Max Speed

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Trifecta and Superfecta Wagers

There is nothing like the feeling of cashing a big Trifecta or Superfecta ticket. I especially like the part when the mutuel clerk counts out all of those lovely $100 bills.

This week we will discuss a simple strategy for making these type wagers and a formula for calculating their cost. Knowing before hand the cost of your wager is important because prudent handicappers keep wagering amounts within their comfort zones.

The Trifecta wager requires the player to pick the first 3 finishers of a race. The minimum cost is $1 per combination. Example: you like the # 2 horse to finish 1 st. the 3 horse to finish 2 nd and the 7 horse to finish 3 rd. Therefore, your 2 – 3 – 7 Trifecta ticket would cost $1 and the horses must finish in this exact order. If you wish to BOX these three horses, you are betting that 2 – 3 – 7 can finish in any order as long as they finish 1 st. 2 nd. and 3 rd. It is the same for a Superfecta except you are required to pick the first four finishers of the race.

Using the above 2-3-7 Trifecta Box example, your $1 Trifecta would cost $6; one dollar for each possible order of finish or mathematically speaking, $1 for each of the six possible combinations of 2-3-7 per the following:

2 – 3 – 7, 2 – 7 – 3, 3 – 2 – 7, 3 – 7 – 2, 7 – 2 – 3, 7 – 3 – 2

The above example of a 3 horse $1 Trifecta Box is affordable and popular with Colonial Downs OTB Patrons. However, adding a 4 th. 5 th. or 6 th horse to your Trifecta Box would significantly increase your chances of winning but would also increase your cost.

The following is a simple formula for calculating the cost of your $1 Trifecta or $1 Superfecta BOX tickets.

P = n. / (n – x).

n = # of horses in your BOX

x = # of horses that must finish in sequence to win

(3 for Trifectas or 4 for Superfectas)

= the mathematical “symbol” for factorial … expressed as follows:

3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 combinations

4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 “ “

5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 60 “ “

Using this formula, a $1 Trifecta or $1 Superfecta Box ticket cost is calculated and reflected in the table below. (Note: one combination equals one dollar):

# of Horses $1 Trifecta (3) $1 Superfecta (4)

Boxing multiple horses in your Trifecta or Superfecta wagers is a simple strategy to increase your chances of winnings. However, be mindful of the cost as you add horses to the box.

Good luck with your wagers and please remember to always gamble responsibly.

Listen to Talk’n Horses with Jerry “T” on WXSM 640am radio, Saturdays at 11:15am . Call-in with your questions or comments on (423) 477-1064. Talk’n Horses with Jerry “T” is a regular feature of the Don Helman SportsLine Saturday Show. You can also stream the broadcast by logging onto www.640wxsm. com and click on the

“Listen Live” link.

Bunn Trifecta Home Review

by Coffee Kevin on February 6, 2012

As one of the earliest manufacturers of an autodrip coffeemaker, Bunn is not known for change. The Trifecta Home is going to wake up Bunn’s critics. It is not an extension or variation of any previous design of theirs or anyone’s. It is a totally new concept. It is bold.

The Trifecta Home takes the best from several coffee brewing methods, elevating the art of control during brewing. It steeps coffee like a French press. It agitates the brewing chamber during contact and forces finished brew through the exit hole upon completion, emulating the best of vacuum coffee brewing. In fact, the Trifecta Home appears to be everything except what Bunn is most known for, that is a drip coffeemaker.

Let’s get this out of the way early: The Trifecta Home is not Bunn’s new home espresso machine, and to me that’s a good thing. What is the Trifecta Home? It is a new coffee high-extraction brewer that wrenches every precious bit of acidity from coffee, allowing some very focused user control over some physical variables for the first time in an automatic coffeemaker. Why am I happy that it is not an espresso machine? Acidity = the high notes, the most expensive flavor ingredient of the best coffee beans. Light roasted single origin coffees fired out as espresso shots give you acrid, overlit flavors. These same coffees in the Trifecta and will give you beautifully extracted balanced coffee with the full spectrum of tastes.

Perhaps the Trifecta Home will be compared mostly to the commercial Clover machine. I’ve tried both side by side and the Clover accentuates a low bitter note in almost every coffee I’ve tried in it, and the Trifecta does not. I limited my comparisons, but it may be naught anyway since Clover, after being bought outright by Starbucks, appears to be all but gone. Certainly, no one has suggested a Clover Home is forthcoming.

Meanwhile, apparently Bunn’s years of underextracting grounds using shorter-than-average contact times has paid off. The Trifecta Home’s contact time is short, a minute or so. The two longer settings are for tea. I did try doing coffee at the tea setting, but preferred the three coffee settings overall.

The brewing contact temperature is smack dab at 200°F, as usual for a Bunn machine. An ‘instant on’ steady temperature is especially important given its brief grounds/water contact time. Bunn is known for good, consistent water temperature, and the Trifecta Home is no exception. Unlike most earlier Bunn drip machines, the Trifecta Home has no onboard heated tank. I found even if I unplugged the Trifecta Home and plugged it in a minute before brewing, the temperature and startup time remained roughly the same. If it is not instant-on, it is very, very close to it.

The Trifecta Home injects air to agitate the brew. The number of times it does this during brewing is one of two user adjustments. Bunn claims varied agitation tilts the body versus acidity of the coffee. More agitation reduces acidity; Less agitation reduces body. My tastings confirm this. Turbulence in coffee is just like it is on an airplane flight… air bubbles that shake things up. Bunn’s promoted its use of turbulence in brewing for a while now. The Trifecta has finally convinced me they know how to use it to make better coffee.

At the brew cycle’s conclusion the coffee is forced from the brewing chamber down into the supplied beaker/carafe with such vigor the spent coffee grounds are almost completely dry. I suspect they are using air pressure to force the liquid out so thoroughly. Regardless of how, the combined turbulence and efficient separation of the grounds and brewed coffee do the best job of extracting and leaving no liquid behind in the grounds of any brewer I’ve yet tested, matching vacuum brewers and espresso machines.

Interesting: Bunn recommends using coarse ground coffee. I’ve suggested this for years. Maybe we’ve both learned something from each other. Interestingly, after a month or so I found I backed off from the recommended 22 grams of coarse grounds per 12 ounces water brewing formula. I got my best results using 18 grams fine grounds per 12 ounces water. This is my preferred Trifecta Home recipe with almost any coffee I’ve yet tried as of this writing.

The cups are so good, so rich and full-flavored, nothing is missing. The amount of coffee produced, between one and two six-ounce cups, is just about perfect for two. Considering how many people have one or two cups, it’s, from a ‘mileage’ point of view, economical, and doesn’t fill trash heaps like the Keurigs do. It’s worth noting that the Bunn Home Trifecta also does a single 6 ounce cup with equal aplomb. Few machines so equally match taste when you change batch size.

Oren’s Daily Roast’s Ethiopian Longberry Harrar had all the flower you could ask of it and, believe me, this is one beautiful floral bomb! Stumptown’s Guatemala Antigua Buenavista did itself proud with the unique black cherry and milk chocolate notes I so enjoyed in this bean. I Have A Bean’s Uganda Bugisu Kapchorwa, which I’d brewed recently in a manual pourover, just burst forth with cinnamon and malt flavors and a powerful complexity that justified this machine’s ability to carefully agitate the water while in contact with the grounds in controlled doses. I could literally dial in this complexity to alter the balance. Consider that once I adjusted the settings just so, I could repeat these perfect cups in succession reliably, almost casually. This is a significant benefit. Before the Trifecta Home, I felt I could have perfection or consistency, but typically not both. And that’s the Trifecta Home’s true greatness.

Some folks will ask me, “Kevin, do you really expect me to put $500 into a coffeemaker during these economic times?” Hey, I’m not a 1%’er. Yes, $500 is a lot of money, even to me (ha!). I believe you can probably match the cup quality, although I’m honestly not certain, using your best vacuum, Chemex, Hario, Aeropress technique. But, every time? The Trifecta Home is for the coffee aficionado who wants the best, wants it consistently, and wants ease in achieving this perfection. And, I do mean perfection.

The cost of entry is high, but to someone who spent $500 on a DSLR camera, a plasma TV, or other top consumer gear it’s in line. How about a decent prosumer home espresso maker? If you like coffee, single-origin coffee as much as I do, you’ll just accept it as the cost of entry to a big step up in our hobby. Let’s put it this way. If you own one of these, I’ll never again worry about giving you coffee for your birthday and wonder if you will begin to taste what I can taste when I brew it. Let’s see: a state-of-the-art, made in America machine that brews coffee like a top café barista. What more do you want?

It’s the machine I’ve waited for since I started drinking coffee. If you can afford one, it’s a no-brainer. Bunn knocked it out of the ballpark with this one. The Bunn Trifecta Home almost deserves to rename a cup of coffee a Trifecta, it’s that outstanding. It defines the state-of-brewing-art according to me and The Coffee Companion.

Buen punto. Removing the gravity versus grind resistance variable inherent in drip brewing was a big step forward in my opinion.

Got it today. Makes great tasting coffee. Had an initial issue with one of the brew chambers leaking as soon as water hit the brew chamber, but think I have that under control after removing the screen and check valve and flushing. The other brew chamber seems fine. One question though. when selecting turbulence b through e, machine goes through the initial infusion, then goes through 3 turbulence cycles regardless of whether I choose B, C,D, or E. Is this normal? Is it the velocity of turbulence that the switch controls or the number of cycles? The time switch works and the time varies just fine when adjusting this switch. Tried to call the number on the instruction book with the machine but got a rapid busy signal.

Okay, Tom. I decided to consult with Bunn. Here’s what they told me…

“Selecting turbulence A has no pre-infusion.

Selecting turbulence cycle B-E are all different.

The pre-infusion water amount, pause time and energy of the pre-infusion bubble cycle all change. Once brew cycle continues, the on/off cycle time, intensity of the air infusion (bubbles), and push out force all vary.

As we developed the “recipes” we learned the on/off total times only varied by a few seconds. For instance, on/off for C is 6/10, and on/off for E is 5/12, for total times of 16 and 17 seconds, respectively.

Entirely likely you would see the same number of on/off cycles when switching between those turbulence cycle settings. The min and max total times for all settings are 13 to 17 seconds.

The fun thing is the often dramatic differences in the brewed cup you will note as you change those turbulence cycle settings. Small adjustments in the air infusion cycle will amplify and highlight different notes in the great coffees you are brewing.

Thanks so much for finding all this out for me!

Review by FOBO for Rating: We just bought this Bunn cfeofe maker to replace one that had been in use for almost fifteen years. We average two pots of cfeofe per day. Prorate $100 over 15 years. Not real expensive per year. Our old Bunn failed because I didn’t use common sense when handling it. I picked up the unit by the upper plastic portion of the cfeofe maker when moving it for cleaning, etc. With the water in the reservoir there’s too much weight to pick it up that way. This broke some of the internal joints and caused leaking. Be smarter than me pick it up by the base or vertical center section when its full of water. That’s the main thing I wanted to say to those owning this cfeofe maker. The other reviewers have stated all the great features of Bunn cfeofe makers, so I won’t detail them again. This is our third Bunn and I wouldn’t consider anything else. Bien. to be honest, I was tempted to buy a Bunn commercial cfeofe maker like the VP17-1. Buena suerte.

Thanks for the great review and all of the opinions and feedback. I’m close to pulling the trigger but have a question about water. The online instruction manual says to not use “mineral-free” water like RO or distilled, so what are people typically using? And any problems with scale buildup? Gracias.

Hi Carlo, Bunn likely follows the industry’s 100 tds (total dissolved solids) recommendation. The concept is a certain amount of minerals adds some flavor. I would follow it, but I really suspect the industry made those recommendations based upon devising simple brewing formulas using the most commonly available water. For instance, I have brewed coffee with very low mineral bottled waters such as Poland Springs with no problem. So far, no scale buildup problems for me at all, but I haven’t been using it a year yet.

Hi Kevin – Gracias por la info.

Thanks for the detailed review. I ordered mne yesterday and can’t wait for it to arrive. Hopefully, I’ll finally taste those mythical fruit and chocolate undertones in my coffee.

I think you’ll be very happy. I have now used the Trifecta for many months now, even today, and it really lives up to its potential. Please share your experiences good or otherwise if that happens.

With all of your experience with the Trifecta, what settings do you now recommend for grams of coffee and type of grind?

Jon, I’m starting to sneak up the volume. I tend to use between 24 and 30 grams using 12 ounces of water. I use a medium-fine grind, virtually identical to what I’d grind for a Chemex. That is, not as coarse as a French press, but coarser than usual for drip.

I’ve had my Trifecta for a few months now and am making some excellent coffee with it. I usually grind 25 gr. of coffee at about halfway between drip and a French Press and brew for 50 seconds. I’m starting to do a little more experimenting. It makes a great cup of coffee, although I’m sure I can still do better.

Kerry, I’ve got a Trifecta MB on order after reading your review an the raves on another website. Can you tell me what kind of grinder you use?

Hola. I have used several grinders. Given the recommendation to use a coarser grind, I’ve most often used a Baratza Preciso. But the Bunn Trifecta is less grind-sensitive than most other brewers. Traditional drip makers use the grind as a flow regulator. The Trifecta does not. It is closer to a vacuum maker in its being unaffected by grind in controlling contact time. Grind’s sole purpose is to expose more or less surface area. But the Baratza is still a good match and would be my first choice.

Did I miss this one, Kerry? Lo siento. I think the Trifecta is less grind sensitive than usual. That said, I use a Baratza Preciso as it has has so far outperformed every other consumer grinder I’ve tried in the coarse grind range. Bunn recommends a coarser grind than usual. I set it two notches finer than a Chemex grind, probably midway between drip and a French press grind.

At this time I am ready to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming again to read further news.

Bought one over 10 years earlier. I’ve had 2 because I bought my first one. The initial one decayed and I still had the invoice. I appear to remember it claiming it was a life time guarantee. I emailed them the trouble. They sent a replacement. Would certainly not have other but a BUNN. Your correct concerning the rate. I turn it on and go the the washroom. When I come out the coffee is done.

Yes, that lifetime guarantee is pretty good. The key is to remember it, since more products do not offer one. I’m not sure if Bunn still does.

Despite 4+ years of coffee enthusiasm I only just discovered this machine today! I’m very intrigued! I don’t think I would be in the market all that soon, my Profitec pulls my shots, my Aeropress makes wonderful single cups, and my Bonavita works great for the bigger batches…but still, this is really cool! I don’t use the Aeropress nearly as much as I used to – just out of laziness – so this would be pretty great.

Anyway, it’s been 3+ years since this review – has anything changed? Do you still use it? Has anything gone wrong? Are there any major competitors out there now that I might have missed? Any idea if a new model might be in the works? I would love to be able to adjust temperature and potentially use a paper filter somehow.

Also, I saw you commented above that you preferred the conical burrs of the Preciso to the flat burrs of the Vario for coarser grinding. I’m not sure if Baratza had the steel burr option at that time yet, but with the flat steel burrs, the Vario is quite excellent in the coarser range from what I hear. Have you’re thoughts changed on this at all?

Thanks as always!

Yes, as far as I know Bunn still makes this model and mine still performs to spec. I have family members who keep various hours and it’s a go-to machine for late evening brewing. It remains one of coffee’s best kept secrets.

I own the Baratza conical grinder, and I still prefer it to the Vario flat discs for coarse grinds. That’s using the standard Vario ceramic discs. If you’ve gotten the stainless ones, they are reputed to be as good as the conical ones, on the lower priced unit, but I’ve heard no one, not even pals at Mahlkonig (who makes both flat grind discs for Baratza) or Baratza claim the discs superior to the conical burrs for coarse grinds, although I believe they do last longer.

Great to hear from you.

It’s definitely on my list! I’ve been looking for some competitors, and there isn’t much like it out there. I found this thing called the Alpha Dominiche Steampunk which seems sort of similar, but it’s definitely a commercial oriented machine ($$$)

Hope you get a chance to put together a CoffeeCon report, or get some more reviews out there soon! Also looking forward to some future podcasting right?

The Trifecta is one of those wonderfully strange products that allows you to use it effortlessly or tweak endlessly. Assuming they keep making it, I believe it will grow in the marketplace. Thank you for sharing your comments.

WME Closing On Spec Script Sale Trifecta

Though the material market is summer sluggish, WME has managed the neat trick of closing in on three script deals this week, with another on the brink.

The spec in play is Ion . a Will Dunn scifi script that has Channing Tatum attached, with Scott Free producing. Fox 2000 (Scott Free’s home studio) has made an offer, but other studios are circling. A man travels to different dimensions in an effort to find his reincarnated love. It would be the first sale for Dunn, a British scribe. who has spent the past half year honing the material with input from Scott Free and Tatum. WME is selling with The Safran Co.

Mandate Pictures is closing in on a deal to acquire Hell to Pay . a script by Vlas and Charley Parlapanides, who wrote the Tarsem-directed Immortals . which Relativity and Universal are shooting right now. The spec is a revenge thriller about a man who returns home from the Air Force stint and becomes the fall guy to settle his father’s gambling debt to the head of a Miami mob. He takes the rap for the mobster’s son. While serving the jail stretch, the man’s father is murdered by the mob boss. He seeks to square things when he is released. WME sold that script with Underground.

Morgan Creek bought Step Dawg . a comic script by Jeff Tetreault about a 30-ish man who returns home to discover that his single mom plans to marry his former high school stoner best friend. WME sold the script with Energy Entertainment. It’s the second script, but first sale for Tetreault. His first effort was widely admired, but didn’t sell because of obvious complications. Called Me and My Penis . the comedy focused on a womanizing man who awakens to discover his penis has gone AWOL and refuses to return until he reforms his callous ways. Tetreault found a more deal-friendly premise in Step Dawg .

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rockstar • on Jun 24, 2010 10:17 am

fyi, mike esola is the agent on all these deals. he’s easily one the most effective and aggressive young agents in town. the man is a work horse!

auto erotic • on Jun 24, 2010 11:47 am

thx for the shout out, mike esola.

wow • on Jun 24, 2010 12:35 pm

They should call him Mike Esella.

d-frige • on Jun 24, 2010 10:33 am

Neat trick? De Verdad? Channing Tatum attached and Ridley and Tony Scott producing. I know gardeners that could close that deal.

dvelopment • on Jun 24, 2010 11:09 am

“i know gardeners who could close this deal”? Are you implying that this sale was a given, and that Esola, Drumm and everyone involved is unworthy of credit for it? If that is in fact the case, then you are an idiot. NOTHING is a given these days. NOTHING. So to say that hard work wasn’t put into this sale makes you look very foolish.

oly obst • on Jun 24, 2010 3:46 pm

Relax bro. with your “NOTHING”. switch to decaf.

dvelopment • on Jun 24, 2010 6:12 pm

what’s the beef, Oly? was only trying to assert that reps like yourself have to bust ass to get shit done, so congrats on getting shit done.

oly obst • on Jun 25, 2010 10:25 am

Its all good. I was just saying don’t be so serious. We all bust our asses and no one more then the writers and its a fun job. Why so serious?

originality much? &toro; on Jun 24, 2010 1:38 pm

“A man travels to different dimensions in an effort to find his reincarnated love.”

Wasn’t that called Bram Stoker’s Dracula?

“It would be the first sale for Dunn, a British scribe. who has spent the past half year honing the material with input from Scott Free and Tatum.”

Someone took Channing Tatum’s advice for a script and acted on it. I’m guessing to get him on-board as an actor? Oh well – once this arrives in a studio’s hands it will be rewritten anyway. Shudder.

ComeintheWatersFine • on Jun 24, 2010 10:54 am

Instead of Channing Tatum attached to ION, Scott Free should revive Tetrault’s ME & MY PENIS spec as a star vehicle for Chan and his scalded-on-the-set member.

Anonymous • on Jun 24, 2010 10:59 am

“Neat trick? De Verdad? Channing Tatum attached and Ridley and Tony Scott producing. I know gardeners that could close that deal.”

Good agenting involves getting Tatum and the Scott Brothers attached to begin with. Tonto.

TenPercenter • on Jun 24, 2010 11:18 am

I read a very funny (very commercial) spec recently. I sent it to a few select places, quickly gathering subtle passes. I won’t go into them but I can tell you the reasons for the passes were all different and very questionable. It’s frustrating for me as an agent who knows a good script when he reads it. My point is, don’t give up after reading articles like this. ‘Grown Ups’ got made because 5 friends wanted to hang out and make a movie, not because it was a good script. Keep at it everyone.

duh. &toro; on Jun 24, 2010 1:41 pm

“‘Grown Ups’ got made because 5 friends wanted to hang out and make a movie, not because it was a good script. Keep at it everyone.”

I think we kinda figured that, per the trailer.

3 High-Growth Stocks with Fat Dividends

What's better than a trifecta of rapid growth, hefty payouts and bargain-basement prices?

Oct 28, 2013, 2:03 pm EDT | By Dan Burrows. InvestorPlace Feature Writer

Everyone loves a good rally, but the market’s run to all-time highs is making it harder and harder to find bargains with big dividends.

After all, as a stock rises, its price-to-earnings multiple (P/E) goes along for the ride. The S&P 500 is currently trading at a trailing P/E of 18.6. That’s pricey by historical standards, as well as compared to this time last year when the P/E was 16.4.

At the same time, yields on dividends and stock prices move in opposite directions (as they do with bonds). So, as the S&P 500 rises, its dividend yield falls.

Furthermore, the market’s remarkable rally makes it tough to find stocks that can keep screaming higher. After all, stocks have more than doubled in five years. With valuations stretched — especially relative to growth prospects — it’s hard to see equities doubling again in the next five years.

That’s why it’s called a stock-picker’s market. And there are no better stock picks than those that offer a trifecta of outsized growth prospects, hefty dividends and bargain-basement prices.

We scoured the market for these plays, starting with smaller stocks because their modest market caps make it easier to double or even triple off a small base. We also limited ourselves to stocks with annualized profit growth of at least 20% a year for the next five years. Finally, the yield on the dividend had to be at least 5%.

Here are three of the best stocks we found:

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, http://investorplace. com/2013/10/growth-stocks-high-dividends-ftr-ctcm-hclp/.

©2016 InvestorPlace Media, LLC

Trifecta Hours Mon. - Thurs. 5pm | 10pm Fri. - Sat. 5pm | Midnight Sun. 5pm | 10pm Kitchen Open Mon. - Weds. 5pm | 9pm Thurs. - Sat. 5pm | 10pm Sun. 5pm | 8:30pm Happy Hour Mon. - Fri. 4:30pm | 5:30pm

501 Chestnut St, Winnetka, IL 60093

Acerca de

Acerca de

In every neighborhood, village and town, there is a place where people gather. In Winnetka, there are three places, O'Neil's, Little Ricky's and Trifecta Grill.

Trifecta Grill reflects a hip, downtown experience with moderate pricing all in the convenience of the North Shore. The interior is described as industrial chic. Exposed duct work, brick walls, wood beams on the ceiling are mixed with some surprising touches such as the more contemporary light box cocktail tables and led lighting behind the booths, and highlighting the antique bar. Stainless steel is used as an accent material and make an impact at the bar. The happy "pop of color" orange is used throughout the interior. The menu has a mix of a few concepts.

Trifecta Grill is a modern restaurant featuring high-quality food with the freshest ingredients (small bites and large plates), the 21 Club - wine preserving systems (1st in the Midwest), craft beer list and expertly crafted cocktails. The design weaves a fun, funky urban feel with warm tones, to keep it comfortable. We provide residents with a welcoming place to dine, socialize and relax. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of Little Ricky's and O'Neils are no strangers to this idea. They have been bringing people together for years.

And it is true, we do have the best pour in town. We hope to see you soon!











21 Club

21 Club

Trifecta Grill is one of the most unique dining venues in the Chicagoland suburbs. Our private party room offers the perfect setting for small or large gatherings. It seats up to 60 people and allows for up to 120 standing guests. Trifecta embodies both energy and charm. It's decor boasts of vintage meets modern, high ceilings, romantic lighting and comfortable seating.

Spend a night or day with us in our exclusive 21 club. This room features our self dispensing wine machines. This unique system allows people to taste and sample more than 28 specialty wines with just a push of a button. Our libations also include hand crafted cocktails, top shelf liquors, craft beer and an extensive wine list.



Please provide us with some information about your party.

Acerca de



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Ver también

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Anabolic Hormone Trifecta Builds Muscle Fast!

This is a brand new, highly superior version of the original “ Trifecta Kit ” that was introduced in 2006 – upgraded to give you the results you’ve been looking for!

EPIANDRO The fact is DHT regulates such functions as quality of erections, mental alertness and maintaining the ratio of estrogen to androgen. It is true that hair loss is possible with Epiandrosterone, however, there are a lot of men that want to offset estrogen and this is where EpiAndro Liquid comes in. New research indicates that estrogen may be just as much a factor in men’s hair loss as DHT.

M1D Andro This is our best legal pro hormone! Better than ever, it’s been updated for 2013 - introducing M1D ANDRO PLATINUM SERIES . Dramatically jack up levels of Testosterone PLUS stop Estrogen cold – this means MORE MUSCLE!

Form-XT After a prohormone cycle, the perfect choice for your PCT is FORM-XT . A very powerful steroidal aromatase inhibitor in a liquid format, FORM-XT will help you keep your gains!


LG Sciences has created a potent liquid delivery system that was designed to promote more effective results – the compounds in this advanced delivery system will maximize every tablet in the TRIFECTA ANDRO KIT! Fast dissolving tablets for fast results!

This amazing liquid delivery matrix provides instant absorption in your mouth as well as extended absorption in your digestive tract. This means enhanced bioavailability! How do you take it? The best way to take this Liquid Delivery matrix is to hold the liquid under your tongue for about one minute, then swish it around and swallow. You can take your dosages whenever you like but for best results, you should space them out as much as you can, keeping them several hours apart.

Why Do I Want to Use Prohormones?

LG Sciences has what may well be a unique viewpoint on prohormones: we feel they are essential for men over 21 – if you want to look and feel great. Our prohormones are not liver toxic and do not have the negative effects of “grey market” Productos.

Research has now verified that your body is negatively impacted on a daily basis by environmental estrogens. In this day and age most men unknowingly have more estrogen-like agents in their bodies than ever. These undesirable chemical agents can have potent estrogen-like properties. One of the most common is BPA; it’s in most anything that is packed in hard clear plastic. “Elevated levels of urinary BPA are associated with measures of obesity independent of traditional risk factors. This association is consistently present across gender and race-ethnic groups.” Of course, BPA is not the only one.

To make matters worse, today men also have to deal with chemicals that can negatively affect the endocrine system – these chemicals can derail the efforts of your body to make testosterone, and, as we all know, proper testosterone levels are crucial for any man.

Facts About LG Sciences Prohormones:

1) Our legal prohormones are not liver toxic. 2) We base our claims on the fact that resistance training and correct nutrition are essential. 3) While rare, there is a chance of side effects – see the warnings on the bottle. 4) You must be 21 or older to use Prohormones.

LG Sciences M1D Andro

Serving Size: 1 Caplet Servings Per Container: 90

Amount Per Serving

Proprietary Blend - 100mg 3b-Hydroxy-androst-5-ene-17-one Androst-3,5-diene-7,17-dione

Metabolism Complex - 700mg Chicory (Root Extract) L-Carnitine L-Tartrate Cissus Quad. (Whole Plant Extract) Stinging Nettle (Root Extract) Phellodendron a. (Bark Extract) Piperine Luteolin

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Methyl Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Croscarmellose NA.

LG Sciences EpiAndro

Serving Size: 2 mL Servings per Container: 90

Amount Per Serving

Proprietary Blend 3b-Hydroxy-androstane-3b-ol, 17-one, Beta-ecdysterone - 25 mg

Other Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Citric Acid, CA EDTA, Na Sorbate, Sucralose, K/NA Benzoate, Natural & Artificial Flavor, Sucralose, Ace K, Stevia, Xanthin Gum.

LG Sciences Form XT

Serving Size: 1 Caplet Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving

Proprietary Blend - 35mg Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione

Metabolism Complex - 575mg Calcium Lactate - .40% Ginger Root 10:1 Quercetin Phellodenron a. (Bark Extract) Piperine

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Methyl Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Crosscarmellose Na

Allergen Warning Made in a facility that may process: dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, fish, barley and shellfish.

* No claims found on this web page or in print have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. No claim or opinion about weight loss, bodybuilding or general health on this web page is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program.

Greyhound Greyhound Trifecta System.

Have been having great success with this system for the past few years, one that you work with the odds/price, not form. Has a couple of easy rules and if you stick to them, keeps you in front as well a provide some great dividend, especially when the second favourite gets up.

1. Two standout favourites in a 8 dog field. eg $2.10 and 3.30 Rest of field $6 or more 2. Only bet on Grade 5 and maiden finals 3. Distance of race no more that 520m 4. Take both dogs to win. The other six dogs for second and third. 5. If one dog is odds on, add that dog into the third selection. 6. Bet around $10-15 ( will give about 15-25% of dividend) 7. Don't bet on long straited tracks like Hobart /Maitland 8. Ipswich/Launceston/Dapto/Albion Park great, especially 390 m races 9. Find sitting at a TAB much easier to monitor last minute betting and getting on.

You can go over past results and find races that have the two standout favourites and find that many times one of them ( gets bowled over in the run) won't run a drum and the result is a surprising dividend( Often $300-500)

Enjoy the system

A couple of good example from Dubbo greyhounds, yesterday 25/7 highlight method and result. Race 3 had two standout favourite. $2.40 & $3.10 Rest of field $7.20 onwards. So sytem is a goer. System worked and Tri paid $249.20 Race 5 Dubbo Two standout favourite $2.40 & $2.80. Rest of field $7.90 onwards. So system is a goer. System worked and tri paid $173.50

I find lower tier race meeting produce best results as more inexperienced or bad dogs often hamper a good dogs opportunies. So country arvo and twilight meeting are great to sit in a pub, have a few beers and just wait for the system to present itself. I find the pressure of sometimes wanting to have a bet makes me adjust the system to suit the moment, so be patient and pretend its a business for 2 hours of that day.

Nice dividend race 3 Wagga dogs Sunday 28/7. Two standout favs. $2.70 & $3.20. Rest of field $8.20 or better. Grade 5 race, so system was a goer. System worked QLD div $370.40 A few extra rules. Never bet NZ dogs( dogs race evenly and seem to have less trouble) Don't bet Grade 6 events ( Dogs have track sense, but no ability!). Last thought, don't bet Healsville straight track. Great to watch, but no results!

Finding Friday a tricky day for betting. A lot of scratchings at Wagga and a lot of maiden races elsewhere. For what was on offering, percentage wise results were good. Of the bets that fitted the system, two out of 3 got up. Ips race 9 $208.70 and Casino Race 9 $126.50. loooong day!

I like your idea, but say the two favs are #1 and #2 I would go 1,2/1,2/f 1,2/f/1,2 1,2/3,4,5,6,7,8/3,4,5,6,7,8 f/1,2/1,2

yes the investment is higher, but also how often do the two favs get split in the tri, one wins and the other runs 3rd

of course you can take the different tickets for different amounts

Good option eggy79. Your still only betting on the system approved race and Improving the chance of even a break even investment/dividend on the race. The only bet I never do is 1,2/1,2/f. The thing I have found is that most pub punters will always have the two outright selections within their combination, so pools are swelled up with a common linked pair of dogs. I'm the only guy in the pub who cheers when one of the two favoured dog gets crunched, hit, checked to last and tails the field in as the other favoured dog wins by 4 lengths!!

Hey eggy79, I was watching a few races on Sky today ( Sun 4/8) and noted Healsville Race 3. Two standout Favs $1.40 & $5.00 the rest $11.20 or better. Up gets the second Fav and odds on job runs near last. Pays $1662.30 on Vic TAB. Next race 4 Two standout Favs $1.50 & $5.80 the rest $11.80 or better. Favs run 1-2 and tri pays $26.00. Thats the luck of racing! My system rules state no maidens and no Healsville, so if I was strict to my system, I would not have to bet. Whats ya thoughts on whenever there is a 2 standout fav race, over a distance, track or class that the rules prohibits the bet, maybe just take #2 fav f/f

I think you have to go for the option that you are comfortable with. I think you also need to do the form and analyse whether the prices on the two favourites are good prices, you don't want to bet on anything that is under the odds.

Have a look at the tri divvies when the favs run first and third, I cheer for that result, as my above post shows that's how I structure my tris. as you pointed out the mug pub punters hit the 2 favs for first and second and field third.

the longer the race is, the more chance the better dogs have - so I think this system of the 2 favs F/F may struggle, as dogs have more time to get balanced if they cop a check etc.

the way to get value with the 2 favs running first and second is possibly taking an exacta.

I think you need to keep an eye on the results on tracks that you like to bet on and see how the results fair with races that fit your selection criteria.

I think Healesville would be good for your system personally, quite often one fav wins and the other is out the back!

I also like betting via sportingbet where you can take your exotics and spread the investment over each 3 TABS - as you may be aware sometimes the divvies can be very different between the 3. I like betting 50% into the home state pool and then spread 25% into the other 2 TABS

@ Tiger 53 @ eggy 79 have you ever tried the block system [i cal it the block system ] has a good SR rate after all its free 123 456 SOME TIMES 7 FIELD NO FORM NEEDED [ must be a block ] no hot fav


What Else Do You Need to Know About The Extang Trifecta Tonneau Cover?

The Extang Trifecta is designed to be a sleek low-profile bed cover. The rich black double layered vinyl fabric looks stylish with the all-black frame. The vinyl cover is perfectly sewn to fit tight over the top so there’s no sagging or flapping.

Frame & amp; Rails

The Trifecta has Extang’s super strong I-beam style Monster Bows, 45 degree steel corner brackets and commercial grade rails.

You can also open the Trifecta bed cover towards your cab and secure it there with the Hold-Tite Straps and Snaps. These heavy duty fasteners are easy to use and adjust. You can ride with the tonneau fully open and it’ll stay safely secured the whole time.

The black double layer vinyl canvas top is heavy duty and made to withstand the elements. The WeatherTuff rail seal keeps moisture and dust out from under the bed cover.

Better Gas Mileage

Tonneau covers have been proven to save you up to 10% on your fuel costs by changing the flow of air over your truck. Over time, your truck bed cover could actually pay for itself in fuel savings.

You get the Extang lifetime warranty on the frame and tarp. They offer the best warranty in the industry.

Información adicional

Box a Trifecta

By Cindy Pierson Dulay. Horse Racing Expert

Cindy Pierson Dulay has been covering horse racing as a credentialed photographer and journalist since 1998 and was the Eclipse Award winner for best horse racing photograph in 2004. In 2014 she added a Sovereign Award for Outstanding Photograph in Canadian horse racing.

Updated September 05, 2015.

The trifecta requires you to select the first three finishers in order and can lead to big pay-offs. Boxing lets your selections come in any order and still win.

Time Required: 5 minutes

Select three or four horses that you think have the best chance to finish in the top 3 positions

Go to the betting window and tell the clerk which track and race you wish to bet on

Tell the clerk '$1.00 trifecta box 1, 2, 3, 4' (or whichever horses you selected).

Seguir leyendo abajo

Make sure your ticket is correct before you leave the window.

Take your ticket and watch and cheer for your selections.

The more horses you put in your box, the better chance you have of cashing your ticket, but your ticket will also be more expensive.

A 3 horse box is $6, a 4 horse box is $24, a 5 horse box is $60, and a 6 horse box is $120.

$1 is generally the minimum wager on a trifecta box but you can wager a larger amount if you like.

How to Key a Trifecta

"100,000 copies of 'Absolute Certainty Betting System' have been sold. and to celebrate I have an incredible offer just for you (strictly for a limited time only).

WARNING : this offer is actually costing me money so I plan to withdraw it very soon without notice. You need to order right now to secure your copies or you will miss out.

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Making Trifecta Button Open New Window

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Create great looking buttons using just CSS3 in a few clicks using FREE CSS3 Menu! Creating a nice looking menu no longer needs all the code and time it use to, thanks to CSS3. Using this FREE CSS3 Menu you can create great looking buttons using just CSS3 in a few clicks. You can build a cool rounded navigation menu, with no images and no Javascript, and effectively make use of the new CSS3 properties border-radius and animation. Visual design user interface allows you to create menus without the need for complex hand coding.

CSS3 Menu Sample Making Trifecta Button Open New Window

Making Trifecta Button Open New Window Overview

CSS3 is changing how we build websites. Even though many of us are still reluctant to start using CSS3 due to the lack of support in some browsers, there are those out there that are moving forward and doing some amazing stuff with its cool new features. No longer will we have to rely on so much JavaScript and images to create nice looking website elements such as buttons and menu navigations.

You can build a cool rounded navigation menu, with no images and no Javascript, and effectively make use of the new CSS3 properties border-radius and animation. This menu works perfectly well with Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. The dropdown also works on non-CSS3 compitable browsers such as IE7+, but the rounded corners and shadow will not be rendered. CSS3 transitions could one day replace all the fancy jQuery animation tricks people use.

How to Build a Cool CSS3 Menu with no Javascript

1) Open CSS3 Menu software and click "Add item" and "Add submenu" buttons situated on the CSS3 Menu Toolbar to create your menu. You can also use "Delete item" to delete some buttons.

2) Use ready to use Templates . To do it just select theme you like in the "Templates" list. Double-click the theme you like to apply it.

3) Adjust appearance of the menu. 3.1. Select item by clicking it and change button appearance for normal and hover states and set buttons link properties and link target attributes on the "Main menu" tab. 3.2. Select submenu's item by clicking it and change submenu's appearance for normal and hover states and set submenu's item link properties and link target attributes on the "Submenu" tab.

4) Save your menu. 4.1. Save your project file. To save project just click "Save" button on the Toolbar or select "Save" or "Save As " in the Main menu. 4.2. Publish your menu in the HTML format. To do it click "Publish" button on the Toolbar.

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Ver también

The #1 horse racing handicapping site, PERIOD. View our testimonials to see how much cash our customers are making with our picks. Use the "Sign Up Now" button below to create your FREE handicapping account. There is no obligation to purchase anything when you

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USD boosted by trifecta, RBA, Eurozone CPI awaited

A crucially positive trifecta for the US dollar emerged today via a higher than expected May ISM manufacturing, ISM’s employment component and construction spending, boosting the greenback across the board. The figures had followed an earlier release of slower than expected US personal consumption and core Personal Consumption Expenditure price index (Fed’s preferred inflation gauge).

US May ISM rose to 52.8 from April’s 51.5, April construction spending jumped 2.2% from an upwardly revised 0.5% (prev was -0.6%), while the employment component advanced to 51.7 from 48.3. The rise in the prices paid component to a seven-month high of 49.5 from 40.5 appears to overshadow dovish implications from the unexpectedly weak 1.2% print in core PCE price index, which was the weakest in 14 months.

The ISM’s manufacturing’s May figure is a vital rebuttal of Friday’s release of May Chicago PMI, which hit contraction territory with a 6-point drop to 46.2.

Tonight’s RBA announcement

Tonight’s RBA decision would have been an uneventful development in had it not been for last week’s release of Australia’s Q1 capex figures, showing a 4.4% contraction (biggest since Q4 2013). The figure was especially alarming as it was accompanied by larger than expected decline in capex intentions for 2015-16 in both mining and non-mining capex. The latest private forecasts on 2015-16 capex have ranged from -20% to -35%, well below the -10% projection in last month’s RBA Statement of Monetary Policy.

Considering the aforementioned deterioration in Australia’s capex (in mining, manufacturing and services), the RBA may have no choice but to adopt a more aggressively dovish stance than in the May meeting. The three principal reasons for not expecting a rate cut in tonight’s meeting is that the Aussie’s sharp depreciation is in line with the RBA’s forecasts (and wishes), while jobs and house prices remain on the firm side. These conditions will afford the RBA the luxury to save its policy armoury and rely on the trade pass-through from further Aussie depreciation, particularly if the PBOC’s recent decision to refrain from injecting liquidity becomes a habit.

AUDUSD remains at risk if finally dipping towards the $0.75 support (five-year low), but prolonged EURAUD upside could be seen on a dovish RBA and restrained ECB, paving the way for 1.4580, near the 100-DMA.

And tomorrow’s Eurozone flash CPI

Before falling back to session lows due to those ISM and construction figures, the euro had rallied towards earlier session highs on higher than expected 0.7% y/y rise in Germany’s preliminary May CPI, following the 0.3% April rise. Germany’s increasingly tight labour market and recent recovery in energy prices have both been instrumental in the “reflation” trade as well as in supporting bund yields.

The seven-month high German CPI could pave the way for an upside surprise in Tuesday’s release of the Eurozone flash May CPI, expected at 0.2% y/y from April’s 0.0%, which would be the highest in six months. Recall that the euro had rallied aggressively upon the release of the April flash figures (at 0%), which suggested a possible end to Eurozone deflation.

Euro bulls will be hoping for a surprise on the core rate (excluding volatile food, energy, tobacco and alcohol items), expected at 0.7% from 0.6%. Further (temporary) euro stabilisation could ensue tomorrow on a combination of euro-positive CPI from the Eurozone and renewed declines in US factory orders. Yet, any EURUSD rebound is unlikely to exceed $1.1000 before Wednesday’s ECB announcement/press conference and US May services ISM.

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Tech Earnings Trifecta: GOOG, IBM & MSFT

Google Earnings Beat, but Revenue Misses

Google reported quarterly earnings that topped market expectations, but revenue fell short.

After the earnings announcement on Thursday, the company's shares gained.(Click here for the latest after-hours quotes.)

The Internet giant posted first-quarter earnings excluding items of $11.58 a share, up from $10.08 a share in the year-earlier period.

Revenue increased to $13.97 billion from $8.14 billion a year ago.

Analysts had expected Google to report earnings excluding items of $10.66 a share on $14.09 billion in revenue, according to a consensus estimate from Thomson Reuters.

Looking at ad metrics, average cost-per-click, which measures how much an advertiser pays when users click on ads, decreased approximately 4 percent over the first quarter of 2012. That's an improvement from the 6 percent year-over-year decline recorded in the fourth quarter.

Paid clicks, which measures how often users click on Google ads, rose about 20 percent over the first quarter of last year.

"We had a very strong start to 2013, with $14.0 billion in revenue, up 31 percent year-on-year," said Larry Page, CEO of Google.

IBM Earnings and Revenue Fall Short

Published: Thursday, 18 Apr 2013 | 4:07 PM ET

IBM reported quarterly earnings and revenue that came in short of analysts' expectations on Thursday.

After the earnings announcement, the tech company's shares fell more than 3 percent in after-hours trading. What is IBM's stock doing now? (Click here to get the latest quote. )

The company posted first-quarter earnings of $3 a share, up from $2.78 a share in the year-earlier period.

Revenue decreased to $23.41 billion from $24.67 billion a year ago.

Analysts had expected the IBM to report earnings of $3.05 a share on revenue of $24.62 billion, according to a consensus estimate from Thomson Reuters.

This is a breaking news story. Please check back on CNBC. com for updates to this article.

Microsoft CFO Exits; Earnings Top Forecasts

Published: Thursday, 18 Apr 2013 | 4:03 PM ET

By: CNBC With Reuters

Photographer | Collection | imágenes falsas

Microsoft said on Thursday Chief Financial Officer Peter Klein was leaving the company, as it struggles with sharply declining personal computer sales and a lukewarm reception for its new Windows 8 operating system.

The software giant also reported third-quarter earnings that exceeded analyst expectations.

Shares of world's largest software company rose after the closing bell, following the news. What is Microsoft's stock doing now? (Click here for the latest after-hours quote. )

Earnings excluding items rose to 72 cents per share from 60 cents a share in the year-earlier period .

Revenue improved to $20.49 billion from $17.41 billion a year ago.

Profit was boosted by some deferred revenue from its Windows, Office and video game operations, but cut severely by a big fine by European antitrust regulators for breaking promises relating to expanding the choice of Internet browsers on Windows.

Analysts had expected the company to report earnings of 68 cents a share on $20.5 billion in revenue, according to a consensus estimate from Thomson Reuters.

This is a breaking news article. Please check back for updates on this story.


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Extang Trifecta

Extang Trifecta Tri-Folding Tonno Cover provides easy, quick access to truck bed.

No assembly required: The Trifecta arrives fully assembled in the box.

NO drilling, NO damage!

Speed-Clamps provide quick and secure attachment and release.

Mounts to the top of the truck's side rails

Seals at all contact points keep out weather and dust.

Lifetime warranty on the frame and the tarp!

Extang’s SpeedKlamps securely hold the tonneau in place and allow the cover to be quickly installed or removed without tools.

Spring loaded clamps at the tailgate instantly allow opening or closing of the cover.

Is the Extang Trifecta easy to install? How do you install the Extang Trifecta?

The Extang Trifecta is fully assembled in the box. There are two screw-style hand clamps at the cab end of the cover, and two spring loaded clamps at the tailgate. It will take you longer to unbox the cover than to install it.


First, you set it on the front of the truck bed.

Then you unfold it and square it up with the bed of the truck.

Then you fold it back up.

The cab clamps are tightened by hand

Unfold the cover again.

The clamps at the tailgate are spring loaded, and swing into place under the truck's bed rail.

Close the tailgate and drive away.

Is the Extang Trifecta waterproof/weatherproof?

The Extang Trifecta has rubber seals at all contact points with the top of the bed of the truck to provide a secure seal.

Will the Extang Trifecta flap in the wind or make other noise.

A tonneau cover that flaps or makes noise will disintegrate in the wind. The Extang Trifecta is designed to handle the wind.

Will the Extang Trifecta work with bed liners?

The Extang Trifecta will work with an under-the rail bedliner without any modification.

If you have an over-the-rail bedliner where the bed liner also covers the top of the bed rails, then you will have to cut roughly 1" x 2" holes thru the side wall of the bed liner at each of the clamp locations. If you have a Dremel tool with a cutoff wheel, then this is an easy operation.

What is the warranty on the Extang Trifecta

The Extang Trifecta has a Lifetime Warranty on the frame and the tarp.

How does the Extang Trifecta attach to the truck bed rails?

The Extang Trifecta has two screw-style clamps that attach the front panel to the side rails. There are two spring-loaded clamps on the tailgate panel.

The Trifecta is installed without tools.

Will the Extang Trifecta work with bed caps?

The Extang Trifecta will work with any brand and style of bed caps.

How much of the truck's side rails will the Extang Trifecta cover? Will the Extang Trifecta cover the stake pocket holes on the top of the truck's bed rails?

The frame of the Extang Trifecta attaches to the top of the truck's side rails, and covers approximately 2 inches of the top. It will not completely cover the truck's stake pocket holes.

Can the Extang Trifecta handle snow loads? Can you open and close the Extang Trifecta when it is cold?

The Extang Trifecta is strong enough to handle normal-to-heavy snow loads.

You do not have to remove the Trifecta's tarp in order to fold it or remove it from the vehicle. Therefore, it is suitable for operation at any temperature.

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Aussie Winners: This Bionic Trifecta is about to Pay Up

Sam is Editor for Money Morning and it’s small-cap and technology analyst. He spends his time hunting down the most exciting stocks on the planets, whether they’re potential-packed volatile small-caps or tech firms transforming our future through cutting-edge technologies. You can find more of Sam’s work over at Australian Small-Cap Investigator. where he shares the best small-cap stocks he finds on the ASX, or at Revolutionary Tech Investor where he reveals the latest breakthrough tech investment he’s discovered. If you’d like to more about Sam’s financial world view and investing philosophy then join him on Google+. It’s where he shares investment insight, commentary and ideas that he can’t always fit into his regular Money Morning essays.

Sam Volkering is Editor for Money Morning and its small-cap and technology analyst.

He’s not interested in boring blue-chip stocks. He’s after Australia’s rising stars — companies whose shares trade for cents on the dollar — and are often shunned by those in the financial services industry. His mission is to make you big money, from small stocks.

If you’d like to learn about the specific companies Sam is recommending you buy for turbo-charged stock returns, take a 30-day trial of his small-cap investment advisory Australian Small-Cap Investigator here. But that’s not where Sam’s talents end. From discovering the Apple 2e and Macintosh in the mid-80s, to the rise and fall of the Mini Disc in the 90s…to building internet apps in the 00s…Sam is an amazing talent at finding new, cutting edge technologies and translating that research into how the future will look — and where the opportunities lie. It’s his job to trawl the world to find, analyse, research and — in the right situation — recommend investments in the world’s most innovative and technologically advanced companies. He recommends the best ones he finds in his breakthrough technology investment service Revolutionary Tech Investor. This revolutionary investment advisory is dedicated to finding the best ways to profit from technological developments across the globe. If the best action is in Australia, Sam will find it. If it’s in Silicon Valley, Frankfurt or Tokyo, Sam will find it there too. To find out more about how Revolutionary Tech Investor can help you profit from breaking developments in the tech world click here to take a 30-day no-obligation trial today .

Official websites and financial e-letters Sam writes for:

(You can find a list of recent articles written by Sam at the bottom of this page.)

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Dividends can mean a lot to investors. If a stock is paying steady, high dividends that can sometimes be enough for investors.

Dividends can mean a lot to investors. If a stock is paying steady, high dividends that can sometimes be enough for investors.

When debt grows faster than GDP, the net debt as a percentage of GDP gets larger. If only GDP were growing faster, then maybe the debt wouldn’t be such a drag.

Despite Fortescue Metals Group’s [ASX:FMG] dramatic drop over the last few days, the stock recovered all of its weekly losses in early trade today.

This morning the Cardno Limited share price jumped 24.7% to $2.12. Shareholders welcomed the move after a 44% drop yesterday.

A return to house flipping! Housing data firm RealityTrac it has increased in 75% of markets across the United States in 2015.

The Federal Reserve lifted interest rates to



Trifecta: Cotton Ultra ThinLine Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls is an open cell foam pad with a cotton underside and Sheepskin Rolls possessing multiple benefits previously unknown to equestrians.

Ultra ThinLine Saddle Pads:

Prevents injury to horse and rider backs.

Improves rider equitation

Creates Better Saddle Fit without shimming or with shimming (comfort pads only).

The MOST Durable Product on the market

The Life Span of a Basic ThinLine pad is typically 7 to 10 years.

Unlike neoprene, ThinLine will Never generate heat and has never caused a skin reaction in horses.

Unlike gel, ThinLine is Lightweight, Breathable and WILL NOT Move away from pressure points.

Trusted by FEI Veterinarians, Equine Chiropractors, Equine Massage Therapists, UK Society of Master Saddlers and Top Equestrians.

ThinLine Products are GUARANTEED to provide you with MAXIMUM Results.

Why Choose ThinLine? and What is it? Most equine products work on a compression basis, meaning they compress then spring back or, like gel, move away from pressure. What makes ThinLine unique is its technology. ThinLine is an Open-Cell Foam which moves Shock, Weight, and Heat Laterally.

How it Works When warmed to body temperature by work and exercise, ThinLine's texture and suppleness will allow the products to mold to the horse's back for a custom fit. ThinLine returns to its original shape at room temperature and will mold every day for every horse.

You can choose the regular ThinLine Pads which are 1/4" thick or the Ultra ThinLine Pads which are 3/16" thick. The Regular ThinLine Pads are more of a performance product designed to keep horses working with a soft, efficient and powerful back even in the most demanding situations. Navigate to the Regular ThinLine Products to read about their advantages.

The Ultra ThinLine Pad:

Works to Keep Riders Closer and Quieter, and Keep Horses More Comfortable in their Backs to Feel Riders Aids Better.

Reduce Lower Back and Thigh Movement, keeping riders in position to be more in touch with their horse's back.

The High Shock Absorption, No-Slip Pads at 3/16 inch allows you not only to sit gaits with less effort but also to increase the sensitivity of the communication between you and your horse.

This pad is perfect for professionals on their Upper Level Horses, Dressage Riders above 2nd Level, Equitation and Reining Riders AND Riders with CHRONIC LOWER BACK PAIN.

Riders with Horses that have SPRINGY or BUMPY, hard to sit gaits, will also benefit from riding in an Ultra ThinLine Pad.

Sizes Available: Please choose the saddle pad that is large enough to cover the dimensions of your saddle panels to ensure proper fit.

MEDIUM: The cotton pad measures 18" between the rolls and 23" including the rolls.

LARGE: The cotton pad measures 19.25" between the rolls and 24" including the rolls.

Cotton Based Design gives your Ultra ThinLine a whole NEW LEVEL of Performance by making it 2 pads in 1. To be used Alone OR on TOP of your regular pad.

Spine FREE, wither profile creates the MOST COMFORTABLE FIT.

Cotton Underside, Edged with Sheepskin for extra shock absorption without the bulk.

Easy to Add Shims; only takes a few seconds to change.

Aids in Front to Back Saddle Slippage. If you need to prevent side to side AND front to back saddle slippage, choose the Contour Pads.

Choose White or Black

Very Washable in Cold Water, Mild Soaps and Detergents can be used, BUT PLEASE DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE DRYER! Hang to dry.

Keep your ThinLine AWAY from chemicals such as SHOW SHEEN.

Información adicional

Información adicional

VC FUNDING DEALS: Full access to 57,229+ Funding Deals, including breakdowns, terms, and analysis. (View Sample VC Funding Deal. View VC Funding Search )

PRIVATE M&A DEALS: Full access to 56,765+ M&A and Private Equity Deals, including deal multiples, deal advisors, and more. (View Sample M&A Deal. View M&A Deal Search )

INVESTOR RECORDS AND EMAILS: Full access to 19,603+ Investor Profiles, including PE Firms, VC Firms, Angel Groups, & more with PARTNER & EXEC. NAMES AND DIRECT EMAILS! (View Sample Investor Report )

This Report on Trifecta Capital Partners Ltd. is designed to assist in Trifecta research, Trifecta investment and deals analysis, Trifecta capital and fund raising, and obtaining Trifecta investor information.

Trifecta Capital Partners Ltd. Investor Summary

Trifecta Capital Partners Ltd. is a private equity firm. Trifecta Capital Partners Ltd. was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Moscow, Russia.

extang trifecta & headache rack

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extang trifecta & headache rack

Hi all, Have a f350 on order. I have a extang trifecta on my 07 HD2500 that im trading in when my truck comes in. I absolutly love the cover its 6 years old and looks and works perfect still. Comes off in seconds and no hardware left on the truck. It also has a slight bow to it built in and my honda eu3000 just fits under it. Im not going to purchase any other cover than trifecta so that is out of the question. Are there any headache racks that will work with this besides modifying it myself? Has anyone modded a rack for this purpose? Make the brackets different and use like bumper bolts to mount it i was thinking. Then just deal with the small bumps from bracket and carrige bolts with the gasket. But id rather buy one if possible. Enough projects laying around

looks kind of like no one has. that's to bad I to need to do same thing but was going to get a 3000 series Racket lumber rack so when I pull my trailer to the lake I can put my boat on top of my rack. but out of 7 deferent dealers all say same thing they wont or don't make a rack that will work with a Tonnuo cover

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0-60 with Trifecta Tune

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0-60 with Trifecta Tune

2007 2.2L L-61 With 4T-45E Automatic

Bone stock, factory airbox, factory exhaust, no tune 0-60 9.12 second average over four runs.

GMPP Intake, GMPP Exhaust, Trifecta Tune 0-60 7.73 second average over four runs.

These date from 2011 and were measured using a RaceLogic "Performance Box" timer/G force meter.

According to my notes from back then the air temp was 64 degrees with a 36% relative humidity, winds calm, pavement concrete, tires Mastercraft Avenger Touring LSR V/H Rated, fuel Shell V-Power 97 Octane Premium, mileage on vehicle 63,277.

Originally Posted by prod

Another thing that is common in performance tuning these engines is to remove the programmed enrichment delay. Because the throttle is drive-by-wire with no mechanical linkage, the factory gm tune will not give full power for the first couple seconds, rolling onto the gas gradually. This helps with fuel economy and smoother operation, but not helpful on the dragstrip.

That's right Prod, CJ mentioned the Trifecta tune lifted all limiters, which is why it's called a "Wide Open Tune" (WOT)

Originally Posted by 843de

2007 2.2L L-61 With 4T-45E Automatic

Bone stock, factory airbox, factory exhaust, no tune 0-60 9.12 second average over four runs.

GMPP Intake, GMPP Exhaust, Trifecta Tune 0-60 7.73 second average over four runs.

These date from 2011 and were measured using a RaceLogic "Performance Box" timer/G force meter.

According to my notes from back then the air temp was 64 degrees with a 36% relative humidity, winds calm, pavement concrete, tires Mastercraft Avenger Touring LSR V/H Rated, fuel Shell V-Power 97 Octane Premium, mileage on vehicle 63,277.

Interesante. You would think the LE8 would have a slight upper hand since on paper it has a higher HP/Torque output. Granted I only ran 1 run, so maybe it would improve after a few runs and getting the tune to really open up?

Either way - I've been bitten by the performance bug, and already started thinking about replacing the valves, rods, cams, and pistons to get the max out of a ZZP turbo kit. Car is paid off and those upgrades would be cheaper than trading my 1LT in for an SS. Plus having piece of mind knowing my LT has been babied since I bought it with 29K miles over another car where no one knows but the previous owner.

IMHO-The slight horsepower advantage of the LE8 2.2 over the L-61 2.2 is pretty much nullified by the horsepower and torque peaks of the LE8 being moved higher up in the power band.

When accelerating from a standing start, an engine that hits its peak hp and torque earlier, should have a very slight edge and the LE8 gives up a little torque to the L-61.

Lets look at the numbers in stock form.

L-61. 149 hp (111 kW) @ 5600 rpm 152 lb·ft (206 N·m) @ 4000 rpm

LE8. 155 hp (116 kW) @ 6100 rpm (gasoline) 150 lb·ft (203 N·m) @ 4800 rpm (gasoline)

The LE8 engines do gain 6hp and 8ft lbs or torque on E-85, but there are parts of the country like central Carolina where E-85 isn't widely available. So it's not a factor here unless you're Flex-Fuel capable, and willing to hunt down a station selling "corn squeezins".

Originally Posted by 843de

IMHO-The slight horsepower advantage of the LE8 2.2 over the L-61 2.2 is pretty much nullified by the horsepower and torque peaks of the LE8 being moved higher up in the power band.

When accelerating from a standing start, an engine that hits its peak hp and torgue earlier, should have a very slight edge and the LE8 gives up a little torque to the L-61.

Lets look at the numbers in stock form.

L-61. 149 hp (111 kW) @ 5600 rpm 152 lb·ft (206 N·m) @ 4000 rpm

LE8. 155 hp (116 kW) @ 6100 rpm (gasoline) 150 lb·ft (203 N·m) @ 4800 rpm (gasoline)

The LE8 engines do gain 6hp and 8ft lbs or torque on E-85, but there are parts of the country like central Carolina where E-85 isn't widely available. So it's not a factor here unless you're Flex-Fuel capable, and willing to hunt down a station selling "corn squeezins".

Does 85 make that much of a difference in LE8's? When I was consistently running 85 in my 2011 2.2 I thought it made a slight difference in performance, but then again I just thought it was also in my head. Wanting more out of nothing I guess is the way to explain it. I have an 85 station about 2 minutes away from my house which makes it easy to switch. If it makes that much of a difference I'll switch back to 85 for the summer months. 100+ degree weather here in south Texas makes my 2.2 really sluggish.

Nvm on the e85 in the 2.2LAP's. Spoke with zoomer at zzp since I'm getting ready to order their longtube and dp combo. I asked him if 85 would affect the dp cat and he said there's no reason to run 85 on a 2.2. He did not elelaborate as to why.

So today I was on the same strip of road with my 2010 auto SS, and decided to see what the 0-60 would be.

In D gear and had competitive mode on, without launching the car it did it in 7.82. Boost maxed out around 10.2 PSI.

Interesting to see my LT ran it faster with the GMPP intake, exhaust and trifecta tune. My auto SS is bone stock, but this definitely makes the urge to get the GMTU, new intake, exhaust, and trifecta tune sooner than I was planning.

I still have the LT (and it's still insured until the 15th), so I might have to do this test again to make sure that initial run in this post was accurate. I find it hard to believe it beat the auto SS to 60 MPH.

Well that's certainly interesting. I'm hoping to learn more about the 2.2, I know the 2.0L inside and out and finally understand VVT now that I've completely broken it down. I'm purchasing the mechanics special HHR listed here yesterday. Need a winter car while Harley(08SS) and the Joker(08LT) go under the knife. I'm going to tear out the motor as soon as it gets here, rebuild the bottom end, and try to stuff a turbo in there! I'm going to get creative and make the intake and charge piping myself.

I've read you cant use HP on the earlier HHRs, hopefully I can with the 08.

HPT site says 06-11 HHR 2.0, 2.2, 2.4 (2.2 in 2007 + Only) oh and I almost for got about lasater. it will do the LS1 family as well.

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TriFecta™ Dishwasher


Roving Banker:

Roving Banker is a way to place three bets based on your selection of a banker. This is available for Trifecta and First4. Your banker selection is then 'rovered' for 1st, 2nd and 3rd position - giving you three seperate bets.

If you select 'Roving Banker', you will get three bets

Bet 1: The Roving Banker (First group) for first with the Second group for second with the Third group for third.

Bet 2: The Second group for first with the Roving Banker (First group) for second with the Third group for third.

Bet 3: The Second group for first with the Third group for second with the Roving Banker (First group) for third.

The amount is the bet unit - 50 cents, $1 or multiples of $1

• The three bets are sold separately and will appear on the Activity report as thee entries. Bets placed close to closing time may only be partially sold. Bet early. • If Field is chosen, the runners at the time of the bet will be shown eg 1..4, 6..11 means 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11 on the activity report.

Percentage Roving Banker:

You can now place a Percentage Roving Banker Trifecta online at tab. co. nz! So if you're confident that a runner will be amongst the first three home, try a Percentage Roving Banker Trifecta

Smarter Trifecta

Want to win Trifectas more often? We've put together some tips and betting strategies that could make a big difference

Smart Tip One: Play the Percentages

Increase your chances dramatically by adding more runners to your boxed Trifecta. Adding just one runner to a 3 runner Boxed Trifecta gives you 300% more combinations. And by using 'Percentage betting" you can box several runners for as little as $5. read more | view video

Smart Tip Two: Upweight your Percentage

Cover more of the field by spending a little bit more but doing it smartly. Just $2 more on a smarter Trifecta bet can increase the number of chances you get by more than double. read more | view video

Smart Tip Three: Bank on the Banker

Roving Banker can save you at least 25%* on most standard boxed Trifecta bets. read more | view video

Smart Tip Four: Easybet can be a Smart bet

Easybets are far smarter than a simple lucky dip, as selections are generally weighted towards the favourites. Lee mas

* Comparing single Roving Banker Trifecta bets with equivalent standard Boxed Trifecta bets with four runners or more.

Pendiente de la esperanza

Three huge NASDAQ names just released earnings, and it seems they are blow-outs. (I don’t have positions in any of these, or the NASDAQ itself, for one simple reason: there isn’t one bearish thing to any of these charts). Looks like lifetime highs on all three coming tomorrow:

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About Trifecta Technologies Inc

Trifecta provides business-driven web solutions. Custom and Mobile Applications, IBM Smarter Commerce solutions, Salesforce Cloud Integration

Trifecta consultants and technical staff are experts in designing, building and delivering business-driven web solutions. We help our clients gain a competitive advantage by using web technologies to make their businesses more responsive to market opportunities and threats, strengthen relationships with customers, suppliers and partners, improve productivity and reduce information technology costs.

Trifecta specializes in IBM Smarter Commerce solutions and offers our own Store-in-a-Box eCommerce solution. Another specialty is our Salesforce Cloud Integration solutions - Trifecta is a Salesforce. com(R) Silver Cloud Alliance Partner. Almost every project today also requires some aspect of mobility and the Trifecta team is also recognized as experts in Mobile App development.


To win a Trifecta you must select first . second and third in correct order.

A Trifecta bet is available on every race at every meeting provided there are at least four (4) or more runners.

With a Trifecta you can specify the Maximum Spend you wish to make. The minimum investment per combination is 1% and the Maximum Spend per ticket must be in multiples of a $1. The minimum Spend is $3 unless your investment per combination is 100%. Dividends are calculated and declared on a $1 basis. For further details, see the Fractional Betting page.

Keep a look out for Trifecta jackpots. If there are no winning units on a Trifecta, the pool jackpots to another meeting at a future date. The jackpot pool is always carried over to a meeting of the same code of racing. Please note that partial jackpots occur when the total of winning investments is less than 100%.

There are several ways to take a Trifecta bet:


For a standard Trifecta you have to select first, second and third in the correct finishing order. This gives you just one combination to win. See an example in Netbet Express.


A Box Trifecta increases your chance to win a Trifecta. By 'boxing' your selections you cover all the possible combinations involving those runners. For example, three (3) runners boxed will cover all six (6) possible combinations. You can box as many runners as you like. See an example in Netbet Express.


A Multiple Trifecta allows you take as many runners as you like for each placing. For example, you can take three (3) runners for first, five (5) runners for second and twelve (12) runners for third. Providing one of your runners selected for first runs first, one of your runners selected for second runs second and one of your runners selected for third runs third then you win the Trifecta. See an example in Netbet Express.


If you feel there is a 'sure thing' to win a race, then a Banker Trifecta might be for you. You could make your 'sure thing' a Banker and couple it with two (2) or more runners to finish second and third. Your Banker has to win the race and your selections for second and third must finish second and third to win the Trifecta. See an example in Netbet Express.


If you have a 'sure placegetter', you can take it as a Roving Banker Trifecta with two or more other runners. Providing your Roving Banker selection runs a place and your 'other' selections fill the other placings then you win the Trifecta. Likewise, if you have two (2) 'sure placegetters', you can take those two as a Double Roving Trifecta with one or more other runners. Providing your two (2) Double Roving selections run two of the placings and one of your other selections fills the remaining placing, you win the Trifecta. See an example in Netbet Express.


If one of your selections is declared a 'non-runner' or is scratched after you have placed your bet, your money will be refunded on every combination that includes the scratched runner.

The Trifecta of Identification

Christine Schanes Consultant, public educator, attorney

When a homeless person has a certified copy of his/her birth certificate, a state-issued photo identification card (or driver's license) and an original social security card, he/she possesses "The Trifecta of Identification." Having possession of these three forms of ID is often the threshold issue for a homeless person to access many services. In order to receive needed identification documentation, a homeless person may have to overcome numerous hurdles.

Throughout the United States, government entities often provide direct services and/or fund services for unhoused people. However, access to these services generally requires the production of one or more personal identification documents on the part of the homeless person.

For example, the County of San Diego, CA, provides County Medical Services (CMS) for uninsured, low-income individuals who have immediate or long-term medical needs. In order to qualify for CMS, an individual must have identification documents: a certified copy of his/her birth certificate, a California photo identification card (or driver's license) and a social security card. In addition, a divorce decree or death certificate of a spouse is required, if applicable.

Unfortunately, many homeless people do not have any form of identification. ¿Por qué? A homeless person's ID may be lost in the disruptive process of losing his/her home and many of his or her possessions. Further, without shelter, a homeless person may lose his/her ID because he/she does not have a consistently secure place to keep identification documentation. Finally, without shelter, a person is often exposed to inclement weather and may be vulnerable to acts of theft and violence through which his/her ID is lost.

While state requirements may differ, the steps in the State of California for getting identification documentation can present a host of hurdles for a homeless person, as can be seen as follows. A. Certified Copy of a California Birth Certificate

To get a certified copy of a California birth certificate, a person needs to 1) Determine whether he/she is authorized to obtain a certified copy or only an informational copy For a full listing of authorized individuals, see http://www. cdph. ca. gov/certlic/birthdeathmar/Documents/Certified-Copies-Birth-and-Death-PAMPHLET-(11-10)-MERGED. pdf

2) Download from a computer, or get, the California Department of Public Health Pamphlet, How To Obtain Certified Copies Of Birth And Death Records Available at the immediately above referenced website.

3) Download, or get, the Application for Certified Copy of Birth Record

4) Sign and have notarized the Sworn Statement, attached to the application, which contains the declaration that the registrant is entitled by law to receive an authorized copy of the birth certificate

5) Pay $16 for the certified California birth certificate

6) Mail the completed application form, notarized sworn statement and check or money order to CDPH Vital Records See http://www. cdph. ca. gov/certlic/birthdeathmar/pages/certifiedcopiesofbirthdeathrecor ds. aspx B. California Photo Identification Card

To get an original photo identification card from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), a person needs to 1) Visit a DMV office 2) Complete application form DL 44 3) Give a thumb print 4) Have his/her picture taken 5) Provide his/her social security number 6) Verify his/her birth date and legal presence through a certified copy of his/her birth certificate or other acceptable documents 7) Pay the application fee. A reduced fee based on income may be available through a public assistance program. See http://www. dmv. ca. gov/dl/dl_info. htm C. California Driver's License

To get an original driver's license from the DMV, a person over 18 years of age needs to 1) Visit a DMV office 2) Complete application form DL 44 3) Give a thumb print 4) Have his/her picture taken 5) Provide his/her social security number 6) Verify his/her birth date and legal presence through a certified copy of his/her birth certificate or other acceptable document 7) Provide his/her true full name 8) Pay the application fee 9) Pass a vision exam 10) Pass a traffic laws and sign test. See http://dmv. ca. gov/dl/dl_info. htm In order drive a car in the State of California, a person under 18 years of age must qualify for a provisional permit and supply the signatures of his/her parents, legal guardian or person(s) having actual full and complete custody. For further details, see http://dmv. ca. gov/dl/dl_info. htm#SSN

D. Duplicate California Photo ID or Driver's License

To a apply for a duplicate (lost or stolen) photo identification card or driver's license from the DMV, a person needs to 1) Visit a DMV office 2) Complete application form DL 44 3) Give a thumb print 4) Have his/her picture taken 5) Pay the application fee A reduced fee based on income may be available through a public assistance program. No fee for a senior citizen (62 years of age). See http://www. dmv. ca. gov/dl/dl_info. htm E. Social Security Card

To apply for a new Social Security number, a U. S. born citizen age 12 or older needs to 1) Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5) 2) Produce two original or certified copies of documents proving a. U. S. Citizenship through such documents as a U. S. birth certificate or U. S. consular report of birth or U. S. passport or Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship b. Age through such documents as a U. S. birth certificate or passport c. Identity through such documents as a U. S. driver's license, or state-issued non-driver identification card or U. S. passport or Employee ID card or school ID card, or health insurance card (not a Medicare card) or U. S. military ID card3) Take the completed application and original documents to a Social Security office and be interviewed See http://www. ssa. gov/ss5doc/?ID=ori&Selfchild=self&Status=us18&Submit=Submit

To get an original social security card for a U. S. born citizen under 12 years of age, a parent or legal guardian needs to 1) Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5); and Show documents proving the child's: a. U. S. citizenship; segundo. Age c. Identity 2) Show proof of the parent's or legal guardian's identity. 3) Take the completed application and original documents to a Social Security office. See http://www. ssa. gov/ss5doc/?ID=ori&Selfchild=child&Status=us&Submit=Submit For further details about applying for a social security card for foreign-born citizens or noncitizens, see http://www. socialsecurity. gov/ss5doc/ F. Replacement Social Security Card

To get a replacement social security card, a person needs to 1) Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5) 2) Show original or certified copies of documents proving Identity and U. S. citizenship or immigration status, if not a U. S. citizen. 3) Take or mail the completed application and documents to a Social Security office. Any documents mailed will be returned. See http://ssa-custhelp. ssa. gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/251

To get a replacement social security card for a child, a parent or legal guardian needs to 1) Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5). 2) Show original or certified copies of documents proving the child's identity and U. S. citizenship, current, lawful, work-authorized status if the child is not a U. S. citizen 3) Show a document proving the parent's or legal guardian's identity. 4) Take (or mail) the completed application and documents to a Social Security office See http://www. socialsecurity. gov/ss5doc/?ID=rep&Selfchild=child&Status=us&Submit=Submit For further details about replacing a social security card for foreign-born citizens or noncitizens, see http://www. socialsecurity. gov/ss5doc/ G. Mailing Address

In addition to meeting the requirements to obtaining a certified birth certificate, personal identification card (or driver's license) and social security card, a homeless person must also overcome the hurdle of having no home address so that he/she can receive the mailed documents. To overcome this hurdle, a homeless person needs to find an alternative acceptable mailing address. Sometimes, nonprofit organizations will offer to serve as a mailing address for a homeless person.

Having patience may or may not be considered as a hurdle to getting identification documents. However, patience is a necessary attribute for any applicant for identification documents, including a homeless person, because each identification document can take anywhere from weeks to months to be received through the mail.

Certainly, the time and effort needed to overcome the hurdles to securing the required identification documentation may delay the receipt of said documents and as a result delay the services needed by a homeless person. Sometimes, these hurdles prove insurmountable for a homeless person and vital services are not received.

Occasionally, the certified birth certificate, a state-issued photo identification card (or driver's license) and an original social security card are collectively referred to as, "The Holy Trinity of Identification," a reference to religious belief in The Holy Trinity: God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

However, I prefer to refer to these three documents as "The Trifecta of Identification." A trifecta is a type of bet in a horse race in which the gambler must select the first three finishers in exact order. Like the gambler winning a trifecta, getting "The Trifecta of Identification" is far from a "sure bet" for a homeless person.

Espero tus comentarios. Gracias. Christine


This trifecta of shocks will bring market correction: Money manager

Shakeups in several parts of the world may threaten U. S. markets but also provide opportunity, according to one money manager.

“The potential trifecta of shocks from Greece, Puerto Rico, and China all occurring at once…the potential selloff might give us an opportunity,” said Jimmy Lee, CEO of Wealth Consulting Group, a wealth management firm with approximately $500 million under advisory and a total asset under management of $1 billion.

Despite all the uncertainties, U. S. markets have thus far been able to weather the storm. American equities are still flat for the year. But Lee has been waiting for a correction and said he’s “excited as opposed to being scared.”

The S&P 500 (^GSPC ) has not seen a fall of more than 10% since 2011.

The money manager is advising his clients to buy on the dip in sectors like healthcare (IXJ ) and consumer staples (XLP ). Lee believes it’s “an opportunity to be defensive sooner than expected and the opportunity to get invested again at lower levels.”

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“The whole healthcare sector in general, we’re bullish on,” said Lee. He said healthcare performs well in the late stages of the business cycle, which we are entering. But Lee still thinks the prices of the stocks in the sector are priced “more higher than where we like to have it.”

Lee is still bullish on the consumer staples sector though it is one of three sectors -- the others being energy (XLE ) and utilities (XLU ) -- expected to post negative earnings growth for the second quarter. His positioning is based on when “we have a correction and there’s a lot of people looking for safety, consumer staples names are one place, they’ll look for.”

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We are all looking for cheap Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover to buy (or the cheapest). I like Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover because they give you the best part quality. I found that we can buy Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover at very cheap prices from here compared to retail prices.

Entry Level Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover Reviews

And now for some short reviews of the best rated entry level Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover for sale online. We are mostly going to be looking at Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover. Discount Today . Click To Get Special Discount and More Info!!

Finding the best Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover For the Money

To start with you want to find a quality entry level Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover that is good enough to let you check if you will enjoy.

What makes the Best Beginner Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover for the Money?

Depending on your budget you are going to have to compromise on components, but that does not mean you should get poor quality components. There are many components that might not be top of the range but are still really good. Youwill need to ask yourself a few questions before you narrow down your choice. Special Price . Click To Get More Details!!

What is your Budget to buy Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover ?

Depending on your budget you can get a really good Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover . the more you spend the more likely you are to have quality components. Here are some of the best and cheapest Extang 46405Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover available, you can choose and compare between them, then decide which one suits your needs and budget. Also, try to check the customers reviews in the page to know what people think about this productand wether they are satisfied or not. i think Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover is good entry level product. Extang 46405 Trifecta Signature Tonneau Cover prices are mostly governed by the components used. Whatever the case you should try to get as many quality components you can within your budget.

Think Tank Trifecta 8 Mirrorless Backpack

Think Tank Trifecta 8 Mirrorless Backpack

The Trifecta is specifically designed for your three workhorse lenses. Access your ultra-wide, mid-range, and/or telephoto zoom lenses with peace of mind. Available in two sizes, it gives you access to DSLR or Mirrorless systems without having to take off your bag.

Perfect for any shooter on the move, the rear panel opening offers complete access to your gear when you need to work directly out of your bag. You can also configure it for photo and/or personal items. The slim silhouette is comfortable and appealing, and helps you easily navigate through crowds. With the Trifecta, enjoy quick access and be ready “before the moment.”

3 points of gear access: right side, left side and rear panel

Access to the Mirrorless equivalent of the DSLR 70–200mm f2.8, attached to a body in the Trifecta 8 (fits 70–200mm f2.8 attached to DSLR body in the Trifecta 10)

Dedicated tablet pocket in rear compartment: up to 8” in Trifecta 8 (and up to 10” in Trifecta 10)

Dividers convert from right-handed to left-handed access

Contoured design helps you navigate easily through crowds

Additional top compartment fits lunch or other essentials

Convert one or both side compartments to fit personal gear or a large water bottle

Included: tripod attachment strap secures a tripod to the front panel

Stretchable front pocket for a water bottle

Robust shoulder harness with adjustable sternum strap for all day comfort

Contoured back panel provides targeted cushioning as well as overall breathability

Top compartment mesh pockets help to organise small items

Internal organiser pockets give you quick access to filters, batteries, cards, etc.

Included: seam-sealed rain cover helps to protect your gear: stows away inside backpack when not in use

1 medium to large Mirrorless body with lens attached, 2–5 additional lenses, up to an 8” tablet, plus personal gear.

Example 1: Sony a7 with 70–200mm f4 attached, 24–70mm f4, 16–35mm f4, and an iPad mini.

Example 2: Canon Rebel t5i with a 55–250mm f4–5.6 attached, 10–18mm f4.5–5.6 IS, 18–55mm f3.5–5.6, 50mm f1.8, and an iPad mini.

Trifecta 10 DSLR Backpack:

1 standard size DSLR body with lens attached, 2–4 additional lenses, up to a 10” tablet, plus personal gear.

Example 1: Nikon D810 with 70–200 f2.8 attached, 24–70 f2.8, 14–24mm f2.8 and an iPad.

Example 2: Canon 5DMIII with 100mm f2.8L macro attached, 85mm f1.2L, 50mm f1.2L, 35mm f1.4L, 24mm f1.4L and an iPad.

Interior Dimension: 24 x 26 x 11.5 cm (9.4” W x 10.2” H x 4.5” D)

Exterior Dimension: 29 x 45 x 14.5 cm (11.4” W x 17.7” H x 5.7” D)

8” Tablet Pocket: 17 x 24 x 1 cm (6.7” W x 9.4” H x 0.4” D)

Weight (with all accessories): 1 kg

Exterior: for superior water-resistance, all exterior fabric has a durable water-repellant (DWR) coating, plus the underside of the fabric has a polyurethane coating. It also has 600D twill, YKK® RC fuse zippers, 420D high-density nylon, ultra-stretch mesh, nylon webbing, nylon air-mesh, 3-ply bonded nylon thread.

Interior: removable closed cell foam dividers, polyurethane backed liner and dividers, 210D silver-toned nylon, Super-Grip velex, hexa mesh, 2x polyurethane coated nylon 190T seam-sealed rain cover, 3-ply bonded nylon thread.

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2016 В© Clifton Cameras. Todos los derechos reservados.

RBL Bank invests Rs 50 cr in Trifecta Capital's venture debt fund

BS Reporter | New Delhi Mar 20, 2015 12:28 AM IST

RBL Bank (formerly known as Ratnakar Bank) announced on Thursday it would be anchor investor in Trifecta Capital’s Venture Debt Fund, an alternative investment fund with a commitment of Rs 50 crore.

The move provides RBL Bank the opportunity to support the emerging venture debt market in India.

The fund will focus on providing structured debt to high-growth start-ups, that have raised Series-A or Series-B rounds of equity funding. The fund plans to deploy venture debt of Rs 125-150 crore a year.

“RBL Bank is dedicated to supporting the growth of entrepreneurship and innovation in India. Through our investment in the Trifecta Capital Venture Debt Fund, we have the ability to cater to this growing demand for specialised financing,” said Rajeev Ahuja, head (strategy) at RBL Bank.

Trifecta Capital has been founded by Rahul Khanna, former managing director, Canaan Partners; and Nilesh Kothari, former managing director of Accenture. The two jointly have 40 years of investing, lending and operating experience in institutional platforms.

“Our goal is to be the preferred provider of structured finance to the new economy in India. We are delighted to have RBL Bank, a very progressive and fast-growing financial institution, as the anchor investor in our maiden venture debt fund. We look forward to growing the venture debt market and making the most of this partnership,” said Khanna, co-founder of Trifecta Capital.

The Indian venture capital (VC) system has grown significantly in the past decade. In 2014, VC funds invested $2.1 billion, an increase of 47.7 per cent from 2013 when VC funds invested $1.4 billion, according to data compiled by VCCEdge, the financial research arm of VCCircle. com.

Venture debt can complement venture capital. “Trifecta would provide much needed debt financing to some of our portfolio companies,” said Pradeep Tagare, investment director at Intel Capital India.

Trifecta Venture Debt Fund will invest in secured debt instruments with attached equity warrants of high-growth companies backed by leading VC funds and provide domestic investors a unique opportunity to co-invest with the best. The fund will have a low-risk profile by leveraging its proprietary risk management framework and portfolio diversification strategy. Distributions will be made quarterly, providing investors with early and more predictable returns.

While the Venture Debt asset class is relatively new in India; it’s a significant component of the venture capital ecosystem in the US as well as Europe, comprising 10-15 per cent of all venture capital deployed on an annual basis.

“Venture Debt has a risk reward profile that is favoured by investors like pension funds, endowments and insurance companies and now Indian investors also have this opportunity available,” said Arvind Mathur, president, Indian Venture Capital Association.

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Trifecta Signature Series Tri-Fold Tonneau Cover by Extang

The Trifecta Signature Series Tri-Fold Tonno Cover includes all the great features of the traditional Trifecta truck tonneau cover, but it is manufactured with premium, upgraded vinyl-backed black canvas material for added style and durability.

Installation on Extang Tonneau Covers takes an average of 40 mintues. There is no drilling and no tools required except for the alan wrench which is supplied by Extang. Everything you need for a great looking tonno cover is included in your kit!

Good people make great products. Team Extang is a group of hard working, truck loving people that have the team spirit needed to create and build the best and most improved truck accessories (well, some are truck lovers, some drive those other things). Extang is race proven to be the toughest tonneau covers on the market today. They have more design patents than ALL other tonneau companies combined. One of the most famous it the adjustable all-weather snaps featured on the Classic Platinum and the BlackMax tonneaus. Another is the "ClickLock" tail rail attachment. No wonder Extang is the leader in innovative features and the highest quality engineering and manufacturing. No wonder Extang is the most copied. When you want the best tonneaus and accessories for your truck, then simply Extang it. You'll never regret it!

Extang engineered tri-fold style tonneau cover. Fast, easy, no assembly required. No tools.

Extang engineered with precision. 45 steel corner brackets, commercial grade rails and I-Beam style Monster Bows provide unparalleled strength.

SafetyKlamps: Extremely strong glass-filled nylon construction, will never break. Secure cab section by hand tightening thread clamps with built-in heavy-duty handle.

SpeedKlamps: Rear tail section clamps operate with spring action handle for instant fasten and release. Clamp conveniently stows away inside rail when not in use

MaxHinges: Ultra-strong, rugged, double pivot design made of durable glass-filled nylon and feature protective padding.

Heavy-duty luggage style Hold-Tite fasteners secure the tonneau in the open position at the cab. Provide quick and easy storage when hauling large cargo.

Premium, Upgraded Vinyl-Backed Black Canvas Tarp

Maximum Strength Lifetime Warranty.

Opiniones del producto

Average User Rating:

Proven System for Picking the Kentucky Derby Winner - $19.95

The system utilizes the "Proven Winning Kentucky Derby Profile" to identify those horses that have the CORRECT pedigree and 2-year old and 3-year old racing campaigns for winning the Derby.

It has been successful in 6 of the last 13 years in picking the winner!

Not only has it picked the winner but hit the Exacta in 7 of the last 13 years, the Trifecta in 5 of the 13 years and even hit the Superfecta in 3 of those years.

Here is a copy of a winning Superfecta ticket that a happy customer sent to me after cashing in for $2,795.80 in the 2003 Derby.

" I found your " Proven Winning Derby Profile " very interesting and a helpful addition to my own handicapping techniques. Like you, I have been handicapping the Derby for 30 plus years but was not aware of your pedigree trends. It is what helped my put together this winning ticket which only cost me $6 and got back $2,795.80. Thank you and keep up the good work.". D. Paulsen.

If you are a Kentucky Derby player or follower, you know what the payoff prices have been during recent years.

The 10 year average is $1,483 for the $2 Exacta, $2,966 for the $2 Trifecta and $145,611 for the $1 Superfecta.

Do not look for all of the favorites to finish in-the-money this year as the field is again very competitive!

However, the Kentucky Derby is the MOST Difficult horse race to handicap because most horses are trying the 1 1/4 Mile distance for the first time in their young racing career.

This is a distance that most of them will NEVER race at again. This is why having the correct PROVEN pedigree is critical to having a legitimate chance of winning!

Horses change MOST dramatically in their 3-year old season. Either in improving or regressing! Some grow and mature both physically and mentally while others regress.

The challenge we have handicapping the Kentucky Derby is being able to CORRECTLY predict those that have the BEST chance of improving AND regressing as they prepare for the running of the Roses!

To be successful at handicapping the Kentucky Derby, you must be able to separate the Derby Contender s from the Pretenders!

It has been Proven year in and out. that certain bloodlines show the ability to improve most, early in their 3-year old campaign and are able to race at the 1 1/4 Mile distance of the Kentucky Derby. Provided they have not raced too little or too much in their 2 and 3-year old campaigns!

The Proven Winning Derby Profile uses 22 Proven Factors to rank each horse based on pedigree and past racing experience. It zeros in on the 4 horses that are the MOST likely to win as well as those that should be used in the Exacta, Trifecta and Superfecta wagers. This method has worked successfully over the years.

Another challenge in wagering on the Kentucky Derby is the size of the betting fields. There is a maximum of 20 horses that can be entered. When structuring Trifecta and Superfecta wagers it becomes very confusing what to do!

To be successful at cashing in on the large Exotic wagers, it requires a betting strategy that provides maximum coverage in a 20 horse field for the least amount of dollars invested!

Included with the Proven Winning Derby Profile is our powerful wagering strategy for the Exacta, Trifecta and Superfecta bets. Remember this is the strategy that helped the customer above cash that nice $2,795.80 Superfecta ticket for just $6.

In 2009 a simple "Bottom Wheel" Exacta using Pioneerof the Nile with the field returned a whopping $2,074.80 for a $2 wager that ONLY cost us $36.

In 2010 the "Proven Winning Derby Profile" ranked Ice Box as top rated closley followed by Super Saver as the 2nd choice.

Because of the wet, sloppy track, Ice Box was not able to close enough ground in the stretch to catch Super Saver.

The Super Saver / Ice Box Exacta paid $152.40.

A $20 Exacta Box of the top 2 rated horses by the "Proven Winning Profile" returned $ 1,524.00.

After you download the System, all you will need is the Racing Form or Past Performances from any available source to identify the Key Horse to Win and the main Contenders for the Exacta, Trifecta & Superfecta.

The System provides you with links to where you can download FREE past performances for each Derby horse.

For the stats that require you to know the various critical bloodlines, you are provided with the list of horses that have those bloodlines!

The System is very easy to understand and use.

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Extang Trifecta Tonneau Covers

Fast, user-friendly tri-fold tonneau Easy to install. Fácil de usar. No tools. Simply place on truck bed, secure SafetyKlamps at the cab, unfold, secure SpeedKlamps at the tail. Its that fast

Extang precision and strength Extang Engineered with Precision. 45° steel corner brackets, commercial grade rails and I-Beam style Monster Bows provide unparalleled strength.

SafetyKlamps: secure & strong Extremely strong glass-filled nylon construction, will never break. Secure cab section by simply hand tightening threaded clamps with built-in heavy-duty handle.

SpeedKlamps: instant access Rear tail section clamps operate with spring action handle for instant fasten and release. Clamp conveniently stows away inside rail when not in use.

MaxHinges: built to last Ultra-strong, rugged, double pivot design. MaxHinges are made of durable glass-filled nylon and feature protective padding.

Seal out weather and dust WeatherTuff Seals - pro-grade Labyrinth rail seals exceed OEM standards. Seals at all contact points to protect the truck's finish and keep weather and dust out.

Convenient storage Heavy-duty luggage style Hold-Tite fasteners secure the tonneau in the open position at the cab. Provides quick and easy storage when hauling large cargo.

Designed for great looks The Trifecta feautes a rich looking all-black fram. Perfectly sewn, tight fitting tarp with anti curl conrners provide for extremely good looks - an Extang tradition.

¡Hecho en los EEUU!

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